Walking On Eggshells

Penelope's heart sunk. Right. After being together so long, it made sense that there were still a bunch of things they wanted to do together that never happened. 

She had things like that with Roman too. Trips they wanted to take…learning how to ballroom dance…going skydiving. Things they talked about idly but never got around to because they were too busy. 

Money wasn't the issue for them. It was making time. 

Both of them worked full-time jobs and occasionally had to work outside of normal working hours. As the hospital director, Roman was on-call if something happened that couldn't wait until Monday. And Penelope semi-frequently worked on projects at home if she was on a roll and didn't want to lose her momentum. 

In the evenings after work, they tended to lie around the house relaxing and spending time together if there weren't any other commitments going on but they did have an active social life on the weekends.