Stay away from me!!

"umm author here I have been writing 5 chapters here and stockpiled them to  release them in a mass number I hope you enjoy these five chapters and also have a nice week"

"She is indeed different, and she isn't weak like you say she is" Eru retorted back at Allerick, The Vampire just rolled his eyes not giving Eru any face, he knew she was different and strong too, but she was still weak with him, feisty but weak.

"Eru for me she is still weak, what did you do with her?" Allerick asked as he stared dangerously at Eru, the two creatures were not Enemies but they have a common goal and that was to bring down Lucifer. Eru didn't answer for a while, until he was done sipping his cup of tea, the one that Allerick always kept for him whenever Eru came to his kingdom.

"I brought her to my kingdom, which you know! And she was more relaxed than when I saw her here, what did you do to her? You drew blood from her, which I know! And then…." Allerick cut her off and then completed the words.

"I mated with her!" Eru pursed his lips into a thin line and his eyes twinkled blue, he was left with nothing to say, mating with someone is claiming that the person was his, and now Eru has just confirmed that indeed Nesrin belongs to Allerick, Eru gulped down his wine again, much stronger.

"And she agreed willingly?" Eru asked the most important question because when Nesrin was with him she showed that she was this unwilling type and that she wouldn't give into something easily.

"She is my pet, does she have to agree to do something willingly?" Eru eyes glinted danger when he heard that, he slapped his hands on the table before closing his eyes like a sleeping child, but then his lips moved and several water daggers appeared from the floor and rushed towards Allerick who easily dodged the water dagger, making them stick to the throne behind him.

"She has a heart, she isn't heartless and cold like you are, respect that vampire" Eru spoke in this eerie tone that even though he looked serene and peaceful, every piece of his words was like thousands of daggers on someone else body, but Allerick didn't waver under his tongue, he also stood up.

"This doesn't concern you Eru!! She is my pet and I will do whatever I want with her, I have trained her to be that way!!" Allerick spoke in derision while looking at the calm Eru, he wasn't calm like that he was a ticking bomb, anything he wants he gets, Allerick eyes had turned completely Gold and his fingers dug into his skin making some little blood spill, but he didn't care in the world.

"From now on It would concern me, as she is also a being, Nesrin is not someone you could easily tackle down any how you please" Eru stood up from his chair and approached Allerick who was trying to make him stay away with his full released aura, but Eru wasn't even a bit scared of that.

"I am Allerick and she is a weak Angel, don't you see the big difference in this picture ERU!!" Allerick suddenly spat in anger making the equipment's in the throne shake, both creatures stood their ground and stared at each other, Allerick was in fact glaring at Eru, while Eru just defiantly stared at him, and his lips in a straight line, like a staring contest between the two, most dangerous people in this world.

"DO-NOT-TREAT HER-LIKE-A PET" Eru spoke in a deadly tone, and that was the last button that Eru could push, Allerick then jumped into the air and lunged at Eru aiming for his neck, but off course Eru couldn't give him the satisfaction, he dodged the hit and flipped backwards, Allerick planned on lunching another attach at him when he was flipping backwards, but his attack was quickly annulled by Eru's water arrows.

When Eru felt like he had landed a bit farther away from the angry king he made a water ball that covered him completely, something he always did to keep Allerick away from him, When Allerick's fire blast didn't work on Eru, and only got nullified when it came in contact with his barrier, Allerick became mad with rage.

"Eru get out of there and fight me!!!" Allerick roared again, lunging sever fire blast at Eru, but still maintaining the same effects.

"You only result in anger and blood how does that make you get anywhere to your common goal, its almost the same thing as you been controlled by him" Eru spoke calmly, but his tone was made sharp and fast, He never liked violence, so he decided to choose not to have one.

"Silence" He Roared again sending a wave of tremendous energy everywhere in the throne room, Eru still didn't waver under this and kept his cool.

                          *                      *                    *

Nesrin suddenly jerked up and found that she was back at Allerick's castle, she sighed quite depressed that she was back, her eyes lost the twinkle she had when she was in Eru's palace.

When she looked beside her she found the door and then she immediately felt like leaving the room, then a thunderous roar made her jerk up instantly and search for it, but what made her sprint out of the room was when she knew who voice it belonged to.

She ran towards the throne, not minding the maids who didn't even look up and only moved forward, she wanted to know what must have been going on that, Allerick is so angry for him to shout like that, When Nesrin approached the door silently, she could hear some words.

"You think just because you have taken her, you could control her however you please?" Eru asked Allerick who didn't even want to talk reason, whenever he was like this the first thing he would do is look for blood or sex, to calm him, down, this was what he was!

"She is my pet, I will do whatever I want with her, she belongs to me" Allerick said in a gruff but strong tone, that echoed in the throne room.

"Stop it common, we could hear your senseless banter from another kingdom" Nesrin walked in lazily and stood in front of the livid Vampire, her eyes looking drowsy and not at any point serious or scared.

"I belong to no one and I am your pet, it doesn't justify anything you do" her voice was like a melody that echoed through the walls and into the ears of people who listened, it was serene and truthful.

Allerick wasn't in his real sense to even take her words seriously, he grabbed her and was about to bite her when this powerful force hit him, pushing him some few meters away  from Nesrin, while Nesrin because of the impact lost her balance and fell backward only to be caught by the strong face ERU.

"You are letting it control you again" Eru spoke in derision, his tone biting every inch of Allerick soul, Nesrin quickly stood up from Eru embrace and stared at Allerick confused.

"Umm what's..." before Nesrin could finish her sentence she was silenced by Eru, he didn't want her to talk, and if she keeps talking Allerick won't be able to fight it.

"She belongs to me" He suddenly disappeared and appeared right beside Nesrin scaring her, he was about to sunk his sharp canine teeth into her neck, when her body suddenly emitted this strong force that sent the two creatures flying a few meters away, Eru collided with the wall behind him and balanced himself on the floor, as little blood trickled from the side of his lips, he looked in awe at Nesrin who turned to face them, her eyes glowing her shade of violet, like she wasn't in this world, she looked lifeless and not in control.

"Stay away from me!!"