The Appearance of Lilith in the Dungeons

"I promise" he said before kissing her, and this time the tears came running down her cheeks as she deepened the kiss, it was so ironic that she couldn't forget this person, it was so ironic that she couldn't run away from him. Would she make the right decision this time?

* * *

"Oh sleeping beauty is still asleep, who is going to kiss her?" after she finish saying that Lilith tapped Nesrin by the arm, and Nesrin groaned before opening eyes.

"What now, can't you guys leave someone to go and recuperate?" she thought it was Allerick but whom she saw was another person or should she say demon, the demon was standing there with a smile perched on her lips. Her hair was red and wavy just like hers but this one was just so different.

The woman had golden eyes, the one that always appears when Allerick is always angry, and look at her hot body.

"Oh you like what you see" Lilith chuckled, rendering Nesrin speechless.

'An Epitome of Seduction' Nesrin said in her mind, Nes then answered

'She is Lilith one of the seven deadly sin a devil!" Nes informed her.

"Who are you?" she asked softly still not able to get up because of the pain she was feeling inside.

"Oh me, I am Lilith, A demon, one of the seven deadly sins, you must have informed yourself that" When Nesrin heard that she was shocked, how could Lilith know that.

"How did you know that?" She scrunched her brows into a frown, she had never seen this creature before but she had always watched movies about them and read about them.

"Oh I know things about Angels more, as they were born with another version of them that could direct them in every part of their miserable and weak life" she chuckled at the end of her sentence, she then stepped closer to Nesrin, Nesrin couldn't even move an inch so she waited for Lilith to meet her.

"You are quite daring for you to come to a devil like Allerick, you are even stronger than the Angels I have come across, you are special…but I can't put my finger on why you are special...hmmm" she hummed while tracing her fingers on her jawline, she looked at Nesrin with this so much intensity, that only by looking into her eyes you might drown in them.

Nesrin felt like if she was a man she would not be lying still like this while this juicy meat lay on her shoulders, she wished she had does kind of assets.

"I am indeed special, now please can you leave me alone, I have had too many visitors for a day" Nesrin spoke faintly with anger laced in her tongue, she never liked disturbance and she had no power to stop that here because she was vulnerable.

Lilith laughed and withdrew herself from Nesrin before clapping her hand slowly, Nesrin looked at her in confusion before rolling her eyes.

"You have to be careful, remember to not trust anyone, here Angel are the most valuable treasures and you don't want to fall into the hands of evil" After she said that she was gone in a poof like magic, and she was no longer in front of Nesrin.

"Oh geez are there anymore creature I need to see" she groaned in frustration before closing her eyes again.

Later on Allerick showed up again in the dungeons, he stared at her intensely at her, his lips pressed into a thin line and his brows knitted.

* * *

Nesrin woke up with a strange serene sensation on her back, it felt so cooling and felt too good to be true, it was like ice rubbing against her back.

"Oh please mother of God if this is a dream I don't want it to end" she whined with her eyes still closed.

"You are finally awake!" A sweet voice caused her to abruptly open her eyes and she found she was faced down, and that sweet sensation was from her back.

"Astrid so it's you causing this sweet feeling I am feeling, oh please more" she said huskily.

"You shouldn't talk or move while the healing process is going on" the voice she didn't want to hear spoke, turns out that Allerick was just standing a few meter away from them, his face this time was dead serious, no devilish smug on his lips, she shut her lips tightly.

"Don't worry it would be over before you know it" Astrid sang into her ears, and Nesrin sulked in her mind, she liked the feeling and Astrid stayed true to her words, she finished within minutes.

"Why did you have to end it" she whined.

"How do you feel now?" Astrid asked with concern with every soft purr she let out, Nesrin sat down with no stress, she didn't feel the pain anymore, she then hugged Astrid.

"I feel much better now thanks Nesrin, I knew that with that heavy impact on the dungeon walls I would have sustained an internal injury" she spoke sweetly that even Allerick was shocked, Nesrin always talked like there was venom.

"It's really all not me, you should be thanking the King, he punished Denisa and even helped with the healing" Nesrin raised her brow questioning Astrid.

"How, he was just standing there without doing anything, and For Denisa believe me if I was the one I would also punish her" she scoffed as she remembered yesterday to be the day she felt like she wanted to death to come to her soon.

"Well he indeed helped me with your healing some of the powers that I used to heal you was giving to me from the King" she said with so much praise leaking from her tongue.

Nesrin looked over to Allerick her lips pressed into a thin line, she didn't make any sound for 30 seconds until she coughed and said thank you.

"Is that all?" Allerick asked her coldly, Nesrin glared at him.

"What do you want?" she asked while gritting her teeth, then he came to her and inched closer to her before he spoke softly rendering everyone speechless.

"Give me a kiss" Nesrin hesitated and backed away from him slowly, could Allerick do that look at her with soft red puppy eyes, his eyes are not even golden.