Chapter 78

"Every era and every dynasty holds its lavish share of dark deeds. Those will exist as long as the treacherous heart of man sojourns there."


Michavel's Residential Cottage,

The City of Descandville,

Kingdom of Hyll-Decanta,

Rainy Break of Day,

The first Saturnday of the Second month,

Fiftieth Year of the Reign of Adon-Vericus IV

Dawn was breaking, but the curtains of darkness were not lifted from over the Hyll-Decantan skies. The rushing sound of rains did not cease.

Despite the hour being the morning's, the skies were not fair, but darkling, beclouded by the continuous thunderstorm.

Nathan Jehu brushed his knuckles against the stubble that had begun to master the portion of jaw-line and chin, like the moss that spreads over an unkempt measure of stone by the constant touch of stagnant waters when it has seen no pruning.

His reflection against the glass seemed unsightly, as opposed to the polish and groomed maintenance his face would see in usual times.