Derrick Declaration!!

Nova didn't know how to answer to that so she continued to bite on the cookie and gulping down the milk, and he did the same while also groaning every now and then in pleasure, Derrick never in his wildest dream would have guessed that Nova was a good cook, she totally surprised him and he didn't know if she was able to cook like this in her past life.

"Where did you learn how to cook?" Derrick asked still nibbling on one of the cookies, Nova looked at him cutely, making Derrick stretch his hands and pinch her cheeks, and she pouted unhappily.

"I am not a rabbit, stop pinching me" she gulped her drink in one go and then stood up in a haste, Derrick also finished his and then continued to fix himself for work, his father summoned him for a business meeting which he was supposed to be in by 9 am but then how could he turn down his sweetheart.