Chapter 167

"Favours chase those that step beyond the horizons of their realm of comfort to serve those in need."


The Dandelion Cottage,

Residence of Lord Anthony and Lady Aositta,

City of Descandville,

The Kingdom of Hyll-Decanta,

Darkling Eventide,

Second Moun-night of the Second month,

Fiftieth Year of the Reign of Adon Vericus IV


The thick brows of the refined man that had arrived at the Cottage's threshold shot upon sighting Nathan Jehu, before the wife of the household, Lady Aositta made introductions:

"This is Prophet Jehu. I saw him blessing the Icendelve Company to-day and I yearned for him to pay our household a visit as well."

"Wel-come to our adobe, good sir. I am Lord Anthony", the man broke a smile and nodded.