Waking up Jinhua notices how his body has strengthened and so his endurance under the body tempering room increased.
It was the first time that he trained his body today and he even asked his father to increase the output of the pressure.
Because of the tempering a moment ago he now can now move with hard work. Before he was not even be able to stand.
That is the magical thing of the hardcore tempering method Jinhua is using.
Normally he would only have a slight increase in his strength if he would use normal methods. Not reaching his limit and not even using his mother´s body tempering pills.
After all the pills that his mother made are not just normal pills that everyone can use. These pills are high grade pills that are only used by children with rich parents or a rich family.
These pills could even be used till the body can rival the core realms. That means for the entire foundation realms these high grade body tempering pills can be used.
After that, one has to use pills with higher alchemy energy and vitality!
Now with the pills and the absorbing of the qi in the environment after reaching ones body´s limit he easily has achievements of six to ten times at body tempering than by using normal methods.
Reaching to the remote of the room Jinhua pushes the red button with the character 'stop'.
The body tempering and qi gathering formation deactivates with the protection and killing formations while the cleaning formation activates and begins its job.
Jinhua feels a white light going over his body and with this white light the dirt on his body vanishes.
Where a short moment before have been blood sweat and impurities on his body, it is now clean and one can see well defined body muscles.
They are not big like one should think with the power this child can burst with but are small and suitiable for the body of his age.
After the cleaning formation stopped and the white light receded the big metal door opened and Jinhua´s father Reirhua walks in.
Looking at his son who trained like a maniac for the last six weeks, he can not be helped but fell proud.
Looking at the strength of Jinhua´s body Reirhua says with a big smile,
"I think you should stop for today with the body tempering training. Consolidate your body strength at the training field and maybe you can birth your body mind in the next few days or even today."
Hearing from his father that he could already birth his body mind Jinhua gets very excited despite his mind cultivation.
"Yes, I am going directly to the training field.", said he with a bigger smile than even his father showed.
Standing alone on the trainings field while his father left doing his own stuff Jinhua thinks with which training practice he should start.
The practice field is divided in four different parts. They are Punching Machine, Speed and Parkour Route, Evade Field and Jumping Pad.
'Well, I start with the Punching Machine to get a idea about my current strength. Then I do a speed test and jumping test. After that I do the excercises of the four parts.'
After he decided what to do Jinhua goes to the Punching Machine. When he is in five meter range of the punching machine lights of a formation appears and the Punching Machine activates.
While thinking how much strength he will have a automatic like voice sound from the formation,
"Hello, which function of the Punching Machine do you want to use?
"You can choose from three different modes:
-Testing Strength!
-Precise Strength Practice!
-Competitive Mode!"
Normally the formation would not have a voice because the Punching Machine is used by using ones mind to connect with the machine and choosing through the mind the modes.
But because Jinhua did not reached this level at the moment, Reirhua integrated an voice assistant in the four parts.
Of course the voice assistant is not a artificial intelliginece or so. One has to answer the defined options.
The different modes have of course different funtions.
The 'Testing Strength' mode is for using ones full strength. Normally one punches the machine but one can also kick it or testing a battle art on it!
The strength result will be displayed in the different realms. For example one has the body strength in comparison to the the peak soul tempering realm it will displayed as 'peak Soul Tempering Realm'!
In the 'Precis Strength Practice' mode one will get a random percent numer from the machine and one can only use this percent of strength of their body.
This helps for better consolidating ones strength!
The last mode is the 'Competitive Mode'. This is for a competition with other cultivators! The competition can be carried out in one or multiple rounds.
Having already choosen to test his strength first Jinhua says casually,
"Testing Strength."
"Mode Testing Strength is activated, please punch the Punching Machine!"
After the automatic voice appeared again and told Jinhua that he can begin, he goes in a punching form.
Left foot to the front, right foot slight behind him, waist slightly bended and the right arm pulled backwarts ready to punch.
Standing in his punching form ready Jinhua takes a huge breath and then punches the machine!
Around his arm the airflow distorts and at the impact a slight shockwave appeared that lets the grass and flowers on the ground wave!
"Peak Body Tempering Realm!", the automatic voice aunnoucnd Jinhua´s results that makes him smile brightly!
Though just because he has the strength of the peak body realm does not mean he can directly birth his mind.
Jinhua´s strength is now only roughly at the peak of the body tempering realm but the peak is for everyone different!
It can be that Jinhua´s body mind needs a greater amount of strength to be birthed and he needs to temper his body more, it can also be that be that his body mind could need less strength than normally.
For people without special physiques there are no real differenties and though Jinhua has also a unique physique it´s ability is not a strength boost or a general improvement of his body, so he has the peak at the same range as the normal body´s!
'Very nice, now I only have to consolidate my body strength and hope to birth my body mind!'
After he calmed down Jinhua went to the speed and jumping testing and both results are also at the peak of the body tempering realm!
'Now I start with the speed parkour to get a better feeling of my body!', after thinking it through Jinhua goes to Speed and Parkour Route.
Standing before the start line the formation light has already appeared and the automatic voice tells him the different modes,
"You can choose from three different modes:
-Testing Speed!
-Precise Speed Practice!
-Parkour Practice!"
The three different modes have also different functions.
The 'Testing Speed' mode is for testing ones speed. One runs from the start line to the end line as fast as possible and then the formation will give out in which realm ones speed is.
The track can also be customized. It can have a different length or a different terrain which the formation simulates!
Then there is the 'Precise Speed Practice' mode. This mode is similar to the 'Precise Strength Practise' mode of the Punching Machine.
One has to run from the start line to the end line in a random generated time! For example one has to run 100 meters in exactly five seconds. This is also for consolidating one body strength!
Lastly there is the 'Parkour Practice' mode. In this mode one has to run a parkour. The formation will simulate obstacles where one has to adjust their speed to not crash into them.
One has to run from the start to the end line in the most possible fastest time! This mode is also a good practice for consolidating ones strength.
Because Jinhua has already tested his speed in the 'Testing Speed' and knows that he has a peak body tempering realm speed he first tries to get used to his new speed.
'I should probably first run the 'Precise Speed Practice' mode to get better at running with my new strength, I don´t want to crash in an obstacle and break me something'
After have thinking his possibilites through Jinhua says in a casual voice,
"Precise Speed Practice"
After selecting a random number automatically the formation voice sounded out again,
"Please run a 200 meter track at exactly 7.5 seconds."
Going to the starting line Jinhua makes him ready and then runs at a speed where he thinks that he reaches the end line in 7.5 seconds.
After a few seconds Jinhua reaches the end line and the automatic voice displays his results,
"You reached the end line at 7.1 seconds, please try again!"
'Hmmm, not bad for the first time let´s try again!', not letting himself down he goes again to the start line to try again.
Jinhua knows from his past life and from his parents that big progress will not happen at the first try and sometimes not at a very long time.
Especially at his past life, he cultivated his mind for one hundred plus years with only one big breakthrough. Patience became a part of himself and is not a problem for him.
Trying again he is ready at the start line and starts running!
Reaching the end line the formation voice sound out again,
"You reached the end line at 8.2 seconds, please try again!"
Miscalculated again Jinhua goes again to start line and tries another time.
He tries a few times more till he gets the given 7.5 seconds.
"You reached the end line at 7.8 seconds, please try again!"
"You reached the end line at 8.1 seconds, please try again!"
"You reached the end line at 7.3 seconds, please try again!"
"You reached the end line at 7.6 seconds, please try again!"
"You reached the end line at 7.5 seconds, congratulation! Do you want to try again?"
Already knowing that he reached the 7.5 seconds also because of some luck he says with a few pauses between words because of fatigue,
"Yes,... please.. I would like to try again!"
Answering his request, the automatic voice sounds out,
"Okay, please run a 150 meter track at exactly 3.8 seconds!"
Getting already ready at the start line after a few deep breaths Jinhua tries again the new challenge!
This time he only need 4 tries to get the exact time.
"You reached the end line at 3.5 seconds, please try again!"
"You reached the end line at 4.0 seconds, please try again!"
"You reached the end line at 3.7 seconds, please try again!"
"You reached the end line at 3.8 seconds, congratulation! Do you want to try again?"
Not wanting to stop until he gets multiple times the exact time at the first try Jinhua tries again.
The third time he needs to reach the right time is at a track of 80 meters in exact 2.0 seconds! This time he gets it in three attempts!
The fourth time he needs 2 attempts!
The fifth time 3 attempts!
And then the sixth, seventh and eight time he only needs one attempt before goint to the next mode the 'Prakour Practice'!