Better to be safe

Chapter 19: Better to be safe

"Ring! Ring! Ring!"

Ryu slowly slid his hand over the table beside him with his body aching, hoping to find the phone ringing.

As he placed the phone to his ear, without even bothering to check who was calling, he answered it.


"Oh My God. Harumi-chan, did you know that there are tons of sales at the mall today?!"

Hearing the caller say the name "Harumi-chan," Ryu probably thought the girl dialed the wrong number.

"Excuse m--"

"Where are you right now?" she interrupted. "I'll head to where you're at, and then we can both go to the mall."

Bleary-eyed, Ryu pulled the phone in front of him to see who was the caller. He immediately sat up straight from the bed, ignoring the pain in his back.

He flipped the phone around to see the backside of it.

'This isn't my phone!' He thought for a moment. 'Okuma... Harumi...!'

Ryu looked at the girl beside him. Despite her snoring, he knew Okuma was sleeping soundly. He scratched the back of his head, thinking of ways to reply to the caller.

Suddenly, the phone went on speaker. "HELLO? HARUMI-CHAN?"

'Shit!' Without knowing what to do, he just pressed the "End Call" button.

"Phew... That was close. I shouldn't expose myself to people that I'm a person who sleeps with girls to complete quests."

'And to fulfill my lustful appetite,' he added in his mind.

Sighing, he looked again at Okuma. Chuckling at how she sleeps, he said in his head, 'That isn't how girls usually sleep, do they?'

Getting out of bed, he stretched as he slowly made his way to the bathroom.

Looking at his own face in the mirror, he said, "I'm completely worn out..."


+ 2,445 points received

- Handjob (100 pts)

- Blowjob (120 pts)

- Fondling tits (75 pts)

- Kiss (50 pts)

- Sex (150 pts)

- Cum in her pussy (100 pts x 12) = (1200 pts)

+ + + + + +

- Titjob (100 pts)

- Spank her ass (150 pts)

- Reach her womb (200 pts)

- Make her orgasm (300 pts)

Ryu nodded in satisfaction after seeing the points he had accumulated.

But then, his body went stiff, and his eyes froze open in disbelief.

"I cummed 12 times in her pussy?!"

[Fufu. Both of you were so lively like dogs in heat]

Ryu had to only sigh after hearing Lily say that. That being the case, he had to take immediate precautions even though he thought it might already be too late.

After taking a bath, he put on his clothes and immediately went out of the motel.

Rushing out and reaching the nearest convenience store, he pantingly took a deep breath after sprinting his way from there to here.

Entering the store, he strolled around for a while and still didn't know where he was supposed to buy was placed.

He went to the counter and asked the girl, who was scrolling through her phone while on her ongoing shift.

"Um... Excuse me, miss, but do you have any contraception?"

"We have."

Slowly raising her head to look at Ryu, she asked, "How many do you need?"

"Just one."

The girl on the counter seductively bit her lips as she watched Ryu leave the store.

"Boys like his age would probably taste good." She pondered for a moment and said, "If he comes again..."

She chuckled and immediately returned to her "proper" working attitude as she saw another customer enter.

After paying and arriving at the motel room number, he slid the card through the door sensor and entered.

He took off his shoes and looked at the clock.

"10:27 A.M already...?" Glancing his way to Okuma, he continued, "And she's still sleeping..."

" R U M B L I N G ! "

Ryu placed the plastic on the table and touched his stomach.

"We definitely need to eat something."

Recalling they had no breaks last night, he walked over to the bed and lightly shook Okuma.

"Okuma-san, wake up." He kept his voice quiet. "It's already morning."

"Mmm... There's no class today... later."

"Okuma-san... You should wake up. We're going to eat breakfast." He slowly pretended to leave as he stomped his feet going out.

"The food's gonna be tasty--"

"Wait! I'm awake. I'm awake."

She got off the bed, with her head still hazy, and headed straight to the bathroom.

After a long wait of 20 minutes, she then asked for her clothes.

Finally, finished after an additional 15 minutes, she came out fully prepared. She just wore the same clothes as yesterday and put some makeup on.

She put on her shoes and looked behind her.

"Are we going or not?"

Ryu placed something inside his pocket and replied, "Yes, yes. We'll go."

Finding a suitable place for breakfast, they immediately found a table. They called a server after scrolling down the menu.

As the server arrived, he took out a pen and a small piece of paper.

"What would you like to order today?"

Ryu looked at Okuma. She nodded as if telling him to order already.

"We'll have 4 servings of Tamago Kake Gohan, please."

After writing their order, the server slightly bowed and left.

"Hey, why did you order 4 servings?" She looked around. "It's only the two of us at the table."

"Two for you and two for me."

"I can only eat one. I don't have an enormous appetite like you boys."

"Okay, if you won't take it, then I'll have 3."

The server placed their order on the table and said, "Enjoy your meal."

Smelling the sweet-savory aroma of the food, they couldn't wait to start digging in.

Gulping down their patience, both of them said, "Itadakimasu~."

As both of them took their first bite, tears nearly came out of their eyes. The taste of rich umami mixed with steamy rice and eggs engulfed their entire mouths.

Slowly swallowing it down, they immediately took another bite. Again and again, they would stop and drink water, then continue taking another spoon.

And adding the taste of salt and soy sauce reaching every corner of their mouth made it an amazing breakfast to start the day for someone who had starved the entire playful night.

While Ryu continued eating, he looked at Okuma. Nearly coughing out his food, he laughed and asked, "Is that how you usually eat."

"No," answered Okuma with a mouthful of rice. "I'm just super hungry."

After finishing his first bowl, Ryu immediately went next to the second bowl. Seeing Ryu quickly finishing his bowl, Okuma hesitated. She hesitated whether she wanted to eat more.

Looking at her own bowl, Okuma nearly finished it, but it still wasn't enough to satisfy her own stomach.

Ryu—who knew what she was thinking—continued eating. After minutes passed, Ryu finished his 2nd bowl, and Okuma finished her first bowl too.

Holding the last bowl in the middle of the table, Ryu took it and placed it near him. Without starting, he held the bowl with both of his hands.

"Mhmm... It's so delicious, isn't it, Okuma-san?"

"It is..."

"Do you want it...?"


Answering while looking at him, she would swiftly take a glance at the hot, steamy bowl full of rice and eggs.

Moving the bowl in a circular motion across the table, he asked once again. "Are you sure? This is probably the last bowl they'll serve."

With the smell arousing her nose, her mind was saying no, but her stomach was saying yes.

Not anymore able to handle it. She gritted her teeth and took the bowl from his side. With the bowl now with her, she said, "Don't think of anything else. I want to eat this now so that I won't get hungry later again."

After seeing Okuma take the last bowl, Ryu leaned both of his elbows on the table with his hands cupped on the sides of his face. He smiled and looked at her.

Noticing his gaze, she ignored it and continued eating her food. But every time she took a bite, she started feeling uneasy.

Okuma covered her face with her free hand and asked, "W...Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Is there something wrong?" asked Ryu, as he smiled again.

She nervously giggled. "N-No... It's just embarrassing if you look at me like that."

Before putting her hand back down, Okuma removed her hand from her face and first fixed the side of her hair, sliding it behind her ears.

After finishing her food, she looked at Ryu. Seeing that he was still looking at her, she averted his gaze while her ears turned red.

Chuckling, Ryu felt some ease in his heart. 'So this is what it's like to spend time with a girl besides sex.'

When Ryu was about to get out of his seat, he forgot he had something stored in his pocket.


"Hmm?" She looked at him while she drank her smoothie.

Ryu pulled out the item from his pocket and placed it on the table. Skeptical of what he showed at the table, Okuma asked, "What is that?"

"They're birth control pills." He placed a bottle of water beside it. "Swallow it down with water."

"Huh? But why do I need that?"

"Don't you remember what we did last night?"

She recollected what they did and blushed. "You came inside me, and it was my safe day. There's no need for this."

Okuma pushed the small box back to Ryu.

"But even if you say that, I still came inside of you more than once." Then he whispered to himself, "You were fucking energetic."

"It's better to be safe, isn't it?" Ryu opened the box and took a pill. He then pulled her hand towards him, only to place the pill on her palms.

"Okay, I'll take it since you keep on insisting." Taking the pill, she pouted while looking at him.

[Fufu. Still not ready to be a father?]

'You expect me to have a child at this age, huh?!'