The Calm Before The Storm- Drowning

The water embraced her as she fell, swallowing her entirely as her body crashed into the lake.

She could see faces above the surface. Distorted and pale as they stared at her in horror. She could faintly hear their inaudible voices as they panicked.

Ah, this scene felt all too familiar...

Like a dream she once had before.

She was sinking fast, her struggles seeming useless as every fight only sunk her deeper, quicker; peppering the waters not to release her. Just how deep was the lake? The faces above faded and she felt the water beginning to choke her. A mean mother nature strangling her. Her ankle had been caught by something beneath the waters and it was stopping her from going up. From getting away from its grip. Like something was trying to keep her down there in the cold wetness.

Ah... she figured, she was drowning.

Perhaps this would be a better way to die than to get beheaded, she thought for a second.