Chapter 73

"Lies were oft considered chameleons, for their secrecy. But in all reality, they are not. They are vivid to the seeking, apparelled as per the wishes of a listener. The elusive disposition is of the truth, hiding as a coward behind the beautiful lies. However, when the truth does manifest, there will be much endured, for he is powerful and compelling."


Lady Minerva's Chambers,

The Physician's Wing of the Imperial Castle,

Kingdom of Tristendyre,

The first Phrinight of the Second month,

XXI Year of Regency

"Nay, son. Dragons are cunning creatures with intelligence. They oblige to invitation, be-cause there is something advantageous here that they seek."

The Chief Physician's words felt unsettling in Jaycob's being.

The men that marionetted the throne of Tristendyre did not realise how dangerous a game they played, flirting with the vary claws of Death. They invited the carnivorous and gargantuan Beasts at free will with solely their conquest of the crown in mind.