[ La concubina y el mago ]


The present Meriana empire's golden sun, the Crown prince and the future Crown Princess, his fiancée, the princess of the neighboring kingdom of Beriryl, sat in front of the existing Empress of the Meriana Empire.

The Empress sipped her scented tea, which was brewed by the head maid present there. It wasn't a suffocating feeling for the Crowned blessings, but a feeling of tension sure aroused.

"I see, you both have successfully completed the task I have given to you both." She commented, and delievered a soft smile hiding countless of emotions.

The both fiancé and fiancée was so astonished to see the Empress having such a pained expression as if it was mourning for someone who was close to her.

And, indeed so!

The Empress, who held her head high, being the mother of the countless people of the empire, it sure was refreshing to see her somewhat a bit more feminine.

The Crown princess forwarded a fancy ivory box decorated with multiple precious Jewels towards the Empress. She stared at the box as she asked them, "While founding this particular box, what other things did you find out about the owner, The Royal Concubine of the Meriana Empire?"

Both of them glanced at each other, when the princess spoke, "The box surely belongs to her, no doubt in it, Your Majesty, but along with that we got to know more during our search." She looked at the box."The Royal Concubine didn't want to be a part of the Royal Family of Meriana, or so it seems."

The Empress finding it quite amusing asked,"Why do you imply that?"

"It's because the library which has been isolated since her death, when we checked it, the fragnance of Wood, was evident. So if you go back to the time when she was alive and used to visit the library it is clear that she would have gone there to read books." The princess said."But the records were simply null."

"After interrogating the previous librarian of her personal Library of hers, it seems that rather than the books, it was actually the ornamental designs she was particular about, mostly rings, as you would know already, mother." The Crown prince continued.

"Very well, is there anything, you would like to say?" The Empress further asked out of pure curiosity.

Both glanced each other and said the following in the most conceived manner.

"The Emperor wasn't her lover. The one she was longing for was actually either a Guardian Mage" , said the princess,"or a Knight", said the Crown prince.

Hearing such an answer from both children interested her.

"Is that so? Then who was she fond of?"

"After going through the places she visited often, she would most likely to stay in the room or the library." The prince said as he motioned his hands while speaking.

"But there wasn't a single flower vase of such which is compulsory for a Royal room to consist of, which was suspicious, and the frequent visiting in the library where the concentration of the fragrance of wood was quite high, implies, the lady liked the smell of Trees." The princess added. "Now, the ornaments and the wood didn't have any connection to each other."

"Thus, the one who could be a lover, can only be someone who was close to her. And, judging by her actions, she quite started acting like that after being a concubine, thus can't we say the lover was still in the kingdom she sailed from?" The prince said with the eyes of a detective.

The Empress was quite impressed to their logical explanation. "I did not have any knowledge of my son or the Crown Prince having such a tremendous mind."

Her sudden compliment enraged the princess. She smiled at her 'Fiance'.

"Haha..you flatter me, mother!" He said awkwardly and turns his eyes away.

"Now that we knew the lover was someone close, smelled like refreshing scent of wood, perhaps was from her kingdom, now it came to the point to know whom these clues can connect the most." The princess took a sip of tea as she continued, "Either the Knight or the Guardian Mage." She looked at the Empress confidently.

"The knight would PROBABLY not have any connections to wood as they would spend half of their lifetime on battlegrounds, or protecting the assigned master, or training. Cancelling the suspect being a Knight." The Crown Prince feeling quite impressed with himself how he is really good with words.

"Thus coming the last suspect for a Royal escort, The Guardian Mage. Fortunately, there were quite numerous of instances where the clues linked. The wood fragnance for instance, since the Mages carry wanes, made from wood and if its freshly cut woods, it would have a good scent to deliver." The princess continued.

"And, if our suspicion was correct the wanes used by the Mages are made purely from the Oak trees." The prince supported himself along the sofa now sitting comfortably. "And she was fond of that fragnance, because it reminded of him."

"When you eliminate every other possibilty, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." The Princess concluded. "The lover of the Late Royal Concubine of Meriana, was the previous Royal Escort of her highness, The Guardian Mage."

The Empress was very impressed the way they deducted every single of the instances that linked as clues to finding the truth.

Moreover, The Princess had a brilliant mind and intelligence, as she did most of the deduction by herself, to the extent of keeping herself awake late at night.

The Prince however, did up the digging and all sorts to manual work. One step required to find out the truth. The Oak trees were the last location, they had their high expectations set on.

They went through digging, in front of almost every oak tree found on the Royal Garden, and fortunately, they reached their goal.

The Empress satisfied with what they explained, opened the box of ivory and there laid the Magical 'Rings of Bond', as if waiting for its owner for a long long time.

The Empress started recalling the past statements delivered by the Concubine to her, the words and expressions still rests inside her mind, fresh like the scent of the wood, even though it has been sixteen years since her passing away from the world.

"This Hunt was first proposed by the Concubine before her death, and said, the owners will be the ones who would successfully find the box."

The Prince and Princess looked at the Empress as they realised that they would be the new owner to these rings.

"I want a divorce already!" They both thought in unison.

The Empress started to narrate the story of the Concubine, who she never hated, rather she felt pity for the lady who was married off at an age of just sixteen.

The degrading condition of her health, made her life to end at an age of eighteen. Poor lady!

The story starts three years before her awaiting death.

The small country of Heriona, had a young princess of 15 years old, her body has always been weak since her birth. The Royal doctor said so, that the depletion of her health would be evitable as years go by.

The greedy, illmannered king of the peaceful country wanted a firm relation with any of the leading countries and empires, so as to prosper his own relation along with his country.

The Royals were the only significant ones allowed to get escorted by The Guardian Mage. The nobles however, were only restricted to the official Knights.

The young princess, Sylvia, was scribbling on her diary. She blessed the diary, as her closest friend.

Just like any other day, she was humming music as she enjoyed herself, while the birds were chirping outside, the sunrays made its way into her Royal Golden Room.

The door unlocked, revealing a young man, with a white cape worn by him, inside was a blue colored golden embroidered garment. He had dark chocolate colored hair, eyes that of an emerald which shone diligently as soon as they made contact with the sunrays escaping inside.

His lips quivered with nervousness, as the young princess locked her Royal Blue eyes with the Emerald ones.

The fresh scent of Trees and Wood, came by.

"Your highness, my name is Lucien, and I have been appointed as your newly servant- no, your Guardian Mage!" The young mage exclaimed excitedly as nervousness was evident on his eyes.

The princess, Sylvia chuckled at his behaviour, "No need be that stiff, Lucien, was it? Please take care of me from now on." She smiled, atleast she would have someone to talk to.

Unknown to her, the mage felt comfortable with her and thus smiled back,"Will do, your highness!"

Thus, Sylvia's days started to count with her supportive friend or The Mage, Lucien.

Months passed by, since the order came by the Imperial family of Heriona, to the mage to escort the young princess.

Sylvia was resting on her couch, while reading a Fantasy Romance Novel. Her eyes bore into each and every line, imagining the world of such paradise of the Male and Female Protagonist.

Just like any other day, Lucien stayed by her highness' side, his hands positioned on the back, standing beside her. His eyes following her every movement, admiring her.

She let out a long sigh.

Worried Lucien asked, "Your highness, is something the matter?"

"Ah..Lucien, the love between the boy and girl is just so delusional and sweet that I am feeling my single self to detoriate even more." She faked cried.

He chuckled at her silliness.

"And the reason for your highness to feel such way is?" He asked out of curiosity, but also to let the conversation continue.

"Look!" The female pointed her fingers onto the illustration of the book. "The fairy gave Her lover a ring which would give directions, to help the man know where his lover was, no matter the situation. This was all because he loved her and wanted to protect her, the reason the fairies granted such blessing!"

"...I see, does your highness think it's an appropriate way to confess one's feelings?" The mage asked, as his eyes gave out a soft expression of longing.

"Yes, of course! Isn't it so romantic?" The soon-to-be 16 year old female said with reddened cheeks.

She never thought she could share her thoughts to someone, and could grow close to anyone.

She always thought of distancing herself with the world, so that, no one would mourn at her death.

But with Lucien here, she wondered, if he would feel sad when she was gone.

She was pouting, when the young mage mumbled, "Shall I be your fairy then?"

His voice was faint and was almost inaudible.

"Did you say something, Lucien?" asked the oblivious princess as she looked at him.

He swiftly shooked his head to disagree. "Oh, its nothing, your highness!"

"Oh right! By the way, I once saw you practicing the long range attacks with your cane and wow, you were so bold!" The lady complimented.

In return, the mage blushed, as he disagreed. "No your highness, its nothing like that, I should know atleast that much to protect you."

His forested eyes focused onto her oceaned eyes.

A blush crept on her face as she turned away, "C-Come to think of it, when you first came, and since the day you came, there has been a refreshing scent I've been perceiving." She tried to switch the conversation.

"Oh! You must be talking about the fragnance of freshly cut woods." He smiled at her, as he took out his arm length magical cane, inside his cape.

It was her first time seeing a magical cane. She grabbed the cane and took it to enjoy the scent of the oak tree's wood.

That was the day, she started longing for that scent. She loved every bit of it.

"The more recent the cut wood is, the more fresh the scent is." The emerald eyed man explained.

The female nodded her head to agree with him.

"You seem to be around my age don't you, Lucien?" She asked. "However, you are already a Royal Escort! You must be talented, I dont really ask this, but which Family you belong to?"

"Um...Your highness, the thing is, I am a son of a commoner." His eyes dulled as if he realised something very important. "And, yes, I am 17."

"Wow, you must be exceptionally talented to secure such a spot! Lucien, I am really proud of you!" She encouraged him endlessly.

Grateful to the God that Lucien, himself was the one who got the opportunity to serve and protect such endearing lady. It wasn't only because she was a Royal, but mostly because he wanted to protect her.

Days passed, the princess started to notice the dark circles forming on the beautiful face of Lucien. For her, he was a really caring partner. And she cares for him.

Luciel appeared in front of her, "Your highness..."

Tiredness evitable on his face. Still managing to serve her, barely surviving.

Even if she asks about his condition he would simply reply with a weak smile, "Oh its nothing, your highness, please don't worry about me."

This worried her even more.

The day of her becoming a sixteen year old came. An enormous Royal Ball was publicized for the celebration, with her as the main character.

The day ended but to her surprise she waited when her dearest partner Luciel, was no where to be seen.

Feeling depressed she went inside her room. It was midnight, the celebration went longer than she expected.

Moonlight escaped into her room, which fell onto the Royal-sized bed.

She then noticed a letter, and an ivory box resting calmly on the side of the bed.

She went and took hold of the letter.

"May the light shine upon you, Your highness, I wish you a very happy birthday. Thank you for always supporting me, even though you could have treated me like a mere servant. I wish all the happiness for you. Hope my present would satisfy your expectation." Sylvia read the letter out as she glanced towards the ivory box. "From your fairy." She concluded reading the letter.

Her heart was beating abnormally fast.

She held the box as if it were to vanish any moment.

She opened the box and saw a beautiful pair of rings, a black carved ring and white angelic ring.

She could feel the magical resonance of the mana within it. Her heart clenched at the sight of it. "Lucien." She mumbled, as she brought the letter and rings to her heart. "This was why you were so tired every single day. Dummy... I really..."

The moonlight glistened upon the fragile figure of the girl longing for her fairy.

The next day, Lucien came back to serve the lady, of the Imperial Family. Everything was usual, except their hearts which beat rhythmically for each other.

The two became closer than friends, lesser than lovers. Nothing mattered to them, as long as they had each other's company.

The maid, who is a replaceable character, stared at the sight before her and frowned.

Days later, the Royal messenger came by the Princess' palace and gave out the news of being called out to the Imperial Palace, by the order of the King.

Sylvia, innocently smiled at Lucien before leaving, unknown to what was approaching her.

She bid him a short farewell. Soon she reached the Palace, where she had an audience with the King.

The king sat on the Crowned Seat, with his Royal guards accompaning him by his side. Anger visible on his face.

Worried about what was about to come, Sylvia softly spoke out, "Father-"

She was interrupted by the words she never thought she would listen to, especially from His majesty, her father.


Words were unable to escape from her mouth, she didn't even know what she did, which was this wrong!


He was buring with aggression. He was detesting his daughter, who was the main focus of the rumor.

A Royal Imperial Family member in a relationship with that of a Commoner!

A taboo!

Sylvia's eyes were left gaped as tears flowed through her flushed cheeks. All she wanted was to bury herself, at that point.

"Father, I-"

"Hey you over there!" The King eyed towards one of the Royal Guard. "HAVE YOU SENT THAT MALE MAGE DOWN TO PICK FLOWERS?!"

The King ordered his men to distract the young male mage down towards the garden to pick flowers for the Young Princess.

Lucien, would do anything, if its for Sylvia.

"And YOU! YOU WILL NOT BE A PART OF SUCH DISGUSTING RUMORS!" The king looked at the young princess who was then, on her knees. "MY DAUGHTER SHALL BE THE NEXT EMPRESS OF THE MERIANA EMPIRE-!!"

The king laughed hysterically, whereas, the female cursed herself out mentally. She wished to disappear! She didn't want to marry anyone! No, Not then when she finally realised!

He grabbed her arm and took her in front of one of the window, closest to them. Golden exotic designed borders covered the window.

From there, with a drained expression, she saw Lucien beside an Oak Tree, picking up her favourite flowers.

Seeing that, the unknown feelings surfaced within her, painful sadness overflowed within her heart.

"That disgrace of a human! Son of a bitch! Shoot!" The king ordered.

The girl didn't notice the presence of a hooded man holding an arrow, targetting her partner.

"AAH-!" The young male screeched in pain, as the arrow pierced through the right side of his chest where the mana stored inside his body; and fell on the ground.

He was wincing in pain! He couldn't use Magic, then.

"STOP!" The princess cried, hands then covering her mouth, she was crying at the top of her voice.

She couldn't bear to see such thing to happen!

"I wont marry anyone!" She declared.

"Then-" The king started to talk as well as another arrow got positioned to shoot by the man. "- if you want to save that young boy who have his future ahead as a great mage, then follow my words obediently."

Her own father blackmailed her!

Silent sobs were prominent. The girl had her head low, her stomach was twisting.

"I have already made arrangements, all you have to do is show your face to the Meriana's Emperor!" The king said with utter happiness.

He was excited to be in a relation with one of the largest empire's Emperor.

'If I do this, then he will be saved right?' Sylvia thought, 'Thank you Lucien, for always being with me. I will never ever forget you, I promise.'

"I will do it." Sylvia said with a stoic expression.

Her happiness, emotions everything was snatched away that day.

Thus, after some days, she was sent to the Imperial Palace of Meriana.

She started living there. She got to know about the Empress who then was pregnant with The present Crown Prince.

Thus, she became a Concubine.

After leaving her own country, news came to her, Lucien was out of danger and was going to be alright, and can proceed being a Mage.

With that ray of hope, to reconcile with the one she longed for, the most, carrying the last gift to her from him, the Ivory box, she saw herself detoriating day by day.

Soon she became seventeen, but there wasn't Lucien to congratulate her. It was only her. It was cold.

Her every single day went by thinking about him.

She approached the Empress of the Meriana Empire. They sat and talked for a while.

At this point, the Empress knew, whom to hate and whom to pity. She wanted the young Concubine to be comfortable around her.

The Empress built a personal library for her, where the concentration of the freshly cut wood was high.

The Empress knew that she wasn't really interested in Romance Novels anymore, but then also, she brought jewels and designed rings and ornaments for her.

The Concubine was very thankful to Her Majesty.

Soon one year went by...

The Crown Prince's birth was officially declared.

There in one side of the room, the Concubine rested on the bed, while looking at the Oak trees.

The Empress came inside her room and sat beside her, to comfort her.

It was after her 18th birthday, her body detoriated to the maximum; she refused to eat or to do anything beside visiting the library.

She knew it was time...

"Your Majesty, I never wished for you to hate me, it's just, my health has been detoriating for as long as I remember, thus-" The Royal Concubine, handed the Ivory Box to her. "I will entrust my life's most dearest thing to you."

The Empress never saw what kind of ring was inside of it, and she won't dare to know against the female's wish.

"Please hid it in front of an Oak Tree as you'd find suitable." She took a long breathe. "Please give this as my gift to the couple who would find it. May the rings find their suitable owners. The love and bond it carries may pass onto the endearing couple, who would find it."

The Young Concubine smiled her brighest smile at The Empress. The smile which she often used to show at her love, Lucien.

Years passed by, since her arrival at the Empire. Still the memories with her dearest, remained as fresh as the fragnance of the cane of Lucien.

"If I had manipulated the mana, would Lucien had come to me?" Sylvia mumbled as silent tears fell from her cheeks.

"I really...loved you...I still do..."

The next day, the newspaper showed the Imperial news, that The Royal Concubine, Sylvia has passed away, in her sleep.

The former Young Princess of Heriona and the Royal Concubine of Meriana, had passed away, at the age of Eighteen!

Some months went by, a letter reached from the country of Heriona, to the Empress.

Upon reading the contents of the letter, the Empress silently cried as if mourning the tragic end of the couple, belittled by titles, status and fate.


Dear Your Majesty,

I got the news of the ill fate of Her highness Sylvia, I wonder if she told you about the Ivory box. Still, it had rings with mana concentrated, it can be utilised only when the owner manipulates it to send the mana waves to the other ring of the pair. That would help to know each other's location.

Seeing that the ring was not utilised as the larger part of manastone would have reacted here, which is with me, I think it would be safe to say that your Empire had given her lots of love, which I was unable to give her, even though I loved her not because of her Status, but because she gave a meaning to my existence.

It would be wrong of me to say, I was oblivious to her feelings, not after knowing, she being there was because of me. The only regret I have is that I was unable to confess my feelings to her directly. Would something had changed, if I did so? Haha, I dont know.

I feel devastated to the point I am on the verge of crying. I wished to be by her side. Maybe that was too much I asked for as a mere Commoner. My heart belongs to her, as her Guardian Mage or as her recipent of love. Thus I don't wish to marry.

If possible I would love to fall in love with the same woman I had fallen in love three years ago. I still wish to see her smile, feel her warmth. But then again, tell me, would that be possible?



The Empress safely delivered the Box, as per the wishes of the previous owner; under the Oak Tree.

Many have participated since that year, but no one was able to find the 'Ring of Bond' through / The Royal Concubine's Treasure Hunt /

The Crown Prince didn't bother to know about it, until the Princess of Beriryl came. Her enthusiasm made them realise the Tragic story behind the 'Ring of Bonds'.

Now, after 16 years, the box have finally been re-discovered, thanks to the enthusiastic mind of the Young Princess of Beriryl.

The Empress took the two Mana concentrated Rings and handed them over to the Crown Prince and the Princess of Beriryl.

The two came to ask for their Divorce in return after finding the box, but it happened so, the environment to talk about such topic was not RIGHT.

Thus, they glanced at each other and took the Rings hesitantly.

They thought, 'We are not suitable for such kindness, Your highness Sylvia.'

The Empress gave an assured smiled and soon both of them left the room, carrying each Ring with themselves.

The Empress looked at the garden and saw an Oak Tree.

"As per your wishes, I have safely delivered them to the endearing engaged couple of the whole Empire." She looked down at her hands. "I hope wherever you are, know that Lucien still longs for you. Rest in peace, my dear Sylvia."

The Crown Prince introduced the festival of 'The Oak Tree Bond' on the day of Sylvia's birthday to symbolise the undying tragic love between a ROYAL and a COMMONER, to pay tribute to Sylvia and Lucien.

On this very day, The Hunt of the Royal Concubine's Treasure, came to an end in the Empire's history.

| The End |