Chapter 57

"Penitence is an emotional and deep intelligence. It is reared by the very soul when the mind meets realisation of flaws and brokenness and harm to another heart, flames set to burn their love.

And how can you abstain from forgiving a fellow sinner when you are unworthy of casting the First Stone?"


Aisles of the Secret Under-Ground Dungeons,

Kingdom of Tristendyre,

The first Phrinight of the Second month,

XXI Year of Regency

Ingrid Luna-ward could feel her heart's throbbing pulse through her whole body as she walked down the darkling corridors of the faintly lit stone walled under-ground dungeons.

She had not expected most of the happenings that had occurred that evening.

Devland was an honourable man who had, despite his power and status, been kind to a lowly young damsel as herself.

When she had no means of saving her younger sister Erys and herself, the old man had offered them jobs in the underground, merely for her knowledge in the art of potions.

In her years of work, she had met a certain man: Melvyn Xavier and had grown close to him.

After they had learnt much of each other's preferences and affiliations, the man had consulted his family and they had arranged a betrothal. There was promise that her sister would also find a beautiful family with them, for otherwise, the Luna-wards would be destitute.

During their courtship, however, as Melvyn began rising in ranks amongst the warlocks that worked in the secret place, he had mysteriously disappeared.

Since Mister Joab Xavier was working alongside, it appeared that their family had been receiving threats from the Government.

When Melvyn had righteously refused to shed blood and placed forth Resignation from the Organisation, the Regent had commanded his death. During their years of weeping, she had also other missions to carry out.

That was when she had seen him: all of alive and well and with another woman. Carrying tears and pangs of betrayal, the damsel had returned home shattered.

The weight of her angst grew as it fed on her insecurities and doubts. Hurtfulness evolved to resentment that turned into wrath and then at that dangerous point, she had wished to throw the blame on his family and all that she could call to have caused her pain.

Then, Arch-Eccleissor Devland Zephaniah had discerned her dismal tempers and offered to employ her as a private assassin, which remunerated more. The great man of much position had been as kind as to give ear to her tribulations personally.

Now, the man himself had collected a few of the persons from the 'Incarnation Warlocks', assigning them to secretively be his own people with commissions that were confidential from any other human even within the group, but especially withheld from the Regent.

In fact, Ingrid would not know what others were partners of the enclosed community until she was given a quest against them, for their failure to achieve a secretly given goal.

Amongst the group, there was an underlying task that any who attains the death of Sir Jaycob Oreius would be rewarded handsomely. However, it was the specific task of Mister Joab to bring his murder to happen before that present day.

In Ingrid Luna-ward's case, offering a great pay, Devland Zephaniah had proposed that she take revenge against the family by setting their house afire that evening, if he did so bid.

The errand given was highly confidential, such that even the Regent that was the head of 'Incarnation Warlocks' was not to know of her deeds. This meant that Joab Xavier's secret expedition had not seen successful completion.

Her task was simple: that she retrieves the key in his personal possession and burn the family with house.

Of course, these had not been accomplished to perfection. And further, the key with the initials 'ZR' had fallen to the Royal Archer Jaycob Oreius' custody.

It was unfortunate that she had also been so taken: bound and vegetable.

Ingrid had expected interrogation and execution and much consequence, for the Regent would be greatly outraged and spell grave punishment, for she was of the warlocks.

However, she had been saved when the Arch Eccleissor himself made his way towards the company that escorted her and took charge of her duress.

When enquired, she had lied to the man that she had accomplished the bloodshed, for she desperately needed the wages.

Despite so, Ingrid had felt close to the one that had understood her circumstances and had compassionately suffered her to conquer her revenge.

Thus, she had rendered to him that she could not bring the key, hoping that he would consider her sympathetic state and pardon her.

Then in the most unusual turn of situation, the man had lashed out against her, for she had rendered that the key was in the possession of Jaycob. After the blow, the damsel felt truly destitute, for the single person she had expected kindness from had turned so raving wrathful against her.

Feeling like she had earned a great deal of hatred for incompetence, Ingrid had wished to recompense with more favourable performance.

However, in all the emotions of self-loathing and doubt, there was one question that began tearing her every need for revenge:

"In circumstance, what if your sister was in the stead of this child you advanced to shed the blood of? Would you have killed her?"

Odd how the person she had tried to murder for riches, Sir Jaycob Oreius, had given her such insight against all her deeds.

At present moment, she did not yearn for vengeance be-cause it would leave her soul with a grant weight of suffocating void; she wished for love.

That was one she could find in the arms of her sister, Erys, but there was a frightening thought of whether the young girl would be charged to be killed for Ingrid's own failure to bring the key.

It felt like she was in the wild wilderness, lost in a darkling forest where the beasts could prey on her with the slightest misstep.

Sharp and acrid sensations pinched her nose and face, as they would when a person was inclined to cry of an aching heart.

Tears began to pierce her eyes whilst she walked forth. They burnt, verging to violate their allotted territories and drip forth from the rims of her eyes, but she blinked several times to keep them at bay.

As the despair soared, her mind envisioned horrifying possibilities of life without her sister, for like so should it have been for Mister Joab that his family perish at her hands without his murdering the Archer.

In a moment of weakness, the damsel staggered against the stone wall, gripping her chest like she could not ease the weight thereof.

After collapsing to the floor, the maiden took a little longer to nurse those battling feelings before she wiped her face with the ends of her dark cloak.

Rising to her feet, she strode silently until she was at the most chasmic point of the Under-Ground Dungeons: the door of the stone wall that led to the base of the Organisation: 'Incarnation Warlocks'.

There were various Druids on duty, working with the various potions and chemicals, each assigned to such occupation in secret. None paid much attention to her, for it was regular business that she attends to the office at such hour.

In the few moments of consideration and emotion, all her views and purposes had changed completely.

She walked to where Mister Joab Xavier was being held, attire simple without the regalia. There were a couple of such mages in dark cloaks standing guard.

"The Arch-Eccleissor has summoned the presence of Mister Joab Xavier", said she and the men turned to eye the man in subject who was faint and exhausted, tied against the wall's pillar.

"Druidess Ingrid Luna-ward", one of them addressed, "We shall report that he was in your guardianship subsequent to ours, translated towards His Excellence."

"As it should be said", she accented.

When she received possession of the man, Ingrid gave the men a nod before ushering the old druid in her care towards the door.

Once they were out, she immediately took the man towards the shadows of the empty hallways, behind pillars, and began undoing the knots of his restraints.

"My girl, what is wrought?", asked he.

"I am sorry", said the young damsel, eyes beginning to bleed tears. "I will release you, please flee and find your wife and live glad."

Joab turned, once relieved, to look her in her glazed cerulean eyes. "What is this matter? My family, by now, should be dead", said he, in stutters.

"I was the assassin sent", said she, her voice dissembled to peels and rushes. "I-I have your forgiveness to beseech."

The man closed his eyes, leaning his head against the wall behind, heart aching.

"I cannot be redeemed of this, but I will tell you, your wife is alive and safe, but I have murdered Elise", Ingrid cried.

With eyes closed, tears streaming, she bowed for his forgiveness, although that was far too much to demand of a man whose single and young and beloved daughter was killed by her own hands.

She expected hatred and wrath, resentment and all the malicious feelings she had tasted when she was betrayed by Melvyn. But much to her perplexity, she felt arms embrace her and tears drop on her hair.

"But I have a daughter in you", the man whispered and Ingrid cried into his warm tunic.

After an emotional moment where there was a family's bond, the girl withdrew.

"I never contemplated that you would forgive me for such grave a stab to your heart, but if it should comfort you: Melvyn is alive and settled in a distant land. You may reunite with him", said she, against how bitterly they did taste.

With much pondering the man did say: "He is not my son, if he wished not to find his family during such days that we have lamented after his death."

"Then I will be a daughter to your family if my mother shall accept to have my sister and I", said she.

The men nodded and smiled. "Shall we then leave this Kingdom, for there is nothing left here for us than death?" asked Mister Joab Xavier and the Ingrid paused pensively.

"Please do take your life and flee east; I have Erys to rescue from the diabolic clutches of the Eccleissor that had commissioned me to dip my hands in innocent blood. I am aware that my hatred in itself is murder, but at this time, I regret my work and repent to you for redemption. I believe any goodness that my heart seeks will find consequence of injustice from the Regents", said she.

"Very well, then. I bless you to be safe, find your way to me; I will search for my wife and take her to Hyll-Decanta. I await you daughters to join my kindred", said the old man. "And if you find the opportunity, kindly do request Sir Jaycob Oreius to find me in Hyll-Decanta. I have much conversation to share with him."

Ingrid nodded, and just as they proceeded to rise, Mister Joab stayed her into the shadows in silence, for there was the sound of mice scurrying in the dark corridors.

The noise signified that the druids were passing by in such motion to avoid suspicions and being found.
