You Came For Me !?

" Tanvi cool down first. Actually he is a very good person and also he is like my own brother. I can't leave him like that in a situation like this right ??. So, can you please do this favour for me !? " Diya asked Tanvi.

Tanvi didn't reply.

" Hello... Tanvi are you there !? " Diya asked Tanvi.

" Hmm " Tanvi replied in a low voice.

" For my sake.... Will you !? " Diya asked Tanvi in a pleasing tone.

Tanvi thought for sometime and said with mockery " For your sake, for Niha's sake, for your brother Anderson's sake, for my family's sake and for everyone's sake in this whole world. I'll go. okay ?? Are you happy now ?? ".

" Well... I understood your sarcasm. But thank you so much for doing this favour Tanvi. I know you'll go. You are like a prickly pear. You seems very tough on outside, but inside you are very soft and sweet " Diya said to Tanvi.

" Keep your words to yourself " Tanvi said to Diya stolidly.

" Okay okay... Do this favour for only this time. And i won't ask for more " Diya said to Tanvi.

" I won't do even if you ask for more. Okay ? " Tanvi said to Diya .

" No no. Never... I'm telling you,, only this time. I'll share his location to you. I'll never forget your help and also definitely I'll repay your kindness one day " Diya said to Tanvi.

" No need. Send his location first " Tanvi said and then she hung up the call.

' Ahh.... This little sister of mine is very irksome. I have to clean up all the mess which she is creating. Previously that Bas**** Ishan Verma now this Anderson. Huh !! Niha I'll kill you for sure... You are pissing me off... ' Tanvi said and then she wore a black coloured skin tight jeans and a white top which perfectly matched her personality. And her hair was hanging down to her waist.

Then she took her mobile and said " Ahh... This little punk told me to call her if i need anything but she forgot to give her number. Very annoying... ".

Later she went downstairs straight to the kitchen. Aunt Chu was preparing for dinner at that time.

" Aunt Chu right !? Yes Aunt Chu i'm heading out. Inform Niha when she comes home. I don't have her number " Tanvi said to Aunt Chu.

" Okay Madam. But where are you going !? " Aunt Chu said to Tanvi.

" To meet one of my friends " Tanvi replied.

" Okay Madam " Aunty Chu said. She didn't ask more questions.

" By the way Aunt Chu how can I get a taxi from here ?? " Tanvi asked Aunt Chu.

" Why taking taxi ?? Young Master's another car is here. I'll ask someone to drop you " Aunt Chu said to Tanvi.

" No thanks. Don't bother. I'll go on my own " Tanvi said to Aunt Chu.

" No Madam. You are new to CHINA. What if something happen to you ?? Young Master will scold me if i send you alone " Aunty Chu said to Tanvi.

Later she added " In addition to that Young Master gave his Audi car keys to me before he was leaving to the office. He told me to use the car if you need anything ".

" I see. It seems like my brother-in-law is a very considerate person " Tanvi said.

" Yes Madam. Our Young Master loves Niha Madam very deeply. Obviously he will treat you well, as you are her sister " Aunty Chu smiled and said to Tanvi.

Tanvi nodded her head. Then She looked at her wrist watch to check the time and said " Alright. Okay Aunt Chu. I'm getting late. I have to leave now ".

" Okay Madam. Let's go " Aunty Chu said to Tanvi.

Then they both walked out of the kitchen. Aunt Chu Hua gave the car key to one of the bodyguards and told him to take Tanvi to wherever she wanted to go.

Tanvi said goodbye and hopped into the car.

" Madam, where do you want to go ?? " The bodyguard asked Tanvi.

Tanvi opened her mobile and showed the location which was sent by Diya to the bodyguard. The bodyguard saw the location and said " Okay Young Madam. We'll reach there in 20 mins ". Tanvi nodded her head. It was already half past six in the evening when they were started.

Tanvi was looking outside from the car window and thinking what to do next. Meanwhile Anderson was almost got drunk in the bar.

After 20 minutes the car finally stopped in front of the ' Dragon Bar & Restaurant '.

Tanvi got off from the car and was standing outside of the bar. She held her phone tightly with her hand while looking at the entrance of the bar in daze. Because this was her first time going to a bar.

" Madam are you okay !? " The bodyguard asked her after noticing her uneasiness.

Tanvi hesitated for a while and later she said " This is my first time going to a bar. Can you please take me inside ?? I'm feeling a little bit nervous ".

The bodyguard laughed out loud and said " Haha... Madam please give me 2 minutes. I'll go and park this car first. Wait here don't go anywhere ".

Tanvi nodded her head and thought ' Huh... Niha for you I even came to this bloody place which i hate the most '.

The bodyguard parked the car and came after 2 mins. Then they both walked inside. The bodyguard was walking behind Tanvi.

Everyone was looking at her when she was walking inside. Even some men tried to approach her but were stopped by the bodyguard.

Tanvi ignored everyone and went inside. She searched for Anderson every nook and cranny of the bar and finally found him at the corner.

" You wait here. I'll go and talk with him " Tanvi said to the bodyguard.

" Okay Madam. I'll watch you from here. Call me if you need any help " The bodyguard said to Tanvi.

Tanvi nodded her head and while she was walking towards Anderson one person came to her with a glass of wine in his hands and said in CHINESE " Hey babe... Are you looking for me ?? Want to have some drinks with meh !? ".

Tanvi gave an angry stare to him. The person didn't say anything and went to his friends.

When Tanvi reached Anderson, he was filling his empty glass again with the wine. When he was about to drink it, Tanvi held his hand firmly.

Anderson got irritated and looked at the person. He was stupified after seeing the person who was standing in front him. He couldn't believe his eyes. So he rubbed his eyes with his hands and looked at the person again. He felt excited after watching the person and said enthusiastically " Ni... Ni... Niha !? It is really you !? I can't believe this Niha. But what are you doing here !? You came for me !? ".

< End Of The Chapter 97 >