Chapter 210


"Her mind said solitude, but her heart craved company"


Under-Ground Oubliette of Slavery,

Northern Faction,

The Kingdom of Hyll-Decanta,

Darkling Night,

Second Tuesday of the Second month,

Fiftieth Year of the Reign of King Adon Vericus IV

As former Princess Mercedes Duvessa perused the writing upon the letter from Seina's companion, she realised that it was not the same hand-script as that in the word of Tristendyrian Prophet Nathan that warns. It was similar to one of the two fonts, but was not the one she had seen in close appraisal.

Just then, there was a slight tug at her dress and she looked over to find little Seina drawing her attention. "What are you reading from it so intently, Dessie?" asked she.