The Grand Ball

"Sabi, are you ready? I want to see you!" I heard Anne's voice from behind the door.

A giggle left my mouth which was soon replaced by a wince. I looked at Fannie who shrugged innocently and continued experimenting with my hair.

"In a moment, Ann. I'm almost ready, just doing the hair" I yelled. After a second of silence, I heard her voice again, "Okay, but hurry"

"Shouldn't we just let it loose or do a simple style instead of this complex hairdo" I suggested to Fannie who was currently struggling to make my hair stay in a style I was witnessing for the first time.

After another moment of her struggle, she gave up and we agreed to let my hair loose with a simple style.

I stood in front of the door, ready to meet Anne who herself would look like an angel ascended from heaven, I'm sure of it.