
Without wasting any more time I turned around and sprinted towards Romet's mansion. I was running and running without a break. I even tripped two times causing a bruise on my right knee but nothing mattered right now.

"Please be okay...Why is this happening??...It has only been two weeks since Knox left...why is it happening so early...why?..." I said while running upstairs towards Aunt's chamber as tears kept streaming down my eyes.


I slammed the door open while panting only to witness a heart wrecking scene.

Everyone was surrounding Aunt Rosaline's bed weeping continuously. Mom, Uncle Syle, Dad, all the maids, butler, physician and Anne who was sitting on the bed besides Aunt who was currently fighting for breath. Everyone was crying including Uncle Syle and Daddy was comforting him with tears in his eyes.

Tears were uncontrollably streaming down my face as I slowly started to approach her. When everyone got aware of my presence, all the maids made way for me to pass through.

I walked towards her while limping because I was having difficulty walking but it was not something to worry about right now.

"A-Aunty..." I said but my voice wasn't coming out as if my voice was caged inside my throat.

Aunt weakly looked at me before passing a weak smile.

'How can she smile even in such pain?' I thought while looking at her weak figure.

"S-Sabi..." she weakly said in a very low voice.

"Y-yes" I said, getting close to her.

"" She whispered to me.

"Please don't say t-that! You will be okay! You...have to..." I said while crying while she just smiled. I was holding her hand which was previously held by Mommy.

" you..." Aunt said in a very low voice but audible enough for us to hear and everybody present in the room broke down.

Soon after Aunt's grip on my hand started to loosen.

"No! Aunty you can't be weak! Please! No!!!" I said, gripping her hand harder but it was too late, she had already given up.

"Noooo!!!!" Me and Anne shouted at the same time as Aunt's hand fell on the bed. Everybody started to ball their eyes out.

Uncle Syle was just standing like a statue with just tears storming out of his eyes. Mom was crying uncontrollably in Dad's embrace while he was consoling her and controlling his tears after all she was also his close friend.

Anne was crying badly while hugging her mother's lifeless body. Whereas I was just traumatised by the fact that Aunt gave up on her life in my hands and I couldn't think of anything. A storm was going inside me...a storm of emotions, whether to cry, blame my incompetence, get angry or curse at myself for changing the plot.

Now I too broke down when I finally got a hold of my a hold of the fact that Aunt is no more....

What did you think huh? Did you think that you changed the plot? Well congrats you did! but only to worsen it more...Why?...Why couldn't I do anything?...Why?...All this effort for nothing?...Am I so useless? I internally cursed at myself while crying my heart out.

'God! If you really are there then didn't you see my effort? I know you love to see me suffer but at least...don't hurt my loved ones...Where is your damn Agnola huh?...that good for nothing being...having fun hiding and making others suffer?...Are you having fun?...' I questioned as my heart started to feel heavy as if a whole lot of weight was suddenly placed on it.

'Only if I could do something...only if there is a slight possibility...only if...' I thought and suddenly I started to feel hot as if heat was being released in my body but at the same time I felt calm too.

'What's wrong with me?' I thought, holding my chest since it was aching quite a bit.

"Sabrina?" Dad said as I looked towards him only to find a terrified expression on his face. After hearing Dad's voice everyone looked towards me and their eyes widened.


Mommy shouted and ran towards me but Dad stopped her, she was struggling to get away from his grip but his grip was too strong. I looked over at Anne who was also shocked, making me confused.

'Why is everybody like that? What's going on? Why am I feeling like this?' I thought as my head felt heavy my half body was hot like it's on fire whereas my other half was cold like ice. Suddenly I felt a tingling feeling on my hands so I looked at them only to find them glowing.

"What!" I exclaimed, getting shocked.

"WHAT'S GOING ON? WHAT'S HAPPENING TO HER??" Dad shouted at the physician who was equally confused.

"I-...I also d-don't know...." Mr. Whales said.

"My baby!!! What is happening?? Save her!!" Mommy shouted holding Dad's collar who was also perplexed.

Suddenly I felt a heavy amount of energy in my body. I was feeling extremely nauseous and my chest was feeling extremely heavy as well. Soon after a bright light spread all over the room.

Everybody closed their eyes and when they opened their eyes all of their jaws dropped.

Sabrina was floating in mid-air and her eyes, they were golden as if the sun resides inside. Her silver hair glowing radiating the light of the moon. Her one hand was emitting orange flame while the other was emitting blue flame.

Everyone was mesmerised by the jaw dropping scene in front of them when suddenly a maid shouted,


Soon after another bright light filled up in the room making every eye shut close. And when they opened their eyes they witnessed Sabrina falling from mid-air to the ground.

"SABRINA!!!" Dad shouted and came towards me.

'What's going on? Why do I feel so light? And why are they shouting?' I thought. Daddy was shaking me and everybody came surrounding me was the last thing I remember before losing my consciousness.


"She has finally awoken" said Miss Granny while smiling and looking towards the sky.


"Don't worry...She will wake up...." I heard a voice. It was Mr. Whales.

'*tch* This old guy will never let me sleep peacefully. I was having such a cool dream about me being the Divine Healer who saved Aunty who was on her deathbed but he disturbed it....hmph' I thought with my eyes closed since I didn't have the energy to open my eyes.

"But When? She has been unconscious for two days!!!" Dad shouted, making eyes wide open.

"What?!" I said getting up, making them flinch.

Suddenly I had a wave of dizziness since I got up with a jolt.

"Woah!" I said, holding my head.

"Sabrina!" Mommy exclaimed and ran towards engulfing me into a bone breaking hug.

"Ack- M-Mommy...I...c-can't...breath..." I managed to say this because she was holding me way too tight like I would disappear the moment she would let go.

"Oh my, I'm sorry. I just couldn't control myself." she said holding me. I looked at Dad who was standing behind Mommy.

'That's strange? He would always fight with Mommy to hug me whenever she took a lot of time. Judging from his voice earlier he seemed the most desperate one but it doesn't look like it right now.' I thought, looking at him who was looking at me with an unreadable expression. It seemed as if he was happy and sad at the same time.

"Daddy? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Huh? Uh...yeah. I'm perfectly fine. Why?" he asked while smiling.

"Nothing," I replied.


The door flew open making me flinch.

'Again they are at their judo with the door tradition....' I sighed looking at who it was.

It was Anne, Shane and...Knox?!

"Sabi!!!" "Sister!!!"

The three of them shouted and came running towards me before jumping on me.

"Are you okay?" Anne asked.

"I'm okay but I don't think I'll be anymore..." I said as she frowned.

"Why?" Shane asked.

"I can't breathe because of the three of you!!" I shouted as they realised they were literally sitting on me.

"Oh sorry sorry" Knox apologized while getting off.

"Knox? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Two days ago I got a letter which mentioned Mom's condition and your state. So I took leave for three days and came." I explained while I made an O-shaped face.

"Wait, I was unconscious for two days?" I asked, looking at Mr. Whales as he nodded. He had a sweet smile on his face which gave me creeps.

'What's wrong with him? He is usually a depressed soul. What happy pill did he eat today?' I wondered looking at his unusual behaviour.

"And why was I out for two days?" I asked while Mom and Dad exchanged glances.

"Nothing baby you just-" "You glowed that day and floated in the air and a bright light filled the room and you fell on the ground." Anne cut off Mommy who facepalmed herself when Anne spilled everything.

"I floated in the air?" I asked as she nodded.

'So maybe that...was not a dream?' I thought when suddenly someone came to my mind.

"T-Then Aunt Rosaline?" I asked hesitantly as my body started to tremble since it wasn't ready to hear the truth.

"Mommy? She-" " You finally woke up!"

Anne was saying but a voice cut her off. I recognized that voice in an instant and jolted my head up just to see a figure standing in front of the door.

"A-Aunt Rosaline?..."