Just a peek wouldn't hurt

Chapter 30: Just a peek wouldn't hurt


Las Vegas, USA

"Hmm? That product from 2 years ago? I thought it was..." The man frowned, clenching his phone as he tightened the grip on his other hand and forcefully pushed something closer to him.

Suddenly, a gag echoed around the bright yet silent building filled with sun rays from every enormous window.

A woman in a business suit knelt on the ground, pulling back her head, full of white cream oozing out from the corner of her lips. Swallowing the cream on her mouth, she then pulled out a handkerchief from her suit's pocket and wiped her mouth.

Without being told what to do next, the woman instinctively held the long hot rod in front of her and placed it back inside her mouth. Bobbing her head up and down, she twirled her tongue through every side, cleaning every bit.

After a couple of minutes, she stopped and stood up, her breathing somewhat hot. The woman walked towards the enormous mirror at the corner of the window, fixing her crumpled attire and blonde hair, which dazzled in the sun.

The man, whom the woman had just finished giving a blow to, finished his call and placed his phone and both of his arms on the desk in front of him. The frown on his face still hadn't loosened.

He spun around in the office chair, buckling up his pants, and looked at the massive window in front of him. His room was on the highest floor of a tall building. From below, one could depict him as a king who looks down on others.

His perspective on others is just like how other people in huge businesses' do. His viewpoint in a society like this is simple; "If you're rich, you can solve anything. If you can't, it just means you're not rich enough."

Like the woman, the man had blonde hair. He was extremely handsome, especially with his light blue eyes, which could clearly be seen reflected in the sun. The man was in his early 20s. Everyone knew his name in the business industry.

"How could that product still be..." the man said as he gave a deep sigh, and his frown loosened a bit. "Mia, I thought everyone had their files deleted."

"What do you mean, sir?" The woman, named Mia, asked confusingly.

"The unfinished product, — Aphrodisiac." He tapped his fingers on the arm of his chair, seeming to hesitate about something. "If that is the product... I think we will have a change of plans."

He then stood up and sauntered his way out of the room. "Let's go meet the 'others'."

"But, sir, you have a meeting at--"

"Cancel everything on my schedule for today," he said, pausing for a second before continuing, "Um... Also, thank that woman for the information."

Hearing the man's last words, Mia couldn't help but be stunned. She knew very well his temperament and attitude. It wasn't because he could thank someone, but one could only count the people who could get his gratitude with their fingers.


"Hey, you done?" Leaning against the wall, Ryu watched Azuma endlessly puking on the toilet. "If you're done, let's go back."

"Wait... I'm almost... guhhh!" Azuma lowered her head and puked more and more, sitting on the floor.

After a minute, she washed her face and got out of the toilet; Ryu followed behind. Washing her face made the makeup on Azuma's face muddled, and instead of thinking of her as a beauty, you could call her a zombie, which would probably make sense.

Walking back to their room, it was utterly silent. However, a distinct voice reached Ryu's ear as they went further. Heading to where the sound came from, Azuma noticed it too.

As they arrived at the room [21A], Azuma and Ryu could hear the sounds of moans and meat pounding against each other.

The rooms were all soundproof, but one should know that you could already hear what was going on inside with just a slight opening of the door.

Moving closer, Ryu and Azuma looked at each other and nodded, seeming to agree about something. They had the same thought in mind: 'Just a peek wouldn't hurt.'

However, once they saw who the people inside were, Ryu and Azuma had their mouths agape.


With a girl laying her back on the sofa, and a man continuously pounding his hips on top of her, one would already know what they were doing.

Moans couldn't escape the mouth of Koizumi, and the man who continued drilling his meat rod into her ravine was none other than Sato.

With moans slipping out of her mouth and Sato's haggard breathing, he proudly said, "You think I wouldn't notice the looks in your eyes earlier?"

"Ngh... give me more," moaned Koizumi.

From the two peekers' view, you could completely see an exposed cave and a rod going in and out, with water gushing out from the ravine.

Despite being shocked, their faces reverted to normal after a second of seeing them. Ryu already knew what Koizumi was, and so did Azuma.

What would a gold-digger do if they came across a man with a large sum of money on them? Of course, they're gonna hit on them. Having a sugar daddy is good for them; the more money, the merrier.

Once Koizumi knew Sato was the club manager, she didn't hesitate to give him seductive looks. Even if people were to find out what she was doing, at least it wouldn't be for naught.

"Just look at you. You're nothing but a bitch who likes money." Fondling the two peaks of Koizumi, Sato reached his head forward and sucked on one of her pointing tips. "How is it, tell me? Do you like my dick?"

"Ngg... Yes, I love it!" She moaned. "I love it so much!"

Lying on the sofa, Koizumi wrapped her delicate arms around Sato's neck. As she raised her head, Koizumi saw two eyes peeking at the door, making her cave involuntarily tighten.

While enjoying this kind of thrill of being watched, Koizumi winked at whoever was peeking through the door; she even bit her lips seductively and continued moaning.

Ryu gave off a bitter smile, seeing Koizumi wink at them. So did it mean, whether or not it was them peeking, she would do the same thing to whoever was in their position? Wink at them?

Ryu's heart turned sour. He didn't know why, but he got irritated the more he watched them. Did he like Koizumi? Is it because of the fake affection she always showed him? Or is it the feeling of seeing someone you've fucked being fucked by someone else?

"Hey, let's go back," Ryu said, looking away. "Those two girls might be awake already."

Giving a disdainful look at Koizumi, Azuma mumbled, "Tch. She hasn't changed one bit." And upon hearing Ryu, she then shifted her eyes to him.

Since they had the focus to glimpse the show of Koizumi and Sato, it didn't mean they were sober. They were still pretty drunk. Especially Ryu. Watching those two made him even dizzier.

Looking at Ryu, Azuma noticed the irritation on his face. With Ryu going back, she stood up and followed behind.


As they entered the room, Ryu looked at the two girls who were still drunk dead. He then lay on the sofa with his back facing it. He covered his eyes with his hand and sighed inwardly, wanting to sleep right here.

Azuma seemed to know the cause of his expression, so she walked towards him, leaned her head a bit, and gave him a peck on the lips. Azuma didn't know why she did that, so she blamed herself for being drunk.

Letting her drunken state take over, she gently whispered into Ryu's ear, "Hey, I wanna do it,"

With his eyes still covered, he replied lazily, "Stop it. You're drunk."

"Hey, c'mon. I know you've been craving this body since we were at the van." Taking off her sneakers, she said honestly.

"You'll go crazy if we do it," Ryu warned. "So just stop it. I'm not in--"

"The mood?" Azuma interrupted and asked. "Not in the mood because of that slut?"

Ryu removed his arm from his eyes and paid attention to Azuma, standing beside him. With Azuma leaning towards him, her hands on her knees to support her weight and her eyes looking at him, Ryu replied to her question, "What if it's because of that?"

Azuma shrugged her shoulders and answered, "I know something a bit about her."

"Really?" Ryu asked as one of his brows went up. "Though I think I don't need it?"

"What are you talking about?" Azuma fixed her hair, placing it to the side of her ears, and confusingly said, "Don't you wanna kno--"

Suddenly, Ryu raised his arm, placed his hand behind Azuma's head, and pulled it closer to him, causing their lips to touch each other.

After some time, Ryu parted his lips from Azuma's and gazed through her eyes. And with a smirk, he said, "You talk a lot for a drunk person."

As Azuma dragged her head back, she pouted and retorted with a blush, "Who told you to get a head start?" She then went to the sofa and sat above Ryu, aiming her plump peaches at his crotch.

Again, she lowered herself and placed her lips against his. But now, she inserted her tongue into their kiss. Just as she expected, as she met his tongue, both of them had it twirling violently.

Time passed, and the sounds of moans and ecstasy filled the room [1Z], with a girl riding on a man's hot meat rod and a man who continued moving his hips upward.