
Anna has always been like this she doesn't care and she didn't want anyone to care, *care* it felt like a burden on her soul, she's a 22 years old girl, all grown up, all matured. she just wanted to live free without any burdens

Sitting in her room Anna recalled in her mind whatever her teacher said earlier, she knew that she didn't study properly for so long and it is going to be so difficult for her to get good grades and at the same time she didn't want to repeat the whole year, after thinking for too long she concluded that *this is the time I have to study because I don't want to go back there every day*

with this only thought in her mind, she studied restlessly

Days pass and here it is the exam day Anna did study as best as she could and this was probably the first time she did this much hasd work and now she's standing at the door of her classroom

Ahe was anxious to go in but as soon as she saw Noora coming in her direction she got a little panicked and she went in without giving it a second thought, she knew that the first thing Noora would do is start throwing her pointless questions in front of Anna

The classmate who always asks her that how she prepared how is she doing and so on and for Anna's bad Noora already saw her getting in and ran behind her, getting in the classroom Noora searched for Anna

Anna was going back at the very end of the classroom to her usual place when Noora saw her again and starts following her, on the other hand Anna just cursed under her breath feeling someone following her from behind and she knew who exactly was it

"Why is she following me now" Anna mumble a bit irritated by Noora's behavior as this is not the first time Noora is chasing her

"Anna... Anna"

Anna heard but ignored as if she doesn't even exist

"Anna! here you dropped your pen" Noora said breathing heavily as she was chasing Anna from outside

"Oh.... sorry i... I didn't hear you calling me"

A bit embarrassed Anna apologized to her classmate as Anna thought Noora was just following her to annoy again but here she was helping her

"I know you heard me don't play now! I was chasing you from the outside but you didn't listen now you have to pay for it"

Noora said with a wave of slight anger in her voice wanting Anna to pay for her mistake

"Now what you want"

Anna said again in annoyance not knowing what Noora wants now

"You have to be friends with me and I don't want any excuse, and this is your punishment!"

Noora said trying to put on a serious face but failed as she was smiling slightly

"Fine now go away" Not wanting to argue Anna let her weapons down by just saying fine

"Yayyyyyy" and on the other hand Noora was jumping as she won a prize or something

Seeing her like this was the first time you can see Anna smile in her college life~

"Yay" Noora started jumping in joy, after a long time of trying Anna finally accepted her friendship call and seeing her like this Anna had a little smile on her face but before she could hide that smile, Noora saw her smiling, again that was her bad luck, Anna didn't want Noora to see her smiling at her but she did

"Wahhh you're smiling (⊙_☉) what have I just witnessed oh my God am I dreaming? I must be dreaming this can't be real I know I'm dreaming no-no-" Noora being dramatic she showed so many emotions at the same time not believing what she just witnessed

"Stop being so dramatic"

Anna said to keep her classmate which is now her new friend clam

"Nah I'm not going to stop tell me did you just smiled? wow I didn't know you also had that power"

Noora being her dramatic self again let her words out

"I can't believe I can't believe I can't believe"

Mumbling Noora sat down not on her usual seat but beside Anna

Seeing Noora sitting beside her Anna started to question herself that what she did was right or not, accepting her friendship which was pending since God knows for how long

"Why are you sitting here"

Turning her eyes to the side as Anna gazes at Noora and spoke. she just wanted Noora to leave her alone but Noora was doing that at all

"Because now I am your friend and I'm going to sit with you no matter what and after the exam, we are going to have lunch together so get ready because no I'm not leaving you hehe" saying by Noora who explained all of her plans that now she is not going to leave Anna anywhere alone at any cost


Not liking the idea Anna said with a bit loud voice and a hint of anger

But as soon as the word came out of her mouth she realized that she was a bit too loud "s-sorry I didn't mean to scare you" saying that Anna sat herself down on her desk

"No it's OK Uhm I know you got irritated by my behavior but don't worry I don't mind" Noora spoke keeping the conversation going before she looked straight to the door as the teacher walked into the classroom

"Hello everyone I hope you all have prepared well to do your exam today"

with that teacher started to distribute the papers...

Finishing their first exam all the students were going out while Anna was still writing something on her paper

Seeing a student a particular student still writing teacher was little taken aback, she couldn't believe her eyes while on the other hand, Noora was also waiting for Anna to finish first so they could go out together

Finishing her paper Anna also got up and walked to the front to submit her paper

"I see you took my advice seriously, that's great well I hope whatever you wrote in your paper is right!" being nice and rude at the same time the teacher utter

Holding Anna's hand Noora lead her out of the class "I'm so hungry" Noora utter as she was starving by now

"But wait what was that?"

