You're the stalker

Chapter 23: You're the stalker

Heading up the stairs, out of the station, there was a girl who kept thinking about one thing.

'Is he following me?'

As the girl quickly furthered her distance from the man following her, the uneasiness within her increased.

Did she really think this was enough to lead the man away?

Now at ground level, the girl probably thought she was just thinking too much.

But as she went left, she looked back and saw the man, too. Again, thinking as if it was a coincidence, she went right, and so did the man.

She took a deep breath and concluded. 'He's stalking me, right?!'

She pulled out her phone and opened the camera, switching it into selfie mode.

The man wore a grey hoodie (without the hood on) and black jeans.

That person seemed calm when he followed the girl. Her suspicions might be wrong, but nothing can go against the instincts of a girl.

But even if there were many people around, the man never once got away from the vision of her phone.

Walking while holding the phone up for minutes, people felt weirded out by her actions. Which she didn't care about the slightest, and only cared about,

'When is this guy leaving?!'

She acted normally as if she were taking selfies. But doing both looking at the man in the camera and watching her step as if she might bump into someone wasn't a straightforward task to do.

But just as she took a swift glance at her phone, "Bump!"

As the girl bumped into someone, she fell on her butt and her phone scattered within the crowd. While she caressed her back for a second, she slowly looked up at the person she had bumped into.

A bulky man stood wearing a tight black shirt with a height of about 173 cm (5'8ft). He shifted his eyes from the crowd to the girl that crashed into him.

And the moment he saw a cute and beautiful girl with those matured badoinkers on her chest, he didn't hesitate to say, "Miss, you've bumped into me badly."

The man wouldn't have bothered her if she was just an average girl. But he couldn't help but swear, 'Fucking hot.'

He crouched down and said directly to her face, "Your body might be enough to help me relieve the pain."

But little did he know, while he said that with his eyes closed together with that sinister smile, the girl didn't even hear a single word of what he said. Not a single word!

"Where's my phone!" She stood up and looked around. But with this many people, the chances of finding her phone are if someone would care and say, "Whose phone is this?"

Walking while nearing the entrance of the mall, Ryu stumbled upon a phone lying on the ground. He picked it up and glanced around to see if someone might be searching for it.

Hoping to wait until someone calls on the phone, or instead of finding the owner, Ryu immediately rushed his way to the man and the girl who was making a commotion in the middle of the crowd.

She glared at the bulky man and said, "Look what you've done!" The girl stomped her foot and continued, "Now, how am I supposed to meet up with my friend if I don't have my phone?!"

"Hey, little girl," the man said in a low voice. "Let's keep it down and talk about it over there."

The girl gave him a sharp look. "No! Help me find my phone!"

"I can buy you a new one."

"Go with you?" The girl scoffed, "I'm sorry, but I'm not into muscular guys who show off their muscles by wearing tight shirts."

At first, the man was kind, but what the girl had just said made him want to throw a fist at her face.

He shook his head. And instead of punching her, he clutched hold of her hand and pulled her, walking to somewhere quiet.

"H-Hey! Let go of me!" the girl shouted.

But just before the man could take one more step, someone grabbed his hand from behind.

He turned around and looked at that person with annoyance. He was annoyed that there was still someone who would stand in his way despite being this buff!

"What are you doing pulling this girl?" Ryu frowned. "Why the fuck are you pulling her hand?! Can't you just help her find the phone?"

Ryu slowly let go of the man's hand. "Or is it that you haven't heard of Article 177 of the Penal Code as occurring, "A person who, through assault or intimidation, forcibly commits sexual [...]."

After a while, Ryu stopped. He then looked at the man in the eyes and innocently said, "I can tell you more if you want."

Waiting for the man to answer, Ryu whistled as he placed his hands in his jeans and looked at the crowd.

"Hey, kid." The man released the girl's hand and gently said to Ryu, "Leave now if you don't want to get hurt."

Ryu sighed, looking at the bulky man slowly approaching him. "This is why I don't want to get bulky - It's just gross and intimidating."

Ryu pointed his index finger at the man. "I know one more rule!"

As he went on for a while, the man eventually left, with his last words, "Kid, you're a good man. You inspired me to continue my career as a lawyer."

Though Ryu didn't expect those words to come out of the man, it just did.

Ryu asked the girl, looking to his right, "It's you, the subway girl."

The girl reciprocated his gaze and gave him a cold one. She then said, "You're the stalker!"

"Wait, what?!" Ryu didn't get what the subway girl had said. Ryu, a stalker? When did Ryu ever become a stalker?

She crossed her arms. "You were following me the entire time, weren't you?"

Ryu shook his head, frowning at what he had just heard. "Since when did I follow you?"

"Ever since we left the subway, you followed me till here," she said, still with that haughty tone.

"Are you sure?" Ryu questioned her. "This is the way to go to the mall, though..."

After her brain cells finally understood what Ryu said, she looked at the sky and made this face as she looked back at him, (●__●)

She then bowed and apologized. "I'm sorry."

Ryu started recalling something. He remembered someone with the same personality as the subway girl right in front of him - slow-witted and defenseless - but he let out a giggle thinking back to it.

"Are you laughing at me?!"

Ryu stopped. He came back to his senses and solemnly said, "Miss, you're looking for a phone, right?"

She narrowed her eyes and slightly nodded. "Do you have it?"

"In fact, I do."

She lent her hand forward, closing and opening it. "Uh-huh. Now give it to me."

Ryu pulled out her phone from his left pocket and placed it in her hand. "Now that my business with you is done, I have to go. The clock doesn't stop unless it does."

Before passing the girl, Ryu patted her shoulder and winked. Not at her face but her breasts. "Ba-bye."

She looked at him, pursing her lips. "I never wanted to be in your 'business', though."

Turning around and watching Ryu leave, she said to herself, "If he really wasn't stalking me, how could he have my phone?"

She clapped her hands once. "He had his eyes on my phone. That's how he found it!"

In the mall...

"Ahhh~ So refreshing~"

Buckling up his pants after 7 minutes finding the men's toilet and 2 minutes for taking his time urinating, he hurriedly left after washing his hands and splashing some water on his face since he felt drowsy.

Walking inside the mall, he couldn't help but admire the mall's structure here in Tokyo. Though a mall is just a mall, it is one of the Holy Sanctuaries where men can spot some hot beauties.

But only if there were.

"God, it's so wide!"

Ryu pulled out his cell phone and dialed Seiji's number. "Where am I going to meet you guys? I'm in the mall already."

"Near the food cou--"


"Hey, who are you on the phone with?" Koizumi asked, stroking the toothpick-sized dick of Seiji.

"Near the food cou—" Seiji covered the phone with his other hand. "Tomio-chan, wait for a second," he whispered.

At the toilet seat of the women's bathroom, there sat a skinny guy and a girl kneeling on the floor stroking a toohpi— Dick.

Koizumi started stroking Seiji's dick faster with her 2 fingers: thumb and index.

"W-Wait... If you stroke it that fast..."


Seiji came, spraying his sperm on her face and dress. Or that was what he thought...

Koizumi sneered. "Oh, you came already..."

Seiji released at least 5 or 6 droplets of cum. Though it wasn't something a girl would like, Koizumi smiled while looking at his face.

"So, are you going to buy me that thing later?" she asked, wiping his dick with a tissue.


"Hey! Where am I going to meet you guys?" Ryu looked around. "I'm sorry if I'm a bit late. It was because I came across a girl who called me a STALKER."

"Ah~ That felt good, Tomio-chan."

Ryu's face turned upside down, quivering.

'My friend, I hope you can at least satisfy that girl of yours.' He said inwardly. 'Your body can't probably handle her weight. Those boobs of hers are at least 2 kgs.'

Seiji said on the other side of the phone, "You can meet us at the food court."

He sounded as if he was rushing somewhere, or it was just that he got caught.

"Oka--" Ryu immediately checked his phone. "He hung up... He definitely got caught."