Chapter 174

"Darkness is no ally to darkness. The slighter assumes the guise of a tool and only grows the deeds of wickedness, despite being in conflict."


The Estate of Ambassadors,

Capital City of Viricove,

Kingdom of Hyll-Decanta

Darkling Night,

Second Moun-night of the Second month,

Fiftieth Year of the Reign of Adon Vericus IV

As Sir Jaycob Israel Oreius made his way towards his stay, he noticed that there was a pair of guards standing by the door of the Estate of Ambassadors. A weight descended in his chest, when he wondered if it had to do with the King's knowledge of the incident that was afflicting his honour.

Approaching swiftly, he did not bother causing his horse to be assembled with the Stables, but immediately went to the gathering of the two.