Chapter 241

"You are wisest when you are sober. But such state of Sobriety that I refer to is the stage when a man is in communion with the depths of his psyche, realising the grim truth of reality, where the most pleasant veils of lies shall false; when the mind is no more swayed by fantasies of illusion. After all, every heart pursues what brings forth the greatest of pleasure, after the prize it deems worthy of a lifetime's race: be it money or power or love or satisfaction.

What man's heart does not comprehend is the fact that life can never see fulfilment in what is mortal, what is material. Those things that are celestial and intangible and immortal, those are what can bring a heart to touch reality, which is an intangible affair.

There is no rest for the wicked, for he knows not the greatest of all eternal powers: God."


The King's Private Official Chambers,

Chief Palace,