You Are Selling Me !!

" Have you guys ordered already ?? " Wang Lei asked them.

" Not yet " Niha replied.

" Okay... Let's order " Wang Lei said.

" Anderson what do you like to eat ?? " Niha asked Anderson.

" Anything " Anderson replied.

Niha nodded her head and ordered food for everyone.

" Why did you come ?? " Niha asked Wang Lei out of the blue.

" What's with that question !? Am i not welcome here ?? " Wang Lei raised his eyebrows and asked Niha.

" I didn't mean that. You said you are not feeling hungry and now you showed up here unexpectedly " Niha said to Wang Lei.

" Niha !! Don't talk to your husband like that. He might felt hungry. That's why he came. Why are you bragging about that ?? " Tanvi said to Niha.

" Excellent.... See... Learn from my sister-in-law " Wang Lei said while clapping his hands.

Tanvi smiled, Meanwhile Niha looked at them surprisingly and said " What the hell !! Since when you both became close ?? ".

" Not a long ago. Do you have any problem with that ?? " Wang Lei asked Niha.

" No. Not at all " Niha replied and sipped some water from the glass.

" Do you want any starter !? " Wang Lei looked at Niha and asked her in a teasing tone.

Niha looked at Wang Lei and understood what he meant. So she said " Not in a mood ".

" I see. Let's talk about it later then " Wang Lei chuckled and said.

While they were talking the waiter brought their food. And they started digging in.

" Hey Anderson...Are you okay !? " Niha asked him after noticing that he didn't speak a word since they came.

" Haa... What ?? " Anderson who was thinking about something asked Niha.

" Omg !! Where are you and what are you even thinking ?? Come back to this world man " Niha said to Anderson.

" Ahh... I... I... I'm enjoying the food " Anderson said to Niha.

" Are you ?? Really !? " Tanvi asked Anderson.

" Yeah " Anderson replied.

Tanvi put the spoon in her hand on the plate. Then she looked at Anderson and said " Hmm.. okay then. Just tell me the name of the dish which you are eating right now ".

When Anderson tried to look into his plate, Tanvi said " Without looking down ".

Anderson looked at Tanvi and said " Haha... Do you think I'm eating it without knowing its name. It is a shrimp... ".

Anderson said and then he took a piece from his plate without looking into the plate and took a bite. Immediately he felt it tastes different and started chewing it slowly.

" Ohh... I see... I don't know that you people in CHINA actually call chicken as shrimp " Tanvi said in a mocking tone.

Later she looked at Wang Lei and asked " Brother-in-law.... You also call this chicken as shrimp ?? ".

" No sister-in-law.... " Wang Lei shook his head and replied.

" Hey... You both stop making fun of him " Niha said to them.

" Anderson... Is everything okay ?? " Niha asked Anderson.

" Yeah " Anderson replied.

" Okay " Niha said to him.

Later Anderson mumbled ' uff... I'm making myself a fool infront of everyone '.

However Tanvi heard that, she leaned towards him and murmured in his ears " You are already a fool ". And then she chuckled.

" You... " Anderson said.

Tanvi grinned and said " Eat your shrimps before its getting cold ".

Anderson didn't say a word. He was eating his food quietly.

" Anderson do you want anything else to eat ?? " Niha asked Anderson.

" A glass of wine " Tanvi replied.

Anderson choked after hearing what Tanvi said.

Tanvi quickly responded, she took a glass of water and gave to Anderson while patting his back with her hand.

Meanwhile Wang Lei, Niha and Kai Heng looked at Tanvi with astonishment.

" Are you a kid ?? You don't even know how to eat ?? " Tanvi said to Anderson angrily.

" Elder sister... What's wrong with you ?? You are behaving very strange today. And now... why are blaming him for your mistake ?? " Niha cut in and said to Tanvi.

" She didn't do anything wrong " Anderson said to Niha.

" You are backing her up " Niha said.

Niha looked at both of them surprisingly. She leaned towards her husband and asked " Ryan what's going on between them ?? ".

" How could I know " Wang Lei replied.


They finished their food and waiting for the bill.

" Anderson... " Someone called him suddenly.

Anderson felt the voice was familiar and looked in that direction.

" Mom... " Anderson exclaimed with surprise.

Mrs.Yang walked towards them.

" Mom what are you doing here ?? " Anderson asked his mother.

" I'm just passing by. I saw your car outside in the parking area and came here " Mrs.Yang said to Anderson.

" Hi Aunty... Please take a seat " Tanvi said to Mrs.Yang politely.

" Hi Tanvi. Thank you my dear. You guys are having lunch ?? Sorry for disturbing you " Mrs.Yang said to them while sitting in the chair.

" No Aunty. We just finished. Bye the way have you had your lunch ?? " Tanvi asked Mrs.Yang.

" Yeah. I already had " Mrs.Yang replied.

Later she looked at Niha, Wang Lei, Kai Heng and asked " Anderson... These people are your friends ?? ".

Anderson nodded his head.

Mrs.Yang looked at Niha and said " You... You are Tanvi's younger sister right ?? ".

" Yeah. Hi aunty. How do you know ?? " Niha asked her.

" Haha... That's very simple. Anyone can tell that " Mrs.Yang said to Niha.

" And you are Young Master Lei right ?? " Mrs.Yang asked Wang Lei .

" Yeh.. Nice to meet you Aunty " Wang Lei said.

Mrs.Yang also greeted him. Later she looked at Kia Heng and said " And this is... ".

" He is my secretary Mr.Kai " Wang Lei said to Mrs.Yang. Kai Heng also greeted her.

" I heard a lot about you Lei ' The Business Monster '. You got married recently right ?? " Mrs.Yang said to Wang Lei.

" Yeah... " Wang Lei replied.

" You both are a match made in heaven " Mrs.Yang said to them.

" Thank you Aunt " Niha and Wang Lei said to Mrs.Yang.

" Mom, if you are done. We'll leave " Anderson said to his mother.

" What's the hurry. I have something else to say " Mrs.Yang said to Anderson. Later she turned to Tanvi and said " Tanvi, I'm here to invite you to the Mid Autumn Festival. I forgot to invite you yesterday. You must come ".

" Mid Autumn Festival !! I'm sorry Aunty. I think i can't come " Tanvi said to Mrs.Yang.

" Why so ?? " Mrs.Yang asked Tanvi.

" Mom. She said she can't come. Don't bother her " Anderson said to his mother.

" You shut up. Tanvi why can't you come ?? " Mrs.Yang asked Tanvi.

" Well... Actually... Aunty I'm visiting Wang Lei's mansion that day " Tanvi said to Mrs.Yang.

" You really can't come ?? " Mrs.Yang held Tanvi's hand and asked her sadly.

" I'm sorry Aunty " Tanvi denied very politely.

Niha suddenly cut in and said " Hey elder sister. I have an idea. Have lunch with us in Lei mansion, after that you can have dinner at their home. How is that ?? ".

" Perfect " Mrs.Yang said.

" Don't worry Aunty. I'll send her to your house " Niha said to Mrs.Yang.

" Okay. Let's stick to that plan. I'll leave now " Mrs.Yang said and then everyone left the restaurant after paying the bill.

Everyone said good bye to Mrs.Yang.

Tanvi looked at Niha angrily.

Niha looked at her elder sister and said " Don't worry elder sister. I'll send you there safely ".

Tanvi folded her hands and said " Niha. You know what ?? You are not sending me. You are selling me !! ".

< End Of The Chapter 107 >