Chapter 54

"But if I was to decide who was the more powerful: whether Caution or Curiosity, it would be the latter.

After all, at the sound of a blood-curling scream that could suppose the worst of proceedings, one would never flee, but pursue towards the heart of the potential and unknown crisis, against all prudence."


The Imperial Castle,

Kingdom of Tristendyre,

The first Phrinight of the Second month,

XXI Year of Regency

Jaycob Oreius stepped out of the Regent's cold office, his intuition feeling an ominous sensation of dread envelop his spirits.

Although he had made mention of Adon-Vericus' proposal of war preceding Devland's report, Jehoram had not appeared impressed or inclined to his warning.

He did not expect pleasantness at the direful statement of expectant warfare, but at least a sense of consideration of Jaycob's integrity in the matter.

The man had responded dismissively, requiring him to proceed with a long journey, like his presence in the endangered Kingdom could not be banked upon.

Further, with the Arch-Eccleissor's entry into the man's chambers, there was no doubt manipulation was making its tread into the Regent's very heart.

Now, in the History of the Kingdom of Tristendyre, there was a long race of generations of Royals marked with dark skin. Although their consorts were colourless, their seed never saw any compromise in the melanin of their appearance.

These were hailed to be of regal blood, for they had a mild and certain power that could tame Dragons with the Sword of Erdengaur, wherewith, they protected their Kingdom.

It was so, for the Prophecy of Judah's Ascendancy had mentioned of the Queen being born in such dynastic race.

Hence, in consequence to these citations, the race of this family expected a descendant that was the Queen as per the prophecy, to quell the race of the Dragons.

About two and half decades ago, her Imperial and reigning Majesty, Queen Sable Duvessa was told by a high priest in her Ordination of Pregnancy (as per his divination) that she was of the Queen predestined in the Prophecy, which was expected of her lineage in all their generations of Aristocracy.

The woman had been forced to leave the Kingdom and child and the Throne behind in order to fulfil her share in vanquishing the dragons.

It was subsequently believed that she was dead from the war against the beasts.

However, presently, reality appeared not to state so.

Prophet Nathan had spelt such in his letter to the people. Further, Knight Oreius Zephaniah, Jaycob's grandfather, seemed to have sighted the lady and learnt of her location. He had even bid his grandson to find her. Thus, it truly was part of the Archer's agenda.

Now in the mean time, with the King dead and the Queen in war, the royal heir was taken into the custody of the Regent.

The man was not related to Sable Duvessa of royal blood, but was brother to her husband, the erstwhile King, and was therefore, with neither the wielding powers of controlling the Dragons, nor the melanin in his appearance.

Otherwise, there was naught that could withhold him from conquering the throne.

In addition to such Imperialism, the Zephanian Clan held its own share of stake at royal significance in the Aristocratic front, with their counterfeit ability to foresee Dragon Raids.

These men had taken their respective places in the Imperial Castle by devious and deceptive means.

Jaycob had built himself to his position by ruthless training and utmost trust, but his intention was absolute murder, a stranger to the premises of Nobility, forsaken Zephanian blood.

His purpose to kill the Regent, however, had never seen fulfilment even besides the various means and opportunities of assassination; for some reason that he could not discern, he had never been able to shed a human's blood and kill them.

It was as if an unseen force had compelled his heart to turn from such anger and that he had no power to claim a soul out of a human.

In further progression of affairs, he was lacking. The Chief of Artillery absolutely required claiming his stake in the favours of the Regent and holding his position firmly.

The single means of doing so was by retrieving Mercedes from Hyll-Decanta.

He had detected her presence, but at the first trip to the Kingdom on the plateau, he felt no ardour to bring her hither.

After all, he had traced her presence to be deeply secluded beneath land. Thus, regarding the underground, he had consulted a certain Michavel, who was a friend of Nathan Jehu.

If the princess is retrieved against all odds, the Regent will understand that Jaycob had vitally desired making no dealings with Adon-Vericus and that he had faithfully fulfilled his duty.

With Mercedes back in the arms of Tristendyre, the dragons could be controlled and Hyll-Decanta would propose no threats of mutiny.

But presently, the olive-haired man had other business to tend to more urgently: he was aware that Lady Minerva was without evidences against the Regents and he needed to arrange some.

He was aware that the invoices of the procedure were available with the Arch-Eccleissor for secretive custody, but there was no means of asking the man in formal terms.

Jaycob Israel would have to break his elusive route into Devland's study to achieve it. He had given the Chief Physician his word that he would be of aide and wished to accomplish it.

With his ambition firm, Jaycob strode down the hallways before lifting his eyes to see the other man that would progress to hold the position of Royal Eccleissorship: the Heir of Devland, Caleb Zephaniah, firstborn son.

The man of viridian hair was a harmless second cousin. But of course, Caleb knew not that the Royal Archer was of his very blood.

Jaycob spared the man a curt nod before stepping by and ahead to his destination.

The son of Devland watched the masked Archer wistfully before proceeding to wait by the porch of the Regent's office. In honesty, the viridian-haired man, Caleb, should have no business loitering this highly esteemed premise; he was neither qualified nor ordained to be an Eccleissor.

Jaycob stayed in the shadows a few moments, knowing that Caleb, though an unassuming man, may discern that his route was towards his father's bureau.

Thus, the cunning man made his way to his own office in order to avoid any unwelcomed suspicions.

In a few minutes, he reached his place and saw Sir Kenley awaiting his return. The Chief Archer casually made conversation, lying that he was not in any predicament regarding the seized documents, until the man himself took his leave.

After the Chief of Weaponry was dealt with, Jaycob Israel immediately removed his blood decked cloak and cast it away to be washed of its impurities.

He took the dark robe he had stolen from Mister Joab's possession and donned it.

For a moment, he paused to discern Devland's presence by his power of Grand Sight and deciphered that the man was still in the place of Regent Jehoram.

Then he took a hook-headed arrow that consisted of Ryfletcher reed tail and made his way to the balcony.

There-from, he cast his weapon to the out-porch of the Eccleissors'. Once the sickle-head met a solid grasp on the banister of the destination's balcony, he fastened the other end.

Jaycob began climbing his way forth with the means of the chords at the Arrow's end where the face of the Imperial Castle's building made his foothold. It was not long before he had reached the railing of the brief terrace and stepped onto the deck.

In infiltrating his way into the body of the office, it was no inconvenience breaking inside through the large doors that stood between the Balcony he had stepped upon and chambers.

The room of the bureau, that was property to the Arch-Eccleissor, was cold and dark. The black-eyed man slowly made his way about until he found the table of study.

His ears were careful of the sounds outside and his eyes of all items presented before him. There was the chest of secret documents that he was fairly accustomed to, wherein all the classified charters and contracts of state were reserved.

Jaycob had not quite seen the bills, but he was aware they were placed therewith. Unyoking the case, the masked man took the invoices regarding which Lady Minerva's signature and seal were forged and placed them into his pockets.

Then he looked to see the summons and documents that were part of the Search charged against his own bureau.

They were strewed across the desk and Jaycob decided to peruse the scrolls and parchments.

It had been a suspiciously great deal of time betwixt the Arch-Eccleissor's Search of the Archer's premises and the presentation before the Regent.

It was almost even with the time he may spend in forging freshly false documents, despite meeting Ingrid and stealing her presence away from being set before Jehoram.

Jaycob found his seal there upon the table and the face thereof that was bearing his insignia seemed to have been dipped in ink.

However, Jaycob left the sealant untouched. He decided he would lock his own office before the journey abroad so that the item could not be returned to its place and appeal to the Regent that the seal was robbed after the course of the Raid of his office.

Further, he found the writ that he had signed and sent with the coachmen escorting Ingrid. The portion of the page which should have born his signature was torn apart.

The olive haired man felt a presaging sensation knead his heart when he wondered if the Arch-Eccleissor had used that signature of his initials for unauthorised purposes.

Just as he continued his secret forage, he heard the voices of Devland swiftly approaching.

The Archer hurried to look down at the papers, realising that he had not been attuned to his sense of Grand Sight in locating the men that were approaching and it was too late.

Just when he grabbed an important document, the knob of the door was turned.
