Chapter 205

"Seek the company of friends that bring you close to the most precious things that your soul must value. They will lead you to find your-self even when you cannot seek those fragments of your sole thought the darkness of life."


Talindyne's Cafeteria,

The City of Descandville,

The Kingdom of Hyll-Decanta,


Second Tuesday of the Second month,

Fiftieth Year of the Reign of King Adon Vericus IV


Sir Jaycoc Oreius watched as Imogen wet her lips before placing her answer forth: "When Micah and I were in the dungeons, he deciphered the arcane arts that Knight Zebedee Ryder had left, since he was well-versed in that tongue. It said that the Dragons seek the Sceptre. We interpret that such refers to the one in the possession of Princess Mercedes who is here in Hyll-Decanta."