Request: Settling of scores

She stood up from her chair and adjusted her dress and hair, making her sulk a little, she missed wearing jeans and also many other things.

"Let's go" she nudged her head towards the door so that Adair could do her duties and she danced her way forward.

Arriving at the throne room, Adair opened the door for Nesrin to enter hushing the other people inside, as they didn't speak until Nesrin was before the king, she bowed her head slightly and walked to seat on one of the seats.

She had made quite a name for herself during her one year of staying here, and they have named dangerous beauty, and they could never dial her number.

"I thought you guys were saying something" she rested her elbow on the armrest of the chair, as she lazily spoke. The duke that was talking continued with his report.

"Like I was saying the vampires have been going rampant these days and the King says he would not stay put until he gets a gift which is very childish of him, the villagers are complaining about their lost family and they request for an answer from you" when he finished delivering his report he waited for his king to give him a wise decision.

Nesrin didn't want to involve herself with the kingdom affairs as she was never interested in politics, but when she heard what they said about the vampire which she was not so surprised about since she was told about different species in this world, she laughed making the other people in the room divert their attention to her.

"What type of gift do you think he wants, a rattle drum?" she burst into yet again another series of laughter charming all the men in the room as the men waited for her to continue speaking actually.

"What's a rattle drum?" one of the ministers asked as he was confused about what she meant, Nesrin eyes glinted with pure amusement when she heard his question but didn't immediately answer him.

"Look, A vampire will always be a vampire, he needs a playmate or something you could actually call a slave, and he is asking you to find one" she narrowed her eyes with that last part.

"But why does he need to take our people" it was the King's turn to ask as he was interested in what Nesrin wanted to say.

Nesrin stuck out her tongue then spoke, "Duh he is tasting them out, if you want this to continue don't give the bloodsucker a gift, and you see the aftermath of a super creature" she ended her sentence there as she busied herself with answer the other minister who asked a question.

Soon the King decided to send someone and then he was left alone to talk to Nesrin whose excitement was bubbling deep within her eyes since the mention of vampires.

"Don't get me wrong but I have never lived in a world full of supernatural creatures" she rolled her eyes.

"I want you to go on a journey," he said still with a grim expression.

"Say what now?"

Nesrin acted like she didn't hear him so he threw his head back in frustration, released a small grunt then spoke.

"You want to go back to your world right?"

"Yes of course I do, and what does that have to do with that?" Nesrin gradually understood where this conversation was heading so she climbed up the throne and sat beside the king as he turned to face her.

"In the deepest part of the Morgini, there is hut covered by mist and magic, it is said that a witch resides in that hut and could give your answers to your questions, and maybe take you back" Morgini is a forest that was been told about in their stories, which later the forest turned out true.

Nesrin's heart was thumping wildly in her chest until she heard the maybe part and she could feel her chest caving in, so it was unsure if the witch could take her back?

"What's with the maybe? So you mean you are not certain of her capabilities?" Nesrin scowled at that thought, and she frowned displeased with the fact thrown at her.

"Well you have to give it a try" he shrugged his shoulders and slumped back to his chair.

"Well you are right, I indeed need to try," she said sullenly, making Dederick even more depressed if she was gone no more Nesrin and he didn't want that he wanted Nesrin back.

"And for you to go on this journey you have to help me with one thing!" Nesrin narrowed her eyes at him, while Dederick cleared his throat to speak.

"Why do I feel I won't be happy with whatever next thing you are going to speak about?"

"You have no choice" and he put the grave tone he normally used to intimidate people, it actually didn't work on her, she just yawned lazily, she had seen worse in her life.

"Because I appeared at your kingdom" she bit back with her snarky comment, "It's not my fault, heaven wanted to bless me with this body" she grinned.

"I want you to be the gift for the vampire king" Nesrin who was Relishing her moment with her thoughts abruptly snapped her neck to meet his eyes, admonishing pain on her neck.

"No….. Why didn't I see this coming" she bit her lower lips in anger, she so wanted to cry now, Dederick was amused with that.

"Don't worry it's okay you have nature to protect you" he said sarcastically, making Nesrin glare at him.

"You want me to be a fucking blood slave to a fucking bloodsucker, how do you think that would settle down with me!" her Resonant voice sounded beside his ears while he frowned he totally forgot that she had a short temper.

Suddenly big roots emerged from different areas as they snaked their way to Dederick who shook with fear.

"YOU WILL HAVE TO KILL HIM ONE DAY BEFORE HE KILLS YOU" his coarse voice made Nesrin think again before the Vines and roots went back to their source.