Chapter 121

"You shall not tread in solitude, for I will always follow close,

You're the fragrance, by which hearts are lured, where I'm the far-sought blood red rose,

You are words to my darkest poetry, the scarlet ink to the story I write,

You're the dawn of the reign that rouses me. You, the eventide; I, a starless night.


To those that conceived you, a nightly dream, to consume those you are born to break,

You're merely a thought of depth unseen, till my advent pursues in your wake.

I'm the price of why you have come to be, though you stand no match to my excellence,

Your ravishing chase has summoned me, to crown your reign in magnificence.


I am the weight of blood that's shed,

I mark the end of mortal breath,

But for you, my Queen, I my wing shall spread,