Chapter 97

"Is it virtuous or is it dishonourable to use darkness against the wicked?"


The Grand Library,

The Town of Bournedusk,

Heart of the Kingdom of Hyll-Decanta,

Rainy after-noon,

The first Saturnday of the Second month,

Fiftieth Year of the Reign of Adon-Vericus IV

It was astounding to consider that the compendium regarding the Dragons had been left there in the arms of the Library, but none to be its parent.

The Librarian diagnosed that a fellow reader may have abandoned the book and there was no confirmation that any would come to claim it, for the book was dated back to decades.

Thus, she had suffered his taking possession thereof. With the large volume in hand, Jehu exited the Grant Library and made his way to Nightmare who had been patiently awaiting his return in the cold outside.