Chapter 66

"There are two cloaks of Death bearing vials of souls harvested towards one of twain destinations. There-from, there is no escape, no repentance, and no more chances to plunge back into the realms of life. The station thereafter is decided for eternity without change, based on every given breath that was spent.

Before the grains of your hourglass do fall to be past, make haste to live righteously, God-ward."


Aisles of the Secret Lair of the Government,

Beneath the Under-Ground Dungeons,

Kingdom of Tristendyre,

The first Phrinight of the Second month,

XXI Year of Regency

"So he has found the office and the anti-dote?" came the Regent's distinct voice and Jaycob's heart froze from shock.

"Yes, your Highness; besides the wastage of the chemical, the recipe has been misappropriated as well", said another older voice.