
Li Mingzhu's mother was a third party and didn't even know it.

She was pregnant with Li Mingzhu, was founded by the main wife, and slapped her twice, only to realize that she was a mistress.

Li Mingzhu's dad wrote a good article and talked about a good literary talent. He was the number one player in the debate team when he was in college.

Li Mingzhu's mother was so deceived.

After eating two slaps, she was beaten and kicked out of the house.

Li Mingzhu's mother hasn't reacted yet: Why is she serious about a relationship? When it comes to getting married, she has become a mistress.

These two slaps not only made Li Mingzhu's mother's face swollen for several days but also ruined Li Mingzhu's childhood.

How did her mother know: It's such a poor mental capacity.

The woman who came out of the countryside gave birth to a beautiful face. She was a sloppy beauty who didn't know a few big characters. She was tricked into bed by Li Mingzhu and her father.

This short-sighted woman was originally waiting for a boy, Li Mingzhu to be born.

It's a pity that Li Mingzhu doesn't live up to the idea, and she has lost a piece of meat. She is a baby girl.

Li Mingzhu's mother went crazy.

Before going crazy, she worked as a prostitute for a while and completely abandoned herself.

In such an environment, Li Mingzhu struggled to grow from one foot long, to two feet long, two feet long, and grow to be able to walk on the ground.

It is a miracle that she has not died at the age of six years old.

Everyone thinks that she is a miracle, not only is she not dead, but she is still alive very stubbornly, like a dog's tail grass that can't be stepped on.

Her mother didn't cook for her, so she went to the vegetable market to pick up rotten leaves to eat, boil them in a pot, and stare at her mother viciously while eating.

Li Mingzhu's mother was completely crazy. Once she forgot to tie her mother up, she went crazy on the street and told the electric car to break her leg. The electric car lost a sum of money to Li Mingzhu's mother, three to five hundred yuan.

Li Mingzhu's lunatic mother's lost her legs in exchange for three to five hundred yuan.

She lives in a Hutong. Neighbors in the neighborhood like to love her from time to time, and put her on their lips, saying: Oh, Li Ming ... Li Ming is really a pitiful boy ...

Li Mingzhu chewed on the rotten stuff she picked up expressionlessly. Bitter hatred, after listening to it for a long time, I don't know whether the old thing with half of its foot stepped into the coffin is cursing her mother or cursing her.

Li Mingzhu saved three to five hundred yuan at the age of seven or eight. She was able to learn some truth from the TV set by the landlord opposite the door.

There are some useful truths and some nonsense truths.

But at such a young age, Li Mingzhu firmly remembered what the landlord said about his son every day: what kind of university my son was admitted to, how much money he made in a year, and what big house he lived in.

Although Li Mingzhu didn't understand, why the landlord lived in a soil embryo house because the landlord's son lived in a big house.

She looked back at her mother who was lying on the bed and cursing that bastard, and she understood what the landlord's son was thinking.

Li Mingzhu knew at this time: Studying can make a lot of money.

Can make a lot of money, live in a big house, eat well, wear new clothes, and hire a nanny to take care of her half-dead mother.

Li Mingzhu is very yearning for this. At the age of seven, holding three to five hundred yuan in his hand, he found himself a private elementary school to sign up.

The teacher asked her parents, and she said that the parents were in the toilet and asked herself to do it first.

A private elementary school, like the crucian carp that crosses the river in H city, is for the children of famous agricultural workers who are migrant workers. The teachers are first-class: the first-class is poor.

Li Mingzhu may have inherited her father, who was born to be a speaker. She shook her face in a panic, calm, and fooled around the first-class teachers with poor qualifications.

She took her ID card and household registration booklet with her gender as a male and reported her name.

Li Mingzhu's mother yelled at her for being an unfilial, bastard, a bitch, and not having money to buy meat for her elder mother, to go to school.

Li Mingzhu picked up a stick from the outside. The wrist was so thick that knocked off the head of the bed. As soon as her mother scolded her, she took the stick and hit it on the bed. Li Mingzhu carefully avoided her mother's body and hit the thick bedding as a threat.

Li Mingzhu's expression was so cold that it was not like a child's expression. She said, "Try to say one more sentence."

Li Mingzhu's mother didn't dare to keep yelling, so she shut her mouth.

She threatened her mother with this stick.

Li Mingzhu actually thinks: her mother is right, she just has a mother whore, and what's wrong with going to school for mother whore.

She threatened her mother with a wooden stick, cooked for her at night, waited for her to pee, wash, and cook for her.

Li Mingzhu twelve hours a day, her expression was very gloomy and hostile, unlike a girl.

Occasionally, sitting on her mother's bedside when she was tender, she would reason with her lunatic mother.

She generally speaking this three reason:

First, I want to study

Second, reading to make money

Third, before I make any money, you can not die

Li Mingzhu didn't know that her crazy mother did not understand her reasons. For so many years of being crazy, it's was impossible for her not to die.

In her childhood, Li Mingzhu threatened her mother with a stick, went to the backyard of the breakfast shop to wash dishes, picked up some rotten leaves in the vegetable market, subsidized the family, and survived.

She used a red scarf for six years, the red ones were washed to white, and the blood of the revolutionary martyrs was washed away, and finally, she went to middle school.

In the past six years, Li Mingzhu has been dressed in men's clothing and has never been to the toilet in school. Her hair is always shaved to a small flathead and sits in the classroom upright pretending to be a man.

In the first half of her life, apart from telling herself not to starve to death, the second most important thing in her life was to pretend to be a man.

No matter how great Li Mingzhu's ability and eloquence are, he can't fool the police at the police station.

Her ID was changed to a male by her crazy mother. She didn't know how her mother did it back then, but at this time, she absolutely couldn't do it.

Li Mingzhu can't change society, she can only change herself. Fortunately, pretending to be a man is not a complicated thing. She just needs to study hard, don't talk, her face cold every day, no one wants to be friends with her.

She doesn't need friends, she just needs to have a full meal in a society where everyone eats and drinks well.

This wish finally came true at the end of her middle school.

Li Mingzhu finished middle school with proud grades and ranked among the best. He was directly recommended to key high schools with free tuition.

She also expanded her business at this time and found a new way to get rich: pretending to be a college student and giving some supplementary lessons.

Li Mingzhu is very talented in lying.

She had a sullen face in school, and developed a lot of business privately: for example, helping with homework, helping with exams, and cheating, if you want to, take money to do things.

For a good student like Li Mingzhu, the teacher trusts her very much and never believes that she will help others cheat. Li Mingzhu took advantage of this to help everyone cheat.

It really failed the teacher's trust.

Li Mingzhu thus became proficient in business amid continuous disappointment and intermittent guilt.

Others write one homework during summer vacation. She writes 20 homework during summer vacation. It is not free. It is divided into upper, middle, and lower quality and charges a certain price.

At this time, Li Mingzhu had developed a skill called a humanoid photocopier: three ballpoint pens tied together to write side by side.

When she was doing this less glorious job, her lunatic mother was noisy, and the noises making her unable to work at ease.

Li Mingzhu is very gentle like a scholar. In his homework, he wrote: filial piety has three, great respect and respect for relatives, secondly humiliation, and the next can be raised ... It means that the behavior of filial piety can be divided into three levels: the highest level is words: You can respect your parents both in your behavior and in your heart, and the next best thing is not to beat or insult your parents and treat them well ...

While pumping her mother with a stick, she still withdrew it on the floor, shouting, "Shut up!"

Her mother shut up.

So Li Mingzhu dared to threaten his mother with a stick and also dared to pretend to be a college student.

That's how she met Er Pao.

Er Pao is a silly mouth with a big mouth and a louder voice than his mouth. Every day, he is holding a brick to find people to fight with him. Once he found Li Mingzhu at the door, Li Mingzhu used her mother's stick to shout at Er Pao's crying father and mother. The screams kept going around the beam for three days, and Er Pao became her little brother ever since.

The eldest brother of Er Pao was the one who applied for the permit, and he opened a small door at the entrance of the alley to apply for the permit. He can do all the permits. He is best at handling false permits.

Li Mingzhu is a trustworthy person with a very tight mouth. This is also the point that Er Pao admires.

Her fake college student certificate was also given by Er Pao's brother, Er Li.

There is a reason for Er Pao's brother's student ID was not issued for Li Mingzhu. No matter how frantic his brother is, he can't get a college student ID for Li Mingzhu. Li Mingzhu just graduated from middle school!

So this certificate was stolen by Er Pao while his brother was out to play mahjong.

For this, he paid a heavy price. Li Mingzhu collided with him and said a good brother.

The Er Pao was beaten and his nose was bruised and swollen, and he said worriedly, "Li Ming'er, this is the student ID of Tsinghua University. Can you do it? Why do I think it's a bit fake."

On Li Mingzhu's ID card, the name is: Li Ming.

She took this fake certificate and frowned, "It's not a famous university who wants you."

Er Pao worried for her. It is very risky and difficult for a person who graduated from middle school to pretend to be a student of Tsinghua University ...

But Li Mingzhu is courageous, and the art master is bold, floating on the rivers and lakes, can he still be imaginary.

When Li Mingzhu thinks about it, he still can't understand what is made in the mind of middle school students, and reinforced concrete can't be wrong. She probably had reinforced concrete in her mind at that time.

She took this Tsinghua University diploma and went to apply for the job.

People asked her how she looked like a child. Li Mingzhu followed kindness and talked freely, talking about people and nature from astronomy and geography, which made her parents unable to touch the south, east, west, and north.

"Hey, I am so young. Auntie, don't look at me like that. My mother was now at this age and was mistaken as a college student just the day before yesterday!"

She just lied and didn't write drafts, and even the polygraph could not test.

Li Mingzhu's mouth is so sly that he can turn the dead up and down and say that he is alive. With such a sloppy beard, someone will believe her nonsense.

She lied to her first job in this way. Li Mingzhu had her sense of measure. It would definitely not work if she tutored students in their senior year, but she would not be in a big problem if she tutored second-year middle schoolers.

She is not recommended, she must be the top student in the national high school entrance examination in Z province.

Li Mingzhu has such a good mind.

A person has a very good brain, and his work is too smooth. Once the money is obtained, he must pay something.

When Li Mingzhu was a child, he learned a text called "Sai Weng loses his horse".

She didn't know whether her future would be more blessings or more misfortunes.

But this summer, Li Mingzhu followed the old woman who had come to make up for the grandson who was about to pass the entrance examination because the old woman couldn't support the wall with mud.

This grandson is Lu Yao.

She met Lu Yao in this life, and she didn't know whether it was more blessing or misfortune.

Only one thing is certain Li Mingzhu, who has been heartless will never understand what it is like to love someone with her life before that.