The Date with Rob Lovender!!!

  "Nova I brought you notes for the classes you missed this morning…I hope this is enough for you to make up for your class you missed!" Nova stared at him while also smiling, this guy is in the same lecture hall with her studying the same course as her which was literary studies, and Nova couldn't make it to class because her father kept on nagging her, she clocked 19 and she already turned into a more beautiful girl.

"You really don't have to give me this, Louis, I could just sit for the next class and forget about this" Louis scratched the back of his head, as he searched for what to say, but since he didn't find it, he just sighed with a very terrible expression on his face.

"Anything else you need to say, and anyways thank you for the notes it would be off good use to me" she smiled sweetly as she collected the notes, the smile was the one thing that made Louis bright up and then blushes a little because of her smile.