'This...this...Is this real? Are the teachers okay? How can they make such a test? How can this be so...easy?! At this point every single student will pass, what's the catch? Wasn't this supposed to be a difficult exam compared to the previous ones? If this is so easy, then everyone must have aced the previous ones'

I thought while looking at the difficulty of the paper. I was in a daze while looking at the piece of paper when a few voices caught my attention.

"God, this so hard"

"Are they even human? How can they make such a difficult question paper?"

"I'll definitely fail"

Then I heard Anne's voice, "This is so hard, how will I pass this?"

'If it is hard for them, so why do I find it so easy? Wait a second...Am I a...Genius?'


"Miss? Do you have any problems over there?"

I heard the invigilator's voice which made me come out of my trance.

"Yes? Huh? What?" I looked around whereas everyone was looking at me, weirdly.

And soon I realised why?....I was standing on my chair.

'When did I stand up?' I thought, not even aware of my own actions.

"Uh...Well...I thought, I saw a cockroach so I-"

"Ahhh!! A cockroach!!" a girl shouted and stood up on her seat, followed by a few more screams, startling me.

"I said I thought! It was an eraser! Chill!!" I exclaimed sitting back to my seat and when I looked towards the teacher, ready to get a scolding, my actions paused when I saw Miss Ambern standing over the desk.

"Ma'am?" a few boys at the front called her as she regained her senses and got off the table before composing her posture.

"*Ahem Ahem*....Please look carefully before shouting like that" she said as I internally scoffed.

'I didn't even make a sound, lady,' I thought as I nodded and passed a fake smile to Miss Ambern.

"Psst...Sabi?" Anne called as I leaned back.

"Since when are you afraid of bugs?" she asked as I replied, "I'll tell you later" to which she nodded and continued to do her test.

I looked around just to see everyone seriously indulged in their test paper. I looked at Aiden and as expected he had a calm expression and his hand was moving at the speed of light.

"Excuse me, Lady with the brown bonnet, Do you have any issues?" Miss Ambern called someone out.

'Lady with a brown Bonnet, stand up, she is calling you' I thought while looking here and there when I paused for a second.

'Wait a sec, I'm also wearing a brown bonnet, right?' I thought as I slowly looked towards Miss Ambern, who was already glaring at me.

"Miss, if you don't plan on solving the test paper, you may leave the class." She said sternly.

"I'm sorry" I said and buried my head into my paper.

'Geez, Why is every teacher like this? Do they really have to call out in front of the whole class? This education system really needs to change.' I protested in my thoughts as if everyone was listening to me.

After staring at my paper for straight ten minutes I finally started to do my test and within half an hour I was done.

'Done! This is so easy that I had to deliberately make some mistakes so that my genius-ness does not get known.' I thought, being proud of myself.

"Ma'am I'm done" I said while raising my hand as she turned to me with a jolt. All of the students also turned their heads towards me.

She came running towards me as she took my paper and started to analyze it.

"Oh My God! This is genius! You are a genius!! How can you answer every question so accurately?" she exclaimed as I smiled proudly.

"I always knew that my Sabi is a genius," Anne said.

"Yeah, you are the real genius, not me" Aiden added and soon the whole class started to chant.

"Sabrina, The Genius" "Sabrina, The Genius"

'Hehehe. I know. I know. I am a genius. If I raise my hand now and say that I have finished my test, something like this might occur. So I should stay quiet if I don't want my genius mind to be known. Let's wait till the others are done'

I thought, looking around at the students who were writing as if they had to catch a flight.

"You have only five minutes left" Miss Ambern announced as the students started to panic whereas I woke up from a short nap.

I looked around to see the terrified faces of students and soon a sudden chill ran down my spine.

"Why does it feel like someone really wants to drag me out, dig a hole, dump me in it and cover the hole right now?" I said to myself, feeling an instinct of currently being murdered.

"That's quite oddly specific" the girl sitting in front of me giggled and spoke.

"Huh? Yeah, cuz it seems like it" I whispered.

"Look at the front" she whispered as I lifted my head only to meet the dreadful gaze of Miss Ambern.

'Oh...So she was the one planning my murder?' I thought while avoiding her gaze.

"She hates dumb kids for some reason and seeing you laze around like that must have made her blood boil" the girl infront of me said.

'Dumb? Am I dumb for her?! You don't know my genius brain yet, you bland specs!' I thought, pointing out her specifically boring choice of spectacles that she's currently wearing.

"Alright Students! Time's up! I want all of you to turn in your answer sheets here at my desk!" Miss Ambern announced as the kids from the first row stood up and turn by turn submitted their answer sheets.

Whereas that girl and I ignored her and continued our conversation.

"She even humiliates students who rank low. She is known to be the 'Specs Devil' because of her rude behaviour towards low ranking students and her weird spectacles" she continued whereas I choked on air when I heard her nickname given by the kids.

'Why did a black bull like devil with red horns and specs popped in my mind upon hearing that nickname' I thought, trying my level best not to laugh out loud.

"By the way? How do you know so much about her?" I asked the girl.

"Well, Last year, I came to give the test and due to my poor health I had to leave mid-test. She was the invigilator last year as well and before I could leave the room she stopped me midway and scolded me in front of the whole class saying that if I was not serious about my test and knew my health condition then I should have stayed at home instead of wasting the Academy's precious time. And since my elder brother, who is a student here, already warned me about her, I didn't take it to heart"

She said innocently as anger rose up in me.

'How can she be so heartless! Pointing out a child's bad health in front of a whole damn class?! That to such a soft spoken and innocent child? She is definitely a witch!' I complained in my thoughts while glaring at the Specs Devil.

Soon our turn arrived to hand out our answer sheet. Turn by turn kids stood up and walked over towards the teacher's desk where she was collecting all the sheets.

First the girl in front of me stood up, then me, then Anne and Aiden and so on.

We marched towards the desk as we placed our sheets on the table and soon when my turn came, I handed her the sheet and turned to leave but stopped in my tracks when I heard something.


Miss Ambern said with a scoff while gazing at my sheet. I turned and left the class with a smirk after mumbling,

"We'll see about that in the future"