

'What the hell? Where am i?' I thought as i looked around. Seeing that i was laying down in an alley, at night.

Last thing i remember was writing my thesis at my dorm at, i believe it was, 0:53 AM and then i just gave up and fell asleep.

'How? Why? Where am i?'

I stood up and looked around. Next to where i was laying was a dumpster and a grey sling bag. It looked pretty clean and maybe it had some stuff in it.

'Was I kidnapped? no, i doubt i wouldn't notice being taken from Norway to here, at least I don't think this is Norway. Lucid dreaming? Maybe, but why the hell am i dreaming here?'

I tried to change the scenery but nothing happened, concluding that this might not be a dream.

'So how and why the hell am i here? Isekai..? no, no way... but what if it is..'

I looked at the grey bag and checked my pockets to see that i didn't have anything, only the clothes on my body.

I picked it up and moved to a cleaner place to check the contents of the bag.

In it there was a slim wallet, a watch, a key, a micro usb charger and an old ass nokia slide phone.

'Huh. Actually, the rest of the stuff seemed pretty old too.'

I first checked the wallet since I have no money. Fortunately, there were $602 along with a debit and credit card that... had my name on it.

'That's.. odd'

I checked for some identification to see who owns this stuff, just out of curiosity.

And there was a driver's license.. just i was shocked and was pretty creeped out to see that it was mine.

It had my name, my face but everything else was wrong, according to this my birth year is 1989 which is supposed to be 2001 and this license was taken in the New York State.

I was already way too scared with the sudden transportation, add to that all this stuff is somehow mine and the fact I'm in a creepy dark alley at night.

I already felt like peeing.

When i was about to put everything in my bag and get the fuck outta here, i saw something behind the driver's license.

I turned it around and see that there was a piece of paper taped to it. It said...

'Say... (thinking)

..AICA" (saying outloud)

[Hello, sir] Said a robotic yet human, female voice.

I quickly turned my head to see who said that, but no matter how much i looked around i couldn't find anyone. It was just me.

"Who said that?" i said, worryingly.

[I did, sir. I am an Artificially Intelligent Computation Assistant. AICA.]

'AICA? Isn't that the thing i created in middle school?'

"Are you one of my creations?"


Back in middle school i made a lot of fictional objects, people, and powers. And AICA was one of them, created with the inspiration of Nano, Great Sage and Tony Stark's AIs.

"Why are you here."

[I exist to assist you in-]

"No, not your purpose, who put you in me? or did you go here on your own?"

[I do not know. I was only aware when you called my name.]

'Hmm... That's kinda sus.'

"Alright, what are your functions again?"

Even if I did make it, that was 7 years ago, and I do remember the general functions I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything.

[I only have memories of my hosts, my functions are exactly as you remember it. Would you still like me to transfer it to you?]

"Yes, please. Make sure i don't get dizzy or throw up."

[As you wish, sir.]

I felt a wave of information flash through my brain.

The functions were mostly what i expected, but there was some stuff that i didn't remember adding and stuff that were missing.

I looked at the sky and see the sun in rising. Turns out it was morning, i checked my phone to see the time was 6 AM, May 11th 2010!?

"AICA, When and where am i?"

[May 11th 2010. You are in New York, Manhattan.]

"What? Why?"

[I do not know.]

'Right, since it only remembers what i remember it wouldn't know why I am here.'

'Well, what should i do now?'

Wait a second, it just said 'hosts', plural.

"AICA, do you have memories other than mine?"

[Yes, there seems to be the memories of two Nolan Winters."


"Are there any the differences between us?"

[Would you like me to send information to your mind?]

'The fact that it's offering me a transfer, and not just telling me a summary must mean there are too many differences to summarize.'

"Let's hold that thought, tell me just one difference."

[Instead of moving to Norway him and his family stayed in America.]

"So, does that mean I am in a parallel universe?"

[It would seem so.]

"Does he have a house?"

[Yes, he does.]

"Show me the way."

[Certainly. Would you like a pathway, a map, or do you want it to be sent straight to your mind?]

"Hm... pathway."

Then, a holographic line that show's me the directions appeared. Kind of like in a video game.

I put on the bag, put my phone in my pocket, wore the watch and went out of the alley.

"Oh also, from now on refer to this universe's Nolan as Second."

[Understood, sir.]


Until long, i arrived at my apartment room. Opening it with the key i got from the bag.

It was in located in Brooklyn so it was 9:21 AM when i arrived

It was a small, studio apartment room with nothing out of the ordinary.

I took off the bag and put it on the couch. I saw a laptop on the table in front of the couch and decided to use it to maybe give me any clues as to where i may be.

If we were thinking realistically, i might be dreaming or a coma or something but there's no way to confirm that.

Another possibility, is that I've been teleported through space and time, either intentionally or accidentally.

I picked up the laptop and put it on my lap, as i sat on the couch. I pressed the power button and waited for the laptop to turn on.

I tried to think of other possibilities of how I'm here, while the laptop boots, and the idea of isekai crossed my mind.

"AICA, cross-reference all the information on both of mine and Second's memories with details on all the fictional works I've consumed, to find out if I am in a fictional world."

[Understood, sir.]

The laptop boots up, and going to chrome, i wonder what i should search first.

And then, not even a minute after i gave the order, AICA came back with a report already.

[It is highly likely that you are in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.]

'That was fast.'

"Why do you say?"

[On May 11th 2009, Second saw a news report about Tony Stark's capture and escape from the Ten Rings, moreover, Tony Stark had the face of Robert Downey Jr. Concluding that you are in the MCU.]

Still on chrome, i search for 'Stark Industries', then an actual stark industries website show up as the first result, instead of the MCU wiki.

'Welp now that I know where I am, just not how or why. But I can't confirm the "unrealistic" possibilities nor the why. I can only guess.'

'What should i do now?'

"AICA, does Second have a job?"

[He does stock trading as his main income, and does flipping on the side.]

'So an entrepreneur.'

I was amazed at how different our lives were with just a change of living environment. He was already working yet i was still in college.

"AICA, send in the information of Second's memories from the age of 15 to 19. "


Then, i saw that it wasn't only our living environment. In this universe my- his parents were dead when he was at the age 17.

Since they didn't leave a will, he got a percentage of the inheritance. He was scared, not because of the loss of his parents but because he had so much money, yet no one to limit him what to do with it.

He was still sad about his parents death, but his self preserving mentally was stronger.

Besides, he already prepared mentally and emotionally if his parents were to die before he reached adulthood.

He then hired a financial advisor to tell him the right thing to do and the rest is just him going around, making money, following the advisor' advice.

I was shocked by the death of my parents, but like Second i had already prepared, even back when i was just 15.

What i need to think about is the future, since I'm in MCU. Though, I'll have to visit their graves some time.

It was still only 10:03 AM. I laid down on my bed thinking what i should do next and far into the future.

I thought about my goals. Well, obviously to not die, but is that it? For now, yes.

'It's still only early 2010 there won't much going on so i could relax until 2011 and 2012, when the Chitauri Invasion will happen.'

Chitauri→hybrid weapons→Tooms.

'Yes, the weapons Tooms will make will be beneficial in my stage one.'

'There are also the Infinity Stones, but i doubt my human body could withstand them.'

'There is the Sceptre that could make things easier with the mind control, though I don't know how I'm gonna steal it from Loki or S.H.I.E.L.D .'

'God, I'm having a headache. Maybe i should get some food.'

"AICA, where does Second usually eat?"

[At home, he cooks.]

I got up, walked to the fridge and see what's in it. There were a lot of stuff, though it wasn't full. After seeing the leftover rice and eggs i knew i had to make some fried rice.

"AICA, help me on this. Instructions on augmented reality, please."

[Of course, sir.]