Chapter 49

"The power of a quill's tread across the parchment of a news-conveyer is to bring to the notice of people, the things that have come to pass.

But the competence of revving such words to life lies with the perception of the reader: to ignite the torch of reckoning and weave the given words into perspective and to rise in the thirst for justice."


Head-Quarters of Tristendyre's News Corporation,

City of Shillingston,

Kingdom of Tristendyre,

The first Phrinight of the Second month,

XXI Year of Regency

Jaycob Oreius reasoned: "It has only been about a couple of hours and a half since the flames began. She must be from another place; per-haps, direct news from the Arch-Eccleissor without witness of any lightning."

He realised that Devland may have sent news of the fire parallel to the embarking of Ingrid Luna-ward, who was summoned to bring the disaster to be. It was further potential that they were sisters under the service of the Eccleissor.

Jaycob Oreius watched as Lord Lucious Reid listened in surprise. A wordsmith brought, to his desk, a draft of the article bearing the fire of the Village of Lyre.

The chief of the News Department had only the two options before him: to please the Arch-Eccleissor or to do justice to the people.

There was a moment of contemplation before he handed the writ back to the author of the report and said, "We have some changes to accommodate."

Jaycob's masked face broke a smile of satisfaction; although this man's intentions were not far from commercial, the route he had chosen was honesty.

"Thank you for the message, Sir Oreius", said the lord and Jaycob gave him a nod and smile.

"The pleasure is mine. Is it not highly belated at this hour? I assumed your news would have seen completion by now and that I will have been tardy", said he as he rose to his feet and cautiously collected the cape draped over his forearm in a fashion that the blood would not be seen.

"This day has much news; and we had earlier published for the Dragon Raids to arrive this dawn. It was unexpected that the office would even function, for we do not operate for one full day post bestial forage. However, there has also been much news to deliver. This night is growing greatly stressful", the man said and Jaycob nodded.

Whilst he had made his way to the News Corporation, the Archer had hoped the Scribes had not begun their share of the work, for that would have been difficult to amend.

That had been reason why he had accepted to fare this journey by Lady Minerva's drawn carriage.

Just as the men proceeded toward the large door, a young lad appeared in time for his service. He bowed to the lord and to the Archer, courteously before turning to the teal-haired man as per his required duty.

"You will not require carrying out your labour this night; we will not be granting fore-copies of the news to the Imperial Castle. Assist the envoys to proceed toward forthright delivery to the provinces", said Lord Lucious to the boy and he politely folded to the instruction and left.

Jaycob watched the fruit of a man's change of heart slowly blossoming before his very eyes. This reward, however, was the consequence of Nathan Jehu's chivalry towards the people.

The olive-haired tall man gave Lord Lucious a smile and nod in order to take his leave.

"The while of your visit has been illuminating, Sir", said the man whose hair was the colour of the morning skies. "We wish to receive your company much frequently."

"It would be rewarding me as well", Jaycob rendered before his departure.


Jaycob Israel strode down the Cottage Street of the City of Shillingston, making his way towards the Innes.

He wore his hood over his head in the shadows of the alley's nooks and proceeded in secret, lest any persons take notice of his affiliation with the innocent family.

As he approached, he noticed that the house was lit for there was incandescence visible through the draped windows. At his first knock, there was immediate response and the Lady of the Innes' household attended, welcoming and bidding him to enter.

The Archer was aware that he reeked of ash and rubble and his boots were caked with uncomely dirt. Declining the offer most civilly, he awaited Mister Innes who appeared close behind his wife and greeted him.

There was little time drunk when the man produced the keys and the dark cloak he had misappropriated from Joab Xavier.

That cloak could have come greatly in handy had Jaycob not left it in their possession, but the situation was tackled and long behind them, with much more to expect forward into the uncertain depths of the night.

The locksmith distinguished the identity of each key he had forged to Jaycob's cognisance that he may utilise the faculty of the undifferentiable constructs towards their destined purposes.

The Archer duly set the key that would not access the Secret Cell into a separate pocket, spared for the Regent, and attached the other two into his ring of keys.

After wishing the family a blessed night and thanks towards the service, the Archer turned his heel and proceeded to leave.

Reflections and craftiness made a mastery of Jaycob Oreius's mind as he walked down the Cottage Street of Shillingston, towards the Imperial Castle.

It was evident that the Regent was manoeuvring the reins of the Dark Organisation under the Secret-Cells, along with the Arch-Eccleissor. He had felt their presences in the meeting that they had attended there, during the burial of his grandfather.

However, Devland himself appeared to be using the service of a few persons of such mysterious alliance to procure Jaycob's death, by manipulating his subjects. Thus, they were not greatly proficient with the art of murder and weaponry.

The flames of Lyre were a consequence of Joab Xavier's inability to kill him, which would be unbeknownst to Jehoram.

Now, the Archer had reason for having disclosed the publication of the news of fire being a deliberated arson. It was be-cause the Regent himself may be unaware of Devland's hand behind the calamity.

Thus, with this difference in council, Jaycob decided to slip betwixt the cracks and bring the Regent news that Devland had caused the fire without his imperatorial approval and had begun the game of targeting the Archer much earlier.

Of course, Jaycob would don the guise of an innocent victim whilst he brought Jehoram to know of Devland's schemed, like he had not known that his life was being chased by the Chief Eccleissor's hatred.

That would be the single means to break his way into the graces of the Regent, independent of Devland Zephaniah, for the man in absolute power to the throne seemed to be leaning towards the manipulation of the Eccleissor.

Further, he had sent an envoy before his face to reach the Castle with the assassin and a writ that stated her murderous attempt against him.

It would be clear before the Regent's eyes, for the damsel who had venged to murder him and the Xaviers was dressed in the sombre cloak of his dark and secret Organisation that Jaycob was assumed to not know of.

The masked man paused to locate Ingrid Luna-ward's being, for it was potential that the carriage may have reached the Imperial Castle and the girl may be led to the Regent at that very moment.

He sensed her standing in the hallways thereof and was unsure of why there was no movement.

He needed to know if she had met Jehoram's attention and caused his power of Grand Sight to chase the situation of the Regent. The man was still in his chambers and not in the passage where Ingrid stood.

There was a sinister and uneasy feeling churning Jaycob's mind when he decided to trace the presence of Devland Zephaniah.

Faithful to his worst nightmares, the Arch Eccleissor was at the same place, taking custody of Ingrid from the coachmen of the Carriage.

Jaycob felt terribly tensed, for the damsel had not reached the notice of the Regent, but was being stolen away by his sworn enemy.
