On A Blind Date

In recent weeks, Kai had been keeping a secret from Hina. His blind date chronicles. Ever since he was honourably knighted by the crown prince at the end of the northern war, plus his new title as baron of house Kudo, his status in society had risen by a fair margin. With his looks and his position, he had become one of the highly rated eligible bachelors in the capital. He had also gained reasonable popularity amongst the ladies so it was no surprise that he had been getting a decent amount of blind date and marriage requests, letters upon letters steadily flowing into his office from different families of varying backgrounds. Unenthusiastic about the idea, Kai had turned down a number of these requests as opposed to Enji's advice.

"For how long do you plan to keep turning down all these blind date requests?" Enji asked, a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"For as long as possible" Kai replied dismissively