Chapter 92

"If the dawn of Truth brings you miseries, then the days are painted with hues of pain"


The Secret Stairway,

Betwixt the Princess' Residence and the Under-Ground Lair,

Crowning and Imperial Castle,

Kingdom of Tristendyre,

The first Saturnday of the Second month,

XXI Year of Regency

Imogen walked silently down the spiralling stairway that led to the Under-Ground. She wondered wherefore she was not blind-folded as she oft was when taken through the Secret Annex.

Erys Luna-ward led the path, a lantern in hand, for the trail was dark and cold. The ladies proceeded downwards with no conversation being made betwixt them.

Whilst they descended, the tall maiden pulled a palm-sized rock that composed the wall beside them and struck it several times against the surface thereof.