Choosing the Darkside

Adeline felt like death when everything happened, she looked like she was in total rags now, nothing to even cover herself with, only the shreds of clothes that laid on the floor, she kept on sobbing, she felt like her head was spinning, and her world were crumbling down, she felt rage but didn't know how to express it, she was sore and in internal pain, she felt this fresh killing intent, but she didn't even have the strength to help herself up.

"I hope you die in here, it better than suffering, at least, you won't see us in hell!" The man laughed at his own silly jokes.

"And you guys think it's funny, how so not tasty for men to do this to a defenseless girl" Asmoedeus appeared out of the wall, like as if she was just walking in to her own home, like a spirit, she looked flawless with her golden eyes, sexy lips, and amazing body, with this luscious full lips, the sin of lust.

"Who are you?"  The man asked, obviously trying to keep his mind on track so he would not be distracted from Asmoedeus massive boobs, Asmoedeus chuckled when she saw this, but she didn't want to mind it.

"It is very wrong to still stare at a woman's breasts when she notices you, if you want to touch come have it!" She said enticingly inviting the man, her voice was like melody to his ears, a matured woman's voice, the man was very confused and didn't know what to do, he wanted to touch so badly, but he didn't know what sort of creature was standing before him.

"Are you scared?" Adeline who stayed half dead on the floor, could only hear voices but didn't even know who was speaking, she didn't even know what to even know in this world.

"No man should be scared of accepting the invite of a pretty woman like you, but it would be I am disrespecting you!" Asmoedeus threw her head back and laughed, she then suddenly stopped smiling, looked at Adeline, with this cold look on her expression.

"Play time is over!" She suddenly said before, making a twirl motion with her fingers and her eyes still fixed on Adeline, when she was done twirling her fingers she snapped them, and they bodies where immediately dismembered, later she would use it to feed her pet.

She walked towards Adeline and crouched down to Adeline level, Adeline hearing that it was only one footstep and screams, she had to shut her eyes open.

"Who are you?" she said weakly, with the little strength she could muster, her tone dry and scratchy.

"Oh hi I am Asmoedeus, Nice to meet you, I am here to save you" she replied cheerfully, trying to be patient to Adeline who was injured.

"How do you know me?" she said slowly her words slowly becoming unclear, she was now pale and her lips cracked too.

"Oh you poor thing, they are all dead now, they won't be able to hunt you in this life any more" she said patting Adeline wet and dirty hair.

"How do you know me?" she repeated the question she wanted an answer for, Asmoedeus saw that she was persistent and gave her an answer.

"You were reincarnated into this body, and you are Adeline, we have been waiting for you, do you know Nesrin?" When Nesrin name was mention, Adeline felt like her day could not get worst, but the new revelation that Nesrin is also in this world made her spiteful, and now she drew her lips into a scowl.

"I can see you know her, well Nesrin is the current princess of this kingdom and the pet to the vampire king, it seems like she has been living a good life after she got reincarnated into this world, she managed to have the heart of the man you love, and even after she died, she still captured all the hearts, isn't she so evil and so slutty" Asmoedeus was an expert on turning the heart evil, and when she saw the spiteful expression on Adeline's face she was content.

"What do you want?" Adeline asked, her voice cold and clear, the only thing that was driving through her mind was the time she was forced to have sex with the man she loved, the man who thought of another woman, in his daily life.

"I want you to pledge your loyalty to me! Its only then you can defeat Nesrin!" Asmoedeus smiled sinisterly, she made up her mind that she wouldn't leave here empty handed, if they were going to win this war, then Adeline would serve a very good goal on it.

"Whatever it is Nesrin must not even reincarnate into another body" Adeline said while gritting her teeth, not minding the pain she was feeling on her body.

"Right decision, now let's take the pain away from you, if I take it away, you are making an oath to me that, you would never serve anyone except me, you shall belong to me, and only obey my commands" Adeline bit her lips in anger, her eyes were fiery and you could see that she was very angry, if it hadn't been because of Nesrin she wouldn't take this oath, and she wouldn't have died and come to this world.

"Just make me strong again, and I am all yours" with the last bit of strength she had she spat out that sentence, she was reborn in this world as nothing so it's better she completes her goals here and then die as nothing, in a villain story.

Asmoedeus smiled sweetly as she finally got what she wanted, she waved her hand in the air and the wound in Adeline's body healed up in an instant, but Asmoedeus didn't make Adeline know that she also put something into her body, when Adeline felt this rush of energy in her body, she smiled sinisterly and stood up, staring coldly at the various poodle of blood beneath her feet.

"So what's my first mission master?" Adeline's eyes glowed golden, meant she was now on the devils side, she never meant for life to track her this way but she wouldn't let this chance slip away, the only chance to inflict pain on the person who also inflicted pain on her.

She wondered how Daniel was doing, if he was well or if he was somewhere else, or even dead, the world was left for him now, as she was no longer in his own world.