Another 2 Years Later, On 1st June 2046, Samuel is 40 and is working hard on the Nuke he was ordered to. He has almost completed it and Its presentation was planned for 7th June 2046 but Samuel Delays the Presentation to 10th June, On the same day, 2 years back his drug was stolen. He has to present the Nuke to the Home Minister "Liam Jones". He thinks by presenting the Nuke on 10th June, he would attain redemption. He even sleeps at the Lab sometimes because he badly wants this project to be successful and finally on 9th June, it's 1.A.M and Samuel has finally completed it, he sobs in happiness because he was making it for the past 2 years without any break. Samuel is exhausted and doesn't want this Nuke to be stolen, so he decides that he will spend the night in the Lab. Samuel lies down and immediately falls asleep. In his dreams, he sees Martin and remembers the same fight they had on the same day when his father disappears. He hears Martin saying " You will just end up like your Father" and he wakes up instantly. While he's barely can see as he still feels sleepy, he looks around but he sees that the Nuke is not there. He thinks it's a dream and he claps his cheeks and says " No no it's just a dream, it's just a dream". But then he looks around and sees that it's a reality and he's completely shocked and speechless. He then cries in the Lab the whole night and he thinks that now his life is over. In the morning when the Home Minister visits assuming it to be a presentation, he sees all the scientists and higher officers are surrounding Samuel and asking him "Where is the nuke?", but Samuel doesn't reply and is still weeping. Liam comes and asks the same question and Samuel says "It's Stolen". This enrages Liam and he Fires Him. Liam changes his mind and says " Firing won't do anything, you are going to jail and not a normal one, you are going to Attica!". Samuel doesn't argue with him and didn't even wanted to hire a Lawyer. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison for doing absolutely nothing. The home minister had bribed the Judge and other police officers and just wanted to get rid of Samuel.