Death & Rebirth

In a deserted corner of the wide universe is a star system called Sun. There on the only inhabited planet called earth, sits an old man in a temple.

The old man has a long beard, that is completely white. This beard is not white from birth but from old age. His head is bald and on his face are many wrinkles. He wears an old and simple robe which could not be older.

Although one can see his old age and nearly even death aura from him, he sits cross leged with a straight back.

'Huh, 209 years. I don´t think I can hold on any longer...

'My journey has now come to an end. While my Mind has evolved and I even could sense my Soul and lived longer than most people here at the valley, it is really sad that it ends now. Well, well, well... I hope rebirth exist than I can continue my pursue, my long dream of which I took only my first step.

'I bid you farewell everyone I knew in this life and earth you too... Hahahaha maybe you don´t even have a consciousness but I hope you do, so maybe we will meet again and I can repay the karma for having me here...

'Well I hope there is a next life for me!'

Thinking his last thought, the old man opens his eyes and the last shimmer of life in them vanishes. His soul crumbles and his spirit flows out of his body, ready to search for a new host.

In front of the spirit an ethereal crack appears out of thin air. From the crack an mysterious energy flows in the material world and surrounds the old man´s spirit. Slowly the spirit moves to the crack. When it already entered a little bit, it suddenly stops.

If one could see the spirit, one may think that it slowly turns it body around to look at the ground. Though it does not really looks at the ground, but through it. Through the normal ground where the common people walk on, straight in depths of the planet.

From the core of the planet an energy appears and goes straight to the old man´s spirit and imprints itself in it.

Slowly the spirit changes from an ethereal looking light ball to an ethereal looking infant. If the parents of the old man could see this, they would be shocked. Because the infant looking spirit resembles the old man when he was an infant.

The infant looking spirit then starts to make happy sum sound, which could also be heard at the core of the planet. After a few second similar sound could be heard coming from the core.

While communicating its happiness, a green symbol appears on the forhead of the spirit before slowly vanishing in it.

A few seconds later the spirit is pulled in the ethereal crack an departs from earth.


While the spirit travels in the crack to a dark place, no, even dark cannot describe this place because it is the Endless and Infinite Nothingness itself, where the universes have their foundation on and the spirits their home, a childish and happy voice echoed in the universe where the infant looking spirit is departing from.

"Oh, a spirit was marked with an primordial world will. Ai, when was it that it happened the last time? Few millions years ago, right? Doesn´t matter, according to the rules of my master you will be gained another life with your intact memories. Mhhh, you lived in a mortal world but still sensed your soul and evolved your pseudo Mind, hahahaha. Not bad, not bad. Go now, to your next life my little friend. If you preserve maybe we will meet again, but only maybe, hahahaha!!!"

With these word a heavenly energy is emitted from the universe and surrounds the departed spirit.


At the way to the Endless and Infinite Nothingness, the spirit of the old man suddenly stops and then turns around to the universe again.

The energy surrounding the spirit transports it a long way accross the universe, when its stopped at a star system with three suns and countless moons. The system has 9 planets orbiting the suns in a systematic pattern and countless meteorites around the whole system wraping around it with a strong energy.

In the middle of the system where even the suns are oribiting around it, is a small continent stationed. Though the continent is free in the void and with no visible atmosphere, live is still possibile, not only that but the most powerful sect and the family that is ruling this system, has their home there.

Around this continent are orbiting the three suns in the same distance and around the suns are orbiting 3 planets each.

On one of these 9 planets a crack suddenly appeard within the womb of early pregnant woman and the infant looking spirit of the old man appears and directly fuses with the embryo of the woman.

Weeks go by and the embryo grew to an infant and the spirit birthed a soul. Again weeks go by and the brain developed and a pseudo consciousness is birthed.

Then the infant openes his eyes a little bit and the second life of an old man begins, who can seek after his dream again.