Chapter 152

"Regardless of all actions and deeds that testify loyalty, why is it that men oft do count the attributes of man by creed and kin and blood?"


Private Office Chambers,

The Chief Palace of the King,

Capital City of Viricone,

The Kingdom of Hyll-Decanta,

Fair Afternoon of a Sun's full reign,

Second Mounday of the Second month,

Fiftieth Year of the Reign of Adon-Vericus IV

In discussion of the Dragon Raids that were to invade the lands, the conversation betwixt Sovereign of the land and the ambassador, Sir Oreius, was ongoing.

"How many days before they fare their journey Tristendyre-ward?" Adon Vericus IV, the reigning King of Hyll-Decanta inquired, since the rains had ceased that morning.