After the explanation of her husband, Jilui continues,
"There are still many things you need to know, but to learn everything in one go is a little too much. If you want to know more about some things you can go to the family or sect library, there you can also learn about the history of the sect and our star system.
"So I will now start explaining about the first Realm of the mainpath of cultivation, the Body Tempering Realm! Like its says the body tempering realm is about tempering the body. There are many ways to temper your body.
"For example you can first temper your skin and then go to your muscles, flesh and bones or you can temper directly everything. There are some ways that are painful, some are fast and some are more secure and not really painful.
"But without exception every ways goal is to birth the body mind. The moment you birthed your body and so your first true mind, you will be able to see into yourself and see the qi strands in the environment. Well, the qi strand point is for you of course irrelevant."
While telling about the abilities of her son at a such young age she has a broad smile on her face. Being proud of her child while he is a great genius, of course is only naturally! Reirhua also smiled a little.
'Well, how they would think if they know I am not really a genius and could only see qi strands because of my reincarnation? Well, well, I could say I am a genius in mind cultivation, after all my pseudo consciousness evolved to the most possible extend!'
While seeing the smile on his parents face, Jinhua thought to himself, after that he directly interrupts his mother and asks excited,
"Mother, so which way of body tempering do I use? Our family and sect has probably better ways than normal culivators?"
Seeing the excited expression on his son, Reirhua continues to explain the way Jinhua will start to temper his body,
"Son, because of your unique veins you will use alchemy products to temper your body! To explain it better to you, we will tell you now about your unique veins and physique!
"Firstly the names of your veins are 'Alchemy Veins' and your physique is called 'Formation engraving Physique'
"While being normally not that rare and appearing a few times each generation, in a pair these both are extremely rare!
"Most likely you have these two mutations from us. From your mother you have your alchemy veins and from me you habe your formation engraving physique!"
At the end the both had again a proud look on their face, but at this time not because of their son but because of themself!
Thinking about having his veins and physique inherited from his parents, Jinhua again asked a question to which his mother answers this time,
"So when ones parents have innate unique centers their children inherit them automatically?"
"No, there are you wrong! While the possibility is far greater that the child inherites unique centers when ones parents have them, it is still rare. The reason why you inherit our centers is because we evolved them personally!
"At birth we both did not have unique veins or physique! In the tempering realms of the body and veins we both tempered them beyond the peak of their realm and gained qi veins and a qi physique. I gained qi veins and your father gained a qi physique respectively.
"After that through hard cultivation and great insights in our auxiliary paths I evolved my qi veins to alchemy veins and your father evolved his qi physique to a formation engraving physique!"
Suprised, shocked and also with excitement Jinhua quickly asks his parents,
"Wait!!! What do you meant with qi veins and qi physiques? And what is it with evolving?"
Seeing their so enthusiastic about cultivation makes them both happy and they also quickly answered.
Though they thought Jinhua is enthusiastic about cultivation, he is mainly about being able to evolve himself as this was his past lifes biggest dream and seeking.
In his past life he did not even think that this kind of cultivation could exist, he only wanted to know himself better and evolve himself to a higher level.
Now, cultivation is only a tool for this dream!!!
"Though we planned this for later, we can also tell this you know.
"Qi physique, qi veins and qi soul and later a qi constitution is something that every cultivator seeks to achieve. The qi centers will help you later through your cultivation journey and many cultivator seek to cultivate them, it is really hard and can be dangerous!
"But the qi constitution you can only gain when you unite all three qi centers together is a constitution even the most supreme innate constitution can not compare with!"