
"Huh! What? Oh!" I snapped out of my trance when Marchioness Rois called out my name.

"Where is your mind?" She asked, placing her hands over her waist as I laughed awkwardly.

"Nowhere. I was listening to you" I said, averting my eyes.

"Oh really? Then tell me what I was saying?" She asked as I gulped and looked towards Anne who facepalmed herself.

Argh! Why does every teacher have to do this when they know we weren't listening. I didn't listen to a single word. I was thinking about the incident that happened last week.

'The fish market in my room still gives me chills. It was no less than a war to make everyone leave my room…Ouuh' I thought as I got goosebumps, recalling the dark memories.

"Y-Yes, Why not? Absolutely! You have the right to know what you taught! So I'll tell a moment" I said, trying to remember what she was talking about as she raised her eyebrows.

"I'm all ears," she said, making shivers run down my spine.

'God, she's so scary. Ann, help me!!'

I looked over towards Anne for help as she was sitting behind Marchioness Rois.

She understood my gesture and started doing some actions which I could totally not understand.

"Ahem…You were telling us about...uh?" I said while trying to figure out what in the world Anne was doing.

"A statue?" I asked as Anne shook her head vigorously.

"Was absolutely not the topic." I said as Marchioness Rois squinted her eyes.

"The topic was...a dress? No...tea party? in suit?" I kept guessing with the help of Anne but it didn't seem to be working.

Marchioness Rois looked behind her and Anne immediately picked up the book beside her. And she was holding it upside down.

'Anne. It's upside down!!!'

I tried to tell Anne with my eyes and obviously she didn't get it but luckily Marchioness Rois didn't seem to notice that.

She then again turned to me as I tensed up. Anne again started doing gestures as I used every single brain cell to figure out her actions.

"You were talking about...aristocratic...rules...?" I said, unsurely as she stared at me for a while making me gulp, but soon she nodded as I sighed in relief.

"Glad to hear that, that's a relief that you know what we were talking about or else a punishment was just two steps away from you" she was with a smile but I could literally see the demon behind her.

I just passed a forced smile to her and mouthed Anne a thank you.

"So Miss Sabrina, since today is our last class. I would like it if you pay attention." Marchioness Rois said sternly as I nodded.

"And so as I was saying that the Aristocratic society is not as simple as it seems. There are many things to be aware of. Your etiquette, your way of talking, how you hold yourself, your composure, your status; these are the things that you need to look after even before your life, because if you fail in any of such category whether you fail in etiquettes or holding up your status…the society is a scary place, it will never turn a blind eye to your even slightest mistake. One miss hit and you're out."

Marchioness Rois said as she knocked out the queen with a pawn, in the chess that was placed on the table as Anne and I gulped acknowledging the scary side of the aristocratic society.

"But I know that I don't have to tell these things to both of you since you both are already quite sensible considering your age." Marchioness Rois said with a smile as me and Anne looked at each other.

"Now that your basic classes are over, you both are fully prepared to join the Royal Academy. And I am a hundred percent sure that you both will ace it, afterall you both have the best teacher" Marchioness Rois said with a proud smile as me and Anne passed her an awkward smile.

"So, today's class is over. We won't be meeting often now which makes me sad but, we'll meet when tea parties or balls will be held." She said as me and Anne nodded.

"So, prepare well for your entrance exam. Make sure to give me good news, personally. And don't slack off, give your best and kill off all those rats out there, Haha!" she cheered as I looked towards Anne who looked towards me at the same time.

'Oh, how Mommy will not be happy with her current choice of words' I sighed, looking towards a fired up Marchioness Rois.

"I'll be leaving now" She said wearing her enormous fancy hat.

"Goodbye Marchioness Rois, Hope you have a good day" Me and Anne said while bowing as she didn't take a second to exit the room.

As soon as her presence left our company, me and Anne plopped on the couch as we heaved out a sigh of relief.

"Finally..." I said.

"Finally..." Anne replied.

We both looked at each other and soon burst into laughter for a reason we both were unaware of.


Soon the winter holidays ended, Knox returned to the Academy and with time, winter also passed by with fits of laughter, happiness, funny arguments, fun picnics and eating and eating....and eating.

And soon spring entered our territory, bringing greenery, flowery scents and fresh feeling with it. And a very important event also arrived.

Anne has aroused her holy powers, almost shocking our families to death. Aunt Rosaline almost fainted upon her awakening.

It was hard for them to digest that both of the only daughters of both the families are special.

And another thing as well, our Royal Academy's entrance exam also followed up with her awakening which is the main reason for my current concern.


"Sabi, have you completed the chapter on the history of the throne?" Anne asked as I hummed in response indicating that I had completed it.

Both of us were on the floor with books scattered around us. Currently me and Anne are in Anne's room, preparing for our entrance exam that is tomorrow.

*Knock Knock*

"Yes?" Anne said while being indulged in the book, the same goes with me.

The door opened revealing Ray, Anne's maid, with a tray filled with snacks. She entered and placed the tray beside us as the appetizing food caught our attention.

"Strawberry pastry? Oh my, Sister Ray!! Thank you! I really needed that." I exclaimed as I jumped from my seat.

Sister Ray and Fannie are distant cousins causing them to have a little resemblance. Sister Ray is around the age of nineteen whereas Fannie is currently around the age of sixteen which is the reason we call her only Fannie.

"I knew that, which is why I brought strawberry pastry for you and chocolate pastry for young Miss" she said as Anne also scooted towards me after hearing the name of 'Chocolate'.

"You both enjoy your break since you need energy to study, I'll take my leave." Sister Ray said and left the room.

"Anne?" I called out while munching on my pastry as she hummed in response.

"Are you sad?" I asked as she looked at me, confused by my sudden question.

"Why so?" She asked.

"Because we have to leave our family...for five whole years" I said as she got silent for a second but then spoke, "First we have to clear the exam for us to leave for the academy. If we fail we won't leave then", making me chuckle.

"I know you'll pass," I said as she looked at me.

"How are you so sure? And why not you?" she asked.

'Because you're the female lead, obviously.' I thought looking at her as she tilted her head.

"I just know. As for me…only God knows..." I said as she laughed.

Soon we finished our snacks and again drowned in our respective books to gain knowledge so that we can enter the academy together.