Deception of the eyes

Walking in he saw the same girl seated on her usual seat right in his way,

he walked past her but stopped as Anna didn't spare a glare at him

She was so busy as she didn't even notice his presence, standing with his back faced Anna's back he took few steps back but unlucky him his hand made the books on Anna's desk fell,

Shooting her eyes to the person who just destroyed her everything on her desk, she stood up and saw her boss with an apologetic smile plated on his face,

Rolling her eyes as she felt offensive she bent down to pick her books up while Zain also tried to help but stopped himself as he sees his employees watching him being unprofessional for the first time as he's famous here for being fully professional and perfect in everything while Anna on the other hand whatever she does everyone sees imperfection in her everything.

"It's ok!" getting up Anna utter without hearing a sorry

Nodding his head being a little embarrassed as he tried to look professional, he left.

Stepping inside his office

"Ahh what is wrong with me! why do I behave like a teenager!"

Messing his hair as to get talked to himself

Looking at her left Anna saw no one, Sarah didn't come today also. signing to herself Anna again continued with her work.


Sitting in the food core of a mall with her friend Anna looked at her being angry as Noora dragged her out of her house as today was her day off and she wanted to rest in her house and spend some time with herself, however. Noora didn't let that happen and ruined all her plans

"Don't make that face! you know you are my best friend! I just wanted to shop with you, the dinner is tomorrow and I don't have anything for the occasion!"

With a pouty face, she tried to make Anna believe that she didn't have anything to wear when Anna knew that is just an excuse.

"Yea right! you don't have anything!"

in her irritated tone Anna utter as her face showed pure dejection

After Noora shopped for an hour she dropped Anna at a grocery store as Anna had to grab some stuff for her daily usage, she walked in and search for the things she needs

"Hey, Anna"

Hearing her name from behind Anna looked back and saw the person she didn't expect

"Hi Anna"

Coming near Sarah put her hand forward for a handshake

"Hi" without shaking her hand when Anna was about to turn

"What happened are you angry with me?" Sarah utter as she wanted Anna to talk I her while Anna wasn't interested at all

"Why are you not coming to your job?"

Being all straight up Anna asked with her usual cold voice and a poker face which never left her

"I-i ... I did a mistake, and I know that you know about it!"

Looking down Sarah continued

"Can we talk somewhere more comfortable?"

Anna just nodded seriously, Leaving her grocery behind Anna made her way out while Sarah followed her from behind

Seated on a chair in the car near that grocery shop Anna waited for Sarah as she insisted to have a coffee with her


Putting the mug in front of Anna Sarah also took a seat across Anna.

"Thank you"

Taking a sip from her coffee Anna utters with her cold face

"No problem!"

Sarah replied with a grin on her face

"It's freezing outside right!?"

Trying to make the tension down Sarah tried to sound friendly

"Get to the point!"

Anna again utters straight-up

"Oh yea, um.... i- I did it on purpose!"

"What purpose?"

Hearing Sarah's confession Anna was so curious to know that reason.

"Um. I'm working in a new company now,.. the company is paying me more than my old job, and they are the one told me to do .... what I did. believe me, I'm guilty!"

Saying with guilty in her voice Sarah explained, she really looked guilty from outside but Anna wasn't someone who can trust anyone, she was just listening to her

"What is the matter with guilty now? what you did, is what you did. there is no place for guilty now"

Saying that Anna finished the rest of the coffee in her mug and got up ready to leave.

Getting out of the cafe she thinks about the day she met her she seemed a good person and the every whoo person who looks nice is not nice~


Getting ready for dinner as Anna just came back from her work being tired of sitting in front of a computer as her head hurts she closed her eyes sitting on the couch in her living room

She wore her usual office outfit, not anything different, her milky white pants, her white coat looked perfect with a black silky shirt inside, her hair tied up in a low messy bun, she wore white heels not too high as her height is long enough as she doesn't need to wear heels on daily bases

Hearing Noora's car horns outside she stands up and walked out of her apartment without looking at herself in the mirror as she was so tired to do so

"Hi girl"

Putting her hand out as Anna gave her hand in Noora's hand Noora gave a pecked on her hand, looking like a prince and princess but the out way around as Noora wore a dress while Anna wore a suit

"This is weird"

Being embarrassed by her doing Noora hurriedly got in the back seat while Anna also did the same


Stepping out of the car they both entered the beautiful venue

"It's beautiful right?"

Grabing Anna's hand Noora utter excitedly,

while Anna looked at her weirdly as she was literally throwing herself on Anna

"Ooh sorry, hehe"

Standing up straight Noora laughed a little in embarrassment

Anna pressed her lips together stopping herself to laugh at her friend

"Don't laugh at me! OK"

Seeing Anna's failed attempt of hiding her laugh Noora utters with a giggle

