Chapter 233


"Whilst she was a cloud in the heavens, she had willed to meet the land and its breeze, to be admired by human eyes. But when she was given the chance to become a drop of rain that descended to the earth, it was the ocean that claimed her invitation. One with the body of the seas, she was given to its currents and pressure until soon she was forged in the heart of a clamp into a pearl.

Then, unearthed, her very dust is praised and the reflections she shows are commended.

Dreams dreamt in the fleeting life of comfort do not come to pass as one truly desires, by effortless and forthright means. There is difficulty when there is a prize; there are currents to be withstood when exaltation shall be earned."



The Northern Factions of Darkness,

Underground Oubliettes of Slavery,

The Kingdom of Hyll-Decanta,