Queen Ellison is Pregnant!

{eeeeee, another exciting chapter, please my dear readers support Nesrin by gifting her with the love you have for her, I will try my best to be here for you guys}

Allerick looked at Nesrin who came up to him timidly, he had never seen her like this before, and she looked more serene like that, more beautiful cute when Nesrin locked eyes with him, she shuddered she herself didn't know why she shuddered.

"Yes?" he asked with an eyebrow raised, she cleared her throat before speaking.

"Could you let them in master?" Allerick rolled his eyes at no one in particular before speaking in his usual hoarse voice, but somehow when she heard it her heart sped up.

"Let them in" even though his voice was lazy why was she even moved by it, Nesrin shook her head and turned around, she was about to keep on me moving when he spoke.

"If I find out anything suspicious last night would not repeat itself, I will give you the worst that you had ever experienced" She thought that would scare her, but it only made her red all over.

Nesrin quickened her pace to her people, Chiron flashed her a look of confusion, what was hovering all over his mind was why Nesrin was behaving like a timid little girl who just met a handsome knight.

"Old man, let's go" she leaned in closer to them "I must tell you that the palace is totally creepy" she thought no one could hear her whispers, but she totally forgot that vampires have amazing hearing ability.

"Then you prefer the dungeons" he said coldly and Nesrin turned to him, pursed her lips and shook her head fervently not uttering another word, Allerick just grinned a little, but not actually showing it to anyone that he was actually grinning.

"Follow me mom and OLD MAN" she emphasized the old man because she didn't acknowledge him as her father yet he was totally a stranger to her, Nesrin stood straight like the princess she was, Chiron was walking beside her and Nesrin didn't mind at all, as she sees him as a friend.

When they reached the castle pavilion, Nesrin offered everyone a tea like as if she was a pro at it, she herself didn't know why she was doing this, Allerick chose to attend some other matters so Nesrin was free to do anything, when she handed Dederick the cup, he stared at his suspiciously with slanted eyes.

"What's going on?" he asked slowly but surely, his voice not monotonous but inquisitive, his eyes strained on her every move.

"Yes my daughter what did that blood sucker do to you?" Ellison sweet buttery voice was registered into Nesrin ears, Nesrin raised her violet eyes to look at her, before she sighed and kept on pouring the tea for her Ellison.

"I was in the dungeons for three weeks" after she said that everyone spewed their coffee, and became silent, Nesrin rolled her eyes and grunted.

"Come clean this up" as she ordered two maids began cleaning the fluids and when they were done they left, Nesrin found herself a sit and crossed her legs waiting for a question.

"Why were you put in a dungeon for Three weeks!!?" Chiron was the first to answer his face a clear definition of angry and confused, it looked like they were taking turns to talk, because after Chiron spoke Dederick did.

"And I thought you had powers?" he gritted his teeth, quite angry about what she just said to him, then after that momma cares talked

"Did they hurt you in anyway, no wonder you looked slimmer" Nesrin rolled her eyes at her, she wondered if it was now that she was just noticing it or she was just not paying attention, and Nesrin could bet on the latter.

"I don't know why Chiron, trust me I have been trying to ask that question, but I think slipped out when I said I preferred staying in the dungeons than his chambers" everybody sighed at the same time.

"you like testing peoples patience girl" Dederick chuckled.

"Shut the fuck up old man" Dederick just laughed dryly, he didn't mind her using curse words because he was used to it.

"What about your powers?" he asked again, receiving a sigh from Nesrin, she placed her knuckles under her chin and rested her elbow on the glass table.

"It's immune to him, and trust me I am not as happy as some think I am" she laid her warnings with the look of disgust she gave them, but within her she knew that yesterday was not a night of disgust for her.

"What, so you are telling me that he is the only exempted from my powers, that's unacceptable!!!" Dederick slammed his fist on the table.

"Keep slamming it, maybe it could server as Allerick" she smiled, her smile serene and warm.

"Did he bite you yet?" Ellison asked the most important question has they all looked at her neck which had a faint mark on it.

"Yes, on my second day, is there anything you need to know because been a pet was never AN EASY TASK" she gritted her teeth while staring dangerously at Dederick who pretended to be looking elsewhere.

"I never said it was, you really wanted to go back to your world" He said ignoring the confused stare from Chiron.

"What world?" Nesrin then shifted her attention to him before answering his question with a wink.

"I am yet to tell you but now is not a good time" she said then she remembered why they were here, and clapped her hands snapping their attention to her.

"So what's the good news?" Nesrin was brimming with curiosity to know what the king and Queen of the human kingdom would achieve in leaving their kingdom to come here just to tell her something, wasn't it too odd enough, that they brought only 50 men and centaurs, so Nesrin had a reason to be curious, you don't see a human king going to a vampire kingdom every day.

Chiron eyes went to the royal couple, and when he saw the smile that bloomed on their faces he knew that it was something good to start of with.

"Ellison is gonna have a handsome knight" Nesrin who didn't know why she was laughing burst into a glorious laughter, shocking the both couples.

"how do you know it's a male?" she ended her laugh with a snort before returning her expressionless face.

"What its not?" Ellison asked, she pretty much felt like it was a male inside her stomach, she then wondered if Nesrin could feel the baby heart beat from just there, she looked at Nesrin oddly.

Nesrin waved her hand in the air and dismissed the woman's thought.

"Don't get me wrong, it is indeed a male, I am really happy for you mum" she stood up and spread her hands wide and Ellison did the same before they hugged, even though they don't share blood, they have a lot in common