"MOM!!! SHANE!!"

I shouted when the wrecked carriage's condition came into my sight. Dad also shouted Mom's name after witnessing the carriage's state.

I wanted to run towards the carriage but it was already surrounded by Bael's men, which stopped me from going there.

All I hoped was Mom and Shane to be okay since Mommy also knows swordsmanship and a little knight stuff so she can easily manage to survive.

Dad wanted to go and save them but the troop's men weren't letting him even breath for a second and kept attacking from every side.

I again looked towards the carriage to ensure that they were not in the carriage but to my horror, a bloodied hand slipped out of the upturned carriage, which definitely was of a female.

Now I didn't care and just wanted to go there and save them at any cost. I was about to leave the cover when suddenly a tap on my shoulder caught my attention.

I turned around to look at who it was, praying that it shouldn't be someone from that troop. I slowly turned around and saw Mommy with her arms crossed. I let out a sigh in relief after seeing her all fine.

"Sabi, you're exactly like your Father. Why did you overreact when you were the one who did it?" Mommy said as she shook her head in disbelief whereas I laughed awkwardly.

"Well, it was the heat of the moment so...hehe" I said while scratching my neck as she just stared at me for more explanation while I just averted my gaze.

"...Okay! It looked really real, okay? I forgot for a moment that it was my plan, Happy?" I said as she shook her head in disbelief.

"But what was that bloody hand? It caught me off guard! Who was it? It was not in the plan! I was really scared for a second" I asked.

"Silly. You left your fairy with us, didn't you? She created an illusion which surprised me as well and why would anything happen to us?" Mommy said as I passed an awkward smile remembering that Celi was with them the whole time. Then I remembered something as I glared at Augustus.

"You blazing carrot! Can't you do it more gently? I just asked you to hit the carriage with a slight blow, NOT TO BLOW UP THE WHOLE CARRIAGE!!! What if Celi was not present there? Gosh! You really can't go on without her, can you?" I exclaimed as Augustus just showed his usual unbothered face.

-Flashback- *Inside the Carriage*

I was about to leave the carriage when Mom stopped me, indicating not to go. Concern was written all over her face and on the other side Shane also held my hand from preventing me from leaving the carriage.

I sat back and grabbed Mommy and Shane's hand. I reassured them that everything will be fine.

"It's okay. It's normal for you to be concerned but Mommy, you know I'm not an ordinary child. I can protect myself and everyone. Maybe, this is one of my tests to prove my worth as an Agnola." I said as Mommy was still unsure.

"But still, you are still young and under trained. It is very dangerous. Your Father will never like it" she said as I sighed before saying,

"I know. I know he will never like it when my life is at risk but Mom...don't you think that this is my responsibility? To protect the innocent. And besides, if I can't even save my own family, how am I supposed to protect a whole Nation? And if I keep thinking about myself, Am I even worthy of being an Agnola?" I asked as she stayed silent.

After sometime she slowly nodded understanding my point of view. Shane was still young to be understanding such complex sentences so he just copied Mommy's actions.

"Before I leave, we have to make a plan" I said as everyone, including Augustus and Celimine, frowned in confusion.

"Plan?" Mommy asked as I nodded.

"But before that. Let me tell you about my celestial spirits" I said and started explaining it to her whereas Shane was just dumbfounded.

"So, you have to leave the carriage with Shane without anyone noticing. You have to use your secret knight skills for that. Hide Shane to some safe place until everything is over and after that take cover and we'll discuss further after that." I said as everyone nodded.

'What could be the best time to use my secret agent skills but now….heh' I thought while smirking.

"Stop showing off and continue" Augustus said interrupting my proud moment as I passed an irritated look to him.

"We have to portray it as an attack. An attack of the enemies in which others especially our enemies should be confused by a sudden unplanned attack and we have to make them think that you both have not survived which will get them off guard and it will play with their minds weakening their at that moment strength allowing our knights to take power" I said.

"What about your Dad? Do you think he will not over react?" Mommy asked as I smiled and shook my head,

"He sure will but to distract the enemy because he knows his wife is not that of a easy target to be embracing her death in just a simple carriage upturn." I said as she smiled. It was more of a proud smile that a Mother gives to her accomplishing child.

"Augustus will attack from outside, whereas Celimine will be here, with you guys. She is partial incharge of your escape, meaning your safety is her responsibility but the secret escape wholly depends on your skills, so are you ready?" I asked as Mommy nodded and said,

"Kiddo, Today you'll see your Mommy in Armor".

I laughed at her statement and stood up to head outside when Mommy held my hand and said, "Be careful, Okay?". I gave her an assuring smile before saying, "It's okay, Believe in me" and stepped out of the carriage.

-End of Flashback-

"So what should we do next? I think a little help is required over there?" Mommy said pointing towards the men who were struggling a bit, except for Dad who was knocking down man after man, as expected from him.

'Hah...What will this guy do without me?' I thought, looking at Knox who clearly looked exhausted after knocking three guys but he is good for a twelve-year-old.

"Mommy you sh- wait a second. Where'd you get that sword from?" I asked looking at sword she was holding this whole but I was too dumb to notice.

"Oh this? I picked it up on the way here, from one of those knocked down guys" Mommy said pointing at the men laying on the ground unconscious.

"O-Okay" I said as I shook my head at her 'Wants to fight at all cost' state.

'She really wants to fight, doesn't she?" I thought to which Celimine replied, "Yeah, she is really enthusiastic about it. She is feisty...just like you" as I choked on air.

"A-Anyway, Mommy? Do you think you can handle them?" I asked as she nodded confidently.

"Okay then, you should join the battle but be careful! I'll attack from here since Daddy will never like my presence over there" I said.

"Me too" Mommy said as I looked at her in disbelief.

Soon Mommy got out of the cover and joined them. Daddy's eyes almost popped out of his sockets when he saw Mommy fighting and swinging her sword like a feather.

He punched the guy he was fighting with and made his way towards Mom. A guy from behind Mom tried to attack her but Dad reached at time stopping him from hurting her.

"What are you doing here?" he said to the Duchess while back facing her as she was too back facing him.

"The same thing you're doing?" she replied, kicking a guy in his nuts.

"I told you to stay in cover! Where are the kids?" He asked while dodging an attack.

"They are safe for your knowledge. I'm not an irresponsible...mother!" she said, pushing a guy with her sword.

"So are you saying I'm an irresponsible father?!" he said, facing the Duchess.

"No. You are an innocent father who is careless" she replied with a smile.

"Oh, thank you" the Duke said and paused for a while before saying, "That was not a compliment, was it?"

"It sure wasn't" she said blocking the guy who was going to attack the Duke from behind. "Now shut up and fight!" the Duchess exclaimed while fighting with the same guy.

Little did they know I was watching their fight this whole time.

'She takes after me. I'm a proud daughter' I thought while praising Mommy's savageness.

"Both Mom and daughter are weird," Augustus said to Celimine as she giggled.

My attention diverted to Knox who was having a bit of difficulty since he was at his limit.

"Celi! Augustus! Time to Shine.!" I said with a smirk as both of them also got ready and soon I started to secretly attack the enemies. I pulled some of their legs with magic causing them to lose balance.

Then with the help of Celi, I poured water on the ground causing them to slip. With the help of Augustus, I put some of their pants on fire and just like that the number of our enemies decreased to the point that they could be counted on fingers.

Soon those numbered men were also down and it was our victory and now that the danger was averted and it was safe for me to leave cover.

My mana was at it's limit and I felt extremely weak, worrying Augustus and Celimine. I mouthed 'I'm fine' to them so they could relax a bit.

And since I was almost out of mana and they didn't want to eat up my remaining mana and so before I collapse, they disappeared. I calmed myself a bit and went out of cover and ran towards Dad.

"Daddy!!" I exclaimed as I jumped on him. He caught me and lifted me up before saying, "Look! She is exactly like you, stubborn", to Mommy, who was not even a slight bit bothered by her husband's scolding.

I gestured to Dad to put me down as he did and I ran towards Knox and Grandpa Flyn.

"Are you both okay?" I asked with concern to which Grandpa Flyn laughed and said, "Ho ho, of course my child. This is just a warmup for me as for Knox? It was good training for him since he was slacking off a lot lately." I passed a helpless smile before nodding my head.

I turned to go back to the bickering couple but halted my steps when one thing caught my attention.