I was already in the lobby, going to the parking lot when someone shouted "Alex!"

I picked up my pace so he wouldn't be able to reach me but who was I kidding? This guy was an athlete and I didn't wanna look like I was ignoring him so I stopped. Besides, why was I even running away from him.

"Aren't you gonna stay? Your friends are staying to watch our training and prolly take a few photos for the article." Harry said, smiling at me as if he knew I was gonna say yes.. As if!

I smiled nicely. "No, thanks. I'm not their member."

"Then just stay and watch. I'll just give you a lift later." He insisted. Why? We weren't even close. Showing his dashing smile that prolly trapped other girls into staying-- but not me.

I awkwardly looked around, biting my lip as I thought of an alibi. "I-uh.. have my car with me and--" I paused, shifting my weight from one foot to another, "uh.."

Then I felt an arm around my shoulder, "She's giving me a lift. We are to study in my place for Biology. You know Mr. Galagher's keeping an eye on me."

Harry looked at me, checking if I'd agree. This was the alibi I've been waiting so I'd totally agree with him. I bit my lips and nodded my head as an answer. "Uh-hum."

Harry clasped his hand with a sound, reproachingly, he said, "Welp, nice to know you'd be riding with someone. At least I know you'll get home safe." He then raised his thumb, pointing anywhere behind him. "Gotta go back to the gym. See you next training, man." He told Clarence before jogging his way out.

I felt a hand slightly squeezing my shoulder followed by his breath as he whispered "Drive safely." Slightly closer than he was allowed to. Woah! I didn't remember signing up for this.

I quickly stepped away and glared at him before I started walking to my car.

"A simple thank you would've been appreciated." He hollered.

When he realised I ain't gonna say anything, he hollered again, "Drive safely!"

I just wagged my hand to dismiss him. Been driving home to school, back and forth for years without men telling me to drive safely or to take care.. Men, themselves are danger. That, I know.

I agreed to tutor Clarence just because Mr Galagher was going to give us a project or a research where he was paired with me. I wouldn't want Clarence to be the reason I'd lost my honor streak so I needed to prepare him for what's to come.

My pad wasn't actually far from school, less than an hour drive. Sometimes an hour and a half if there's a traffic jam. Luckily, it wasn't rush hour yet so I'd be home in 45.

I was listening to Avril's What The Hell when I noticed a dark blue G Wagon. I swear! That car is a fcking bomb! I was busy canonizing the car to notice that it has been behind me for quite awhile now. Fck! Wasn't it a stalker trying to lure me 'cause they knew I'm after that type of car? Crap!

I immediately overtook the car in front of me, making sure to keep my distance from that Wagon. I love the car, but if the driver was a stalker, no thanks. Not gonna put myself in danger for a car.

Once the car was out of sight, I felt relief. I laughed at my own paranoia, and accusing someone of following me just because they've been tailgating me for awhile.

I turned the engine off and looked at myself in the vanity mirror, fixing my hair and smiled. I took my phone to send Mariel and Jen a picture that I arrived safe cause they've been requiring me to do that since I started living on my own. I know, they were the sweetest!

So, I was about to go out when I saw the same Wagon that was following me awhile ago. I rubbed my eyes and looked closer. What the fck? I went out of the car, carrying my phone and called Marielle thru IG cause my facetime ain't working for unknown reason.

I walked in normally, phones on my ear as I video call Mariel just so the camera was directed at the car that has been following me. "Someone's stalking me. He's been tailgating my car.. And now he's here in the parking lot. Look!"

I walked slowly as I passed by his car, making sure I got a clear view of it and the plate. And before I even passed it, the door opened.. My heartbeat was so fast as I waited for the driver to show himself.. And to my surprise, Clarence went out of the car. Clarence! The one and only!

My blood started boiling. I could feel my own sharp breaths. What does he want? Tutor my ass.

He smiled once he saw me stopped by the front of his car and jogged towards me. I gripped my phone against my chest so he wouldn't see I was taking a video of him. That smile! I wanna rub it off his face especially when he spread his arms as if he's gonna give me a hug.

"Have you been stalking me?" I spat at him.

"Baby, I know you're mad but we live here." He smugly said before pulling me to a hug. I was so surprised with the sudden contact which gave him the opportunity to take my phone from my hands. I tried to reach it-- TRIED. Surprise! He's stronger, of course!

I couldn't see it but I was sure he was doing something before he returned it to me. I opened it to check what he did but I couldn't see anything! He effin cleared all the running apps.

I pushed him, making him let go of me. "Why are you here?" I asked in gritted teeth.

He raised his brows, "I live here."

"Y-you live here?" I asked incredulously, stammered a bit out of embarrassment.

"Actually, no. I just parked my car here.." He said sarcastically "Of course I live here! Why else am I gonna park here?" He snapped.

I looked away, trying to calm myself.. So much embarrassment for today.

He then spin me, put his hands over my shoulders to push me like a push cart while we were heading to the entrance.. I reluctantly let him, but eventually gave up.

"You see those?" He asked, tracing his pointing finger from the ceiling, and walls.

"Those are what we call surveillance camera. You don't vlog your death." He said, stifling a laugh. "Although, okay.. I'll give it to you. That was cute." He added then chuckled.

He called for the elevator and we both got in. I still couldn't find the courage to speak and defend myself cause.. Well, he was right. That was stupid.. No, he said it was cute. But he meant stupid.

I pressed the 26th flr and stood there silently. Praying to reach my floor sooner than possible. Then I noticed, he didn't press any button. Is it possible that he's really stalking me?

I broke the silence. "What floor are you?" I asked, trying to sound natural.

He just looked at me from the reflection and shrugged.

"Are you seriously stalking me?" I asked, brows furrowed, eyes narrowed, palms fisted, ready to punch.

He looked down on my fist then smirked, "So what if I am?" He asked in a hoarse voice. Fck!

I was gasping for words, something that could taunt him.. But I couldn't find any.

I'm not usually this weak. I punched my ex boyfriend who cheated on me, and he transferred to another school-- aside from the fact that he got an offer from his school now. Though, I want to assume its because of his bruised ego since he couldn't even face every one the next day. I guess learning kickboxing ain't bad after all.

But Clarence was a different story.. Or maybe my lame excuse of a boyfriend was just a coward.

Fortunately, the elevator dinged. I didn't wait for it to fully opened before I skidded to the space that it created. I walked in fast-paced, but not to the extent that he'd notice I'm trying to get away from him.

Once I reached my door, I tried to have a glance of him through my peripheral vision but he was nowhere. I turned my head from left to right to double check only to find out that no one's with me. The floor was empty. I didn't even hear a beep coming from his door.

Anyway once I got in, I threw myself on the couch and closed my eyes for a bit. I growled.. "What a long day."

I was about to take off my shoes when my phone started beeping. One after another.

My eyes almost bulged out when I read the notifications..

"You guys living in?"

"Since when did you guys live together?"

"OMG! How?"


When I opened the post, I saw the footage in the carpark.. But what freaked me out was the caption that was written in it. Aclaires was live..

It was live!