College isn't complete without those moments every students wish for, the absence of their professor. I would really appreciate it if first, I didn't rush myself to be here and second, if it wasn't the only class that I have.

But since I wasn't able to be on my first class, THIS last subject was the only reason I was here. Yup, I only have two classes for today, and both of 'em were three-hour class. And now, it seemed like I just rushed myself for nothing cause my professor decided it was a good day to go no-show. I should be celebrating right now, but I wasn't.

Mariel and Jen arrived on our room and told me about the news. We decided to stay at the sunken garden behind our building to have some quality time. Quality time my ass. I knew they were just going to interrogate me about that live.

As soon as we sat on the trunk of the tree, they started bombarding me with questions regarding the video. I knew it! I freaking new it!

I told them what happened, what actually happened but they just gave me an incredulous look and started sleuthing. I remembered deleting the video right after I saw it but these two have their ways on getting a copy of it. Of course!

I put on my earphones while the two were discussing what article they were going to post on their page. They are part of a school magazine. As I mentioned, they were not into academe and excellency, they were more into the gossips and buzz. They also have a page where they post pretty much every beef in our university.

I closed my eyes for a bit as I slowly let the music took over me and dozed off.

And the moment I opened my eyes after a while, I found a pair of blue orbs staring back at me. Shocked by my sudden awakening, his eyes widened and he got slightly off balanced.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, removing my earphones. I looked at my watch and realized that I had slept for quite awhile.

"I was sitting there." He said, pointing at another tree trunk not that far from where we were. "Then your friends told me they're going to their org or something, and asked me to look after you cause they don't wanna wake you up." He continued.

I just nodded, not knowing what to say. I wanna asked why he was staring at me, but I didn't wanna put myself in an awkward situation so I just shrugged that off.

"Wanna go home?" He asked.

"Don't you have a class?" I asked back.

"Nah.. My professor's in a meeting, same as yours."

Realizing I'm not gonna say anything about going home, he lay down, putting his head on my lap. I slightly stiffened with the sudden contact of his skin on mine but I chose to relax myself and get used to his warmth since I knew this guy would be bothering me as long as it satisfies him. And I knew he's not that easy to get rid off.

He took my phone and unplugged my earphones, making Sk8ter Boi blasted through the speaker.

He smirked at me, "You didn't strike me as an emo."

I just shrugged. He took my hand and slightly press my thumb on the home button to unlock it. I watched him as he scan my playlist, and when he didn't find anything worth listening for, he searched his acct on the app and scan through his playlist instead.

Hey played a song which I'm not familiar of even the singer.

I guess you got me where you want me, girl

And I'm not sure if we should slow it down

And I'm ashamed or the way I appeared

But promise I'm not gonna let you down

I listened deeply to the song, cause I believe that the person's choice of music is another way to know them. Music is like an amplifier of one's personality, like you wouldn't listen to metal rock if you found it too loud.

By the way, I don't know how to be in love

I'm not afraid, I'm a slave right away

And I'm here for good.

My eyes landed on his face. His sharp features always make him look like he's older than his age, older in an attractive way. But seeing him now was like seeing a different side of him. He looked so soft and delicate.

And there's not a day that I won't be yours

And I'm glad I'm not alone anymore

Is this too good to be true?

His thick brows that were always furrowed were now at ease, even the spaces between 'em. His thin lips showed a ghost of smile in them. His nose, his eyes and long lashes that every girls would die to touch.. They were in front of me and I was itching to touch them but afraid it would wake him up.

Clarence was never my type, but I couldn't deny how handsome he was. Like every girl-- even I, could easily get attracted to him. I just happened to know better so I'd rather not.

Can't you see I'm just a fool

But if you have a couple of hours, call me tonight

I guess I'm falling in the same way

Cause I know after dark I will want you hear

But my hand seemed to have their own mind when it moved towards his hair, brushing it in a slow rhythm. I looked for his reaction, and when he didn't react or flinch, I continued. Until I couldn't help but to touch his forehead. I slightly rubbed a finger on his brows, tracing it's pattern, then on his eyes.

I'm just like you boy

We have so much to lose or the best to come

And by the way, it's a way I haven't felt before

I have to say, that I fell like I've never been so sure

Then it hovered over his cheek and found it's way to his lips. I gulped.. His thin lips. I wanted to feel how soft they were. My thumb was still hovering over his lips, having second thoughts whether to feel it or what. I gasped when his hand found my wrist before I even touched his lips.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

I immediately pulled my hand. He sat up and turned his head to look at me. I could feel my blood concentrated on my face, making my cheeks felt hot.

His brows were back into it's usual furrow. "Are you starting to fall in love with me?" He asked, catching me off guard.

I gasped, mouth agape. I started grasping for my things and stood up. "Why would I?" I asked.

He stood up and fixed his gaze on me. "I don't see why not." He retorted.

I snorted. "You're insane. I only know you for like a day or two." Then I started walking towards the exit. Then I looked back at him with a smug smile on my face, "Why? Are you?" I joked.

But the words came out of his lips made me stop on my track. "And so what if I am?" He answered.

I zoned out for I didn't know how long until I felt an air behind my ears, "Kidding."

I shivered at the feeling of his breath on a delicate skin behind my ears. It awoken every nerves I have in my body. But I felt embarrassed and vexed when he stopped in front of me and started laughing.

"You should've seen your face." He said in between his boisterous laugh.

I just rolled my eyes and pushed him out of my way and continued walking. I heard him shouted "Remember you don't have your car with you."

I turned to face him and glared when I noticed the smug smile on his face that I was dying to wipe away. I was about to tell him I would ask Jen or Marielle to drive me home when an idea hit my mine. I grinned internally.

"About that.." I walked back towards him and stopped at a distance where he could hear me.. "Can you wait for me? I'll just find Marielle and Jen. Wait for me, here kay?"

"I could just wait for you in the carpark." He suggested as he started walking towards me but I stopped him right away.

"No no! You stay here. Let's go to the car park together when I come back, kay?" I didn't wait for him to answer instead I just ran off, chirping "See yaa!"

Once I got to their org, I saw them writing an article about my live.

"Excuse me?!" I asked offended. "You guys are writing some beef about me, you know that, right?" I tried to look at their desktop but they wouldn't let me. I saw a GIF of my live tho. It was when Clarence hugged me and said 'We live here'.

"You see? There's no friendship when it comes to org things so.." Marielle said then they both shrugged. What the fck?

"But I already told you guys what actually happened. Wasn't that supposed to clean my name or something?" I hissed.

"Look.. A lot of people requested for this. Even those outsiders. Besides, Clarence is pretty famous in and out University. We're just doing this for you to lessen those girls who could be your future rival.. Thank us later." Jen explained, still typing while Marielle was trying to block my way so I wouldn't get to Jen.

"This is bullshit." I huffed, giving up when I saw their orgmates entered the room. I couldn't just make a scene here, right? I glared at Marielle who was just wagging her eyebrows on me.

"You have to give me a ride home for this." I rasped, sitting down on their desk.

"Posted!" Jen chirped before turning to me. "Why what happened to your boyfriend Clarence?" She asked, emphasizing the last two letters.

I glared at her before turning my head to their orgmates who were now looking at us. Some were amused and some were pretty upset, especially girls. I think they were right about girls wanting Clarence.

I didn't know what hit me but I just wanna irritate those girls who glared at me. "Well, they have a meeting regarding him being a Captain of the team." I drawled so the girls would be more irritated. "BUT he said he'd make it up to me." I silently chuckled and so were Marielle and Jen.

After annoying their female orgmates, we all went out of the room to go to the car park. I convinced them to use a different route so Clarence wouldn't see us on the way. Yep, my plan was to leave him waiting for me in the garden. I didn't need another guy in my life.

The girls were somehow suspicious why I didn't wanna pass by the garden, but they soon agreed to me anyway since it started raining. PS. I didn't tell them about my plan.

I was starting to doubt my plan as well because of the heavy rain. He might have gone to the parking lot and decided to leave me. After all, I was nothing but his 'tutor'. The rain was so hard so we started sprinting to reach their cars as soon as possible.

I entered Jen's car since my place was on the way to her's. I looked out the window trying to see if Clarence's car was still parked but I couldn't see it. Either he already left or I was looking at the wrong parking space.

The traffic was jammed and the rain was blinding us. The drive home was silent cause I couldn't even manage to talk to her. I started feeling guilty, even the deafening car horns couldn't even distract me as I thought of the guy I left in the field, hoping he decided to ditch me.

Jen used a different route and managed to do a shortcut so we reached my building after an nearly an hour. Yep, she's the better driver won't argue with that.

"You can tell me whatever it is you're thinking once I got home. I'll ring you, kay? Love you!" She said as I went out of her car.

I turned to her and gave her an assuring smile. "Thanks. Drive safely. Love you!" Then I closed the door and ran to the entrance.

As I reached my floor, I started wondering if he was already home. I wanted to know but I didn't have his number, and I definitely didn't know where his unit was so.. I didn't have a choice but to wait for him.

After doing my ablutions, I was already in my pyjama pacing back and forth in my living room as I was trying to make up my mind. I didn't know if I would ask Marielle to get his number from her cousin Lawrence or I'd just wait for him to knock on my door. I mean.. Would he even knock on my door when he reached home?

Keeping my door open to wait for him wasn't a good and safe idea either. What if I was waiting for nothing cause he actually decided to go home without me cause he knew my friends were there to give me a lift? Argh! I hate thinking about men! I hate men!

Last night, I didn't get a good night sleep. I waited for his knock on my door for hours but he didn't. Maybe he was already home before I even got home. I literally facepalmed for thinking about him first thing in the morning-- even before I check my phone, when he was also the last thing I've thought of last night.

My eyes literally went wide when I received a text from unknown number last night around 10.

Glad you made it home :)

"Wow. Miracles do exist. Look! You're early today." Marielle yammered after seeing me walking towards them. "Miracle, right?" She asked then stood up to kiss my cheek.

Behind her was Jen, who also kissed my cheeks. "What made you wake up early?" She asked.

I just shook my head and tried to focus on my notes that I should've studied last night, but couldn't.

"Ooh." Jen sat beside me. "Something happened." Then she put her arms around my shoulder and pulled me towards her. "What got your thong in a twist, ah?" She kid.

"I don't wear thongs." I snapped, "And it's nothing. Just woke up on a different side of the bed."

Mariel sat on the chair in front of me and swirled the chair to face me. "Good to hear. Now that you don't have a problem, care to tell us about what happened between you and your.." She trailed off then looked at Jen with mischievous look.

"Lover.." They sang in chorus. You know? That TS song.

"I wasn't thinking about Clarence." I scoffed.

Jen chirped after slamming her hand on the table. "AHA! I knew it was about him."

"I said it wasn't--"

"But we didn't mention a name, sweetheart." Then Mariel winked at me. "You were the one who mentioned him."

I groaned as I rolled my eyes. "Okay, it's Clarence."