Rare Treasures - 2

Sam, Rusty and Rudy were walking in the stairs,

" Sam, hold on, where did you see those treasures? if they are extremely rare then you can get the most powerful weapon in the 10 realms. "

Sam was looking at his grandpa.

" What's the point, Grandpa, I'm not good at fighting, last time, I killed that Death Core Tree with the help your Bloody Destroyer, otherwise I'm not a trained swordsman, I'm just a high school student. My only thing was studying but now I have so many responsibilities, and my skills are not good. "

Grandpa Rusty was smiling and his hand was rubbing Sam's head, Rusty's eyes were looking at Sam.

" Sam, what if your skills are poor, what if you're lacking in fights, you have to practice harder, no one is born with skills, they have to work hard for master it, if you have your own weapon, I will teach you some basics but you have to find a teacher for you, one day you'll become a great weapon Master. "

Rudy realised that Sam wasn't coming, so he stopped his walk and looked back, he saw, Sam was standing alone, Rudy was looking at Sam.

" Sam, why are you doing at there? what happened to you? come quickly, I have lots of works to do. "

" Wait, I'm coming Mr.Rudy "

Sam was looking at his grandpa

" ( Grandpa, I can't wait here, or else Mr.Rudy will find out about you, come with me, I'll show you, and Mr Rudy also found some interesting stuff. I don't know what is he talking about, ) "

Sam was walking towards Rudy,

" Sam, what happened to you, why were you standing alone, do you feel dizzy? "

Sam was looking at Rudy, Sam's grandpa Rusty was standing behind Sam,

" Nothing, Mr.Rudy, I was thinking about Ralpina, I'm so worried about her, I hope she's safe, "

Rudy was looking at Sam, and comforting him,

" Don't worry Sam, Your spirit guide will be safe, she has a host now, and we have to find that Red Soul Crystal soon, also we should focus on the weapons, I couldn't find any powerful weapons, but don't lose your hope, I will look further. "

" Mr.Rudy, when we were in the room, you were talking about some interesting stuff, what is that? "

Grandpa Rusty was looking at Sam,

" So, you and Rudy have lots of conversations, and Rudy found some interesting stuff, while I wasn't here, Sam if he found some interesting, then we have to look at it, who knows? he really found some interesting stuff, ask him about more. "

" Mr.Rudy, can you tell me more about the interesting stuff, I can't wait anymore? "

" Sam, hold your breath, I haven't fully checked the treasures, so you have to wait for that, but don't worry, they will help you to increase your power. Since you're a demon, I think that one will suit you well. "

Sam was confused, he didn't have any kind of skill like reading others minds, and Sam couldn't understand Rudy's words.

" Ahh, I'm really confused Mr.Rudy, I don't have any mind-reading skills, so please say it directly, "

Rudy was looking at Sam, grandpa Rusty was looking at Rudy, he was eagerly awaiting for Rudy's answer.

" Okay Sam, I was talking about Dragon wings and with the help of the Dragon wings, you can fly in the air, and you'll be the first demon who can fly in the sky, so we don't have much time left, come with me, "

Rudy started walking toward the Golden Door, Sam was standing there, his eyes were looking down,

" A first demon who can fly, grandpa I know I'm not the first demon who can fly in the sky, You know that too, I never want to be like him, what if choose the path like him? "

Grandpa Rusty was looking at Sam, his eyes were in tears

" Sam, it's upon your decision, you have the full right to choose your path, and I can tell that you will never choose that path, so don't worry about that,"

Rudy was walking forward, and Sam and Rusty were following him, soon they reached that golden door. Rudy was shocked because the Golden Door is closed,

" What a horrible thing, when I took you to the room I saw the golden door open but now the door is closed, I don't know why the door is closed. Sam, how did you open the door, when I came to this room, I saw that you were covered by Poison Flame, how did you open the doors? "

Sam was standing in front of the golden door, his body was covered in the Poison Flame, his whole body was burning, Rudy stepped back so he couldn't get hurt by the Poison Flame,

" Like this "

Rudy was standing away from Sam, but he can see everything clearly, Sam raised his hands, his eyes were looking at the Golden Door.

" I command to open the Golden Door. "

Golden Door suddenly opened its self, Sam closed his eyes to calm himself, the Poison Flame went back inside of Sam, Grandpa Rusty was walking inside the treasure room first.

" Mr.Rudy, let's go and check out your stuff first. then we will look for my weapons, "

Sam was ready to go inside, but Rudy stopped Sam with his hand, Sam looked at Rudy,

" Sam, I have something to tell you, I know that you have fully mastered the Poison Flame and Hell Flame, but you're wasting it, you're using it as a showcase, you have to control your flame, you don't need full power to open the door, you have to reduce the size of your flames or, you will end up being dizzy. I hope you understand. "

Rudy was smiling at Sam and walked away from Sam and walking towards the south side of the room, Rusty was looking at Sam,

" Sam, he's telling the truth, I didn't stop you, because I thought you'll understand when you feel it. But before that, he warned you about it, so reduce the size of your flame or, you'll hurt someone in the future. "

" Don't worry Grandpa, I will think about it, I will find a way to reduce my flames, "

Sam was thinking, Grandpa was searching for some useful treasures, and Rudy was also searching the treasures on the south side of the room, Sam was still thinking but he didn't know how to solve this problem, so he decided to check the floating treasures with his grandpa. Sam went near to Grandpa and hold his hand

" Grandpa, you were asking about that floating weapons, so come with me, I will show the floating weapons, "

" Sam "

Sam was looking at grandpa, his eyes were filled with confidence

" Grandpa, I know that you are still thinking about my flames, don't worry, I won't use my flames until I found a way to reduce the size, so please come with me, "

Grandpa was smiling at Sam,

" Okay, I can't force you, the decision Is yours, let's go. "

Sam and Rudy were walking towards the east side of the room.

" Grandpa, look up there, they are the floating weapons, "

Rusty was looking up, he saw some weapons were flying in the air, his eyes opened widely, the weapons were really high quality,

" Sam, I never thought that I could see the legendary weapons here, these are the masterpiece of Prime Gods, look at that Bow, that one called the Bow of Destruction, it was specially made for destruction. When you hold that bow in your hands, you can use deadly magical arrow spells, "

" The Bow of Destruction, interesting, what next Grandpa? "

" Oh, that sword, ( is that the God of Destructor's third eye, Shooting Star, no way it's impossible, how can the Death Core Tree having this sword, ) "

Sam was looking at his grandpa, but grandpa was speechless, he was looking at the Sword.

" Grandpa, what's happening to you? why are you looking at the sword, is it something serious? "

Grandpa's body was started vanishing, Sam realised that 1 hour over, Grandpa's body completely vanished,

" Oh, not again, I don't even remember how many times I summoned him today, I can't disturb him anymore, but he was looking at that sword, what is that? "

While Sam was looking at the Shooting Star, Rudy was bringing a bag on his back, that was really heavy.

" Sam, come here, I found something more, come and take a look. "

Sam was looking at Rudy, and his bag was attracted him, Rudy put that bag in the land and untied it, Sam also looking at the bag, Sam saw a red and black colour wing bone, he was very surprised. Rudy took out that weird bone in the bag. Rudy was showing a red and black coloured wing skeleton to Sam,

" Sam, this is the thing that going to help you fly, look at this bone, "

" Yeah, I can see that, I can see a skeleton of a dragon wing, are you sure that, it will help me to fly, but I don't think so. "

" Yes Sam you're right, but don't judge it with the look, these are not ordinary skeletons, these are the skeletons of a Dragon's wings, not just a Dragon Wings, they belong to the Dragon Emperor. He's the second most powerful Dragon. You can never get these bones in other Realms. "

" Hold on, you're saying that, it belongs to the second most powerful Dragon, then who was the first Dragon, was that powerful? what was his name? who killed the Dragon God? "

" Sam, what are talking, it's not dead, and still no one can beat him, he is the Dragon God, and he's the most powerful dragon and the King of the Beast Realm. "

" Mr.Rudy, I can see that, you're not lying but how can it help me, I don't think it's very useless, but if you can prove it, then I will believe you. "

" Okay, I understand now, you need proof but I can tell that you have to give it a try, you have to attach with this bone, then you will found out, it's working or not, so what do you say, "

" Give it a try? ( what? am I look like a lab rat for him ) Mr.Rudy, I'm speechless right now, ahh alright, let's do this. But... mm okay let's do this. "

" Sam, do you think, the Death Core Tree was stupid to collect a skeleton, no Sam, So if you can attach these wing skeletons to your body, you will be able to fly, so turn around, "

" What? "

" Do you want to put these wings in your chest, turn around. "

" Okay, tell me, what should I do now? "

" Sam, turn around and spread your arms, don't worry, everything he told was true, so turn around. "

Sam was showing his back to Rudy, and Rudy put that wing skeletons on Sam's back. Sam's body absorbed the wing skeletons and they were attached with Sam's backbone. Sam was feeling hurt on his back,

" It's hurting "

Rudy was holding his hand

" Sam, this pain is nothing, the real pain is when the wings come out of your back, and It's so horrible, "

" No, I can't bear it anymore, my backbone is hurting, but can I fly now? "

Rudy was smiling at Sam but he was very confused.

" What happened, did I tell a joke, why are you laughing? "

" No Sam, you can't fly right now. "

" What, then why didn't you tell that before, if you tell about the process, I would deny it, but why can't I fly? "

" Because your wings are not ready yet, the process will take some time and it will take some flesh from your body and started to regenerate, so I can't tell about when you can fly. it will be tomorrow, next week, or next month. "

Sam was rubbing his back with his left hand, his face was filled with anger, but he couldn't express it, Sam was looking at Rudy.

" Mr.Rudy, I'm sorry, I think I should control my temper, what else do you have in that bag? "

Rudy was smiling at Sam and looking at the bag.

" ( What's up with the smile, God I have to learn that mind-reading skill from my grandpa, he's very luck ) "

" Okay, let's see, what's next. Yes, I found it, Sam look at this dress, "

Sam saw a white and gold silk dress on Rudy's hands, it looked like an ordinary silk dress,

" I can see that, looks very comfortable, but why are you showing this to me? is that vanish me completely? "

" No, Sam it's not vanishing cloth, it's more expensive than that, look at this dress, if you wear this dress, you can change your clothes appearance. "

" What? can you explain more? "

" Sam, when you are wearing this cloth, it will connect with your memory, so you just have to think about the dress, then it will change like that dress, so you won't need to change your dress anymore, and it's fully made by Wizards, so it won't get dirty. And when you transform into your demon form, it will expand for your body size. "

" Wow, this is the real art of work, did you find more like this? "

" No, I found only this, but if you want more, you have to go to the Magical Realm. "

Sam gave back it to Rudy, and he was putting that dress back in that back.

" Alright, what next, do you have for me, "

" Books, I have some books for you, and they are about basic magics, so you can learn some spells, I found lots of books about Elements, Beasts, and trees. I think it will help you to study about other Realms. "

Sam was looking at the bag, and he was shocked, because half of the bag was filled with books, and he saw some colour crystals and a red dagger in the bag.

"Mr.Rudy, I can see some multi-coloured crystals, is those element crystals? "

Sam took the crystals in his hands and looking at them, Sam saw some colourful crystals

" Sam, they're lightning, water, fire and wing elements, but I don't think they're going to help you, they're level 1, so you can sell it for others, that's why I collect them all, "

" I thought that I can absorb lots of elements today, but they are useless for me, my luck is not good today, alright, Mr.Rudy, I will give it to someone who needs them, "

Sam gave them back to Rudy, and he put them back inside the bag. Sam was looking at the bag because he saw that red dagger in the bag, Rusy took a red dagger from the bag,

" Sam, this Dagger is called The Devil Horn, and it was made by the blood of the demon's mother, it's can break magical curses, spells and barriers, but you have to be more careful, because it will break your spells too, so use it carefully. "

Sam was looking at Rudy, but Rudy was sad, his eyes were looking down, Sam understand that Rudy couldn't find any weapons, Sam was helping to tie the bag,

" Sam, I'm sorry, I couldn't find any powerful weapons or the soul crystal, I know that you're sad right now, but the weapons were not strong enough, that's why I didn't take any weapons, "

Sam was smiling, Rudy was surprised by Sam because he was smiling at his own failure.

" Mr.Rudy, don't worry about the weapons, because I found some weapons, look up at the air, and you will find out some weapons are floating in the air, "

" What? let me look, "

Rudy was looking at the floating weapons, Rudy realized that they're very good for Sam's morphing weapon,

" Sam, you have good eyes, I didn't know about the weapons that can float in the air, I can use them for your weapons, let's see, a sword, a bow, a shield, and a staff. Alright, now I can start my forge, don't worry Sam, I will create an awesome weapon with this, "

" Wait, I will call them down "

Sam raised his hands in the air, suddenly, the whole weapons were cane to Sam's hands, they were pretty heavy, but Sam doesn't feel that much heavy, Rudy took the bow from Sam's hands.

" Wow, this is heavy, I can feel the strength of this bow, let's check the durability, "

Rudy was trying to pull the string but he couldn't pull the string, so he put that back to Sam's hand

" Sam, they are so good, now I'll take them for now, I will make a good weapon with that, let's go and see your spirit guide, "

" Thank you Mr.Rudy for the help, l will never forget about your help, let's go, "

Rudy took the weapons and the bag in his hands and started to walk away, Sam was lastly looking at the treasures but he saw a dark smoke was coming from the treasures, he was curious to check the smoke. Sam slowly walling towards the dark smoke, and he found that the smoke was coming under the coins, so he moved some coins aside, Sam saw a big dark crystal, and smoke was coming from that crystal. Sam took the crystal in his hand, the crystal started glowing, Sam's eyes were turned into red,

" What is this? I feel something different, what is this, should I put it back, Sam you don't know anything about it, so put it back, "

Sam was trying to put it back, but the big dark crystal wasn't coming from his hands, Sam was looking very scared,

" Why isn't it coming from my hand, I think I took the wrong treasure, I have to call grandpa, he will help me, "

Sam closed his eyes, but the dark crystal was gone inside of Sam's hand, Sam couldn't call his grandpa, he was in his mental realm,

" Where am I, what's going on here? is anybody here, who can help me, hold on, was that an absorbing crystal? yes a high level absorbing crystal but, I didn't absorb it, then how can I absorb it, I have to find a way to stop it, but how? "

The Eighth Chapter is Finished