Chapter 214

"There are gems along the path. We may be given them to our grasp. They could be lyrics of songs or words of wisdom or memories engraved to our hearts. Their value may remain unheeded for the greatest part of the journey, but they are significant in hindsight."


Michavel's Residential Cottage,

The City of Descandville,

The Kingdom of Hyll-Decanta,

Fair Morning,

Second Wednesday of the Second month,

Fiftieth Year of the Reign of King Adon Vericus IV

"Ah, I may have met a certain prisoner who had miraculously escaped the death entitlement. She is now in the Northern Faction. I have requested a means of infiltrating the underground thereof this day", Nathan Jehu said.

Michavel was astonished that he had landed an undiscovered path into the lairs of bondage. "Wherefrom?" asked he.