In an unknown location, a figure sat crossed legged, while floating in an extremely dark place, which was only illuminated by the blinding purple light the figure radiated, and coming from the figure, an oppressive aura of power oozed out, even space itself seemed to distort due to the aura

The figure was currently busy tinkering with a series of illusory floating screens, when suddenly; one of the multiple floating screens dispersed into wisps of light particles.

If one could see past the purple light the figure radiated, they would see that, the figure, which had the face of a female, raised an eyebrow.

After a series of finger movements, a new screen appeared, but immediately dispersed into wisps of light particles.

At that point, the woman straightened her position, then again, summoned another screen, only for it to disperse immediately after.

Immediately that happened, the dark environment seemed to quake, as the woman traced a circle in the air, then runes immediately formed inside of it creating a magic circle!.

The magic circle shone with a purple light, then afterwards turned glossy white, before a male face appeared in it.

"What?", the person said in an annoyed tone.

Ignoring the annoyed tone, her voice rang out, "We have a problem".




Inside a brightly lit room, around 100m in width, and 230m in here height, adorned with golden coloured tapestries, multiple chandeliers made of emeralds and carved diamond, luxurious looking carpets, and even golden coloured pillars which pulsed with green coloured runes, and held the roof.

There sat five figures around a brown table, each of these figures not radiating an ounce of power, but their demeanor which exuded that of authority, gave a hint to their identities.

Currently, these figures had a pensive expression, as it seemed they were in a serious discussion.

"So what do you think?", the voice of the female we talked about rang out.

Currently she wore a purple robe, which had golden inscriptions running across it's lengths, giving it an exquisite look.

No voices replied, as all the others seemed to be in deep thoughts, until another female voice rang out.

"He has definitely gotten help from someone at equal levels as us", the woman, who was currently draped in a green robe said.

At her words, the expressions of the four flickered, as they all wore a frown.

"Are you suggesting that one of us has rendered our help to him", one of the three men there, spoke, his voice radiating coldness. He was currently dressed in a red robe, that had flames of similar colour, dancing around it.

The expression of the lady who spoke earlier flickered, as she replied, "No. What I meant was that, someone who isn't among us, but is at our level of strength, has helped him.", she said shaking her head

At that all their expressions, returned to that of thoughtfulness. "There are multiple entities like that, but, there is only one who would dare to do such", the woman in purple said.

Immediately she said that, all their eyes flickered with understanding, as the only person capable of doing such appeared in their minds. Though a frown appeared on their faces immediately after.

"If you mean 'him', then we have a serious problem", another man who was in blue robe said.

The lady in purple sighed, as she replied, "He is the only one with the guts to do that".

"That is because he has enough power, and resources to back it up.", the lady dressed in green countered.

"He has definitely given him an item that can erase his presence", the man In red spoke.

"Which confirms that he is truly the god of speeds' heir", the man dressed in blue replied.

"It's been how many millennials?", the woman dressed in green replied.

Immediately she said that, a silence fell in their midst, as they all seemed to recall 'special' memories, since once in a while a tremor would run through their bodies.

"We cannot let the heir of such a monster grow", the man in red eventually said, as all the others nodded in response.

"Though is there much we can do. Cregar won't let us intervene since it can't sense his presence", the woman in purple said.

They all went into thoughts once again.

"How about going to meet 'him", the woman in green offered.

Though nobody answered. After a few seconds of silence her voice rang out, "We have to do something!", she said, with a frown.

"What!. We all know he is too strong, he may be in our level, but we aren't strong enough for him, he has warned us to never disturb him, so unless you want to die you can go", the man in red replied, as his aura burst out in anger, causing the lady in green to shrink.

Though, another aura exploded outwards, causing the place to light up with a purple radiance, "We aren't here to fight amongst ourselves, so be careful the way you talk 'MARCUS'", the lady in purple said, with a warning tone.

This time it was the man in reds', turn to shrink, as he sat on his seat, with a snort.

Seeing that he complied, the lady in purple folded her aura. "Though he is right, he is too strong, but nevertheless we have to do something", she said.

No reply came, until the last man who had been silent all this while, stood and talked, "I'll go", he stated.

The man was clothed in a yellow robe that had multiple drawings of flowers on it.

All the faces of those, there flickered in surprise, as they all seemed to consider something. "I'll go too", Marcus eventually said, while gazing at the lady in purple.

Ignoring Marcus's gaze, her voice rang out, "Are you sure?. Though he doesn't know you, he'll recognize that you are with us". She said with a worried expression, while directing her question to the man in yellow.

"I know, but I'll be careful, so please, do not worry", The man replied, performing a slight bow.

The other's showed a weird expression at the scene, but didn't say anything.

"What exactly are you going to do, I hope you know you can't engage him in a fight", the lady in green said, as all attention returned back to man in yellow.

Giving a light smile, he replied, "I'll just engage him in a conversation, after all according to what I've heard from you all, he likes to have fun".




Inside a fairly plain room, in a location we currently don't have access to.

The figure of the lady in purple could be seen, as she sat in front of a highly decorated mirror, seemingly staring at herself, while also in thoughts.

She sat in silence, until a sigh escaped her mouth. "What a troublesome situation", she eventually muttered.

Immediately she finished her words, a male figure materialized, behind her, his voice ringing out, before she could say anything, "Oh, did I cause you trouble", he said in a playful tone.

Immediately she heard the voice, her aura exploded outwards. A sword appearing In her hands, as she swung it towards the male figure. Only for it to be caught with his bare hands.

Immediately she saw the face of her visitor, she frowned deeply, as she jumped backwards, after the man had released her sword from his grip.

The face, of a man who looked no older than thirty entered her vision. The man had beautiful black hair, that seemed to glow with numerous notes of light. His eyes black in colour, as they seemed to glow.

He currently wore, an absolutely black robe, that was so black it's edges were hard to discern, even in the bright room.

If Noah were present here. He would recognize the voice of the man, to be the same as the black figure!!.

"What do you want?", her voice rang out as she stored her sword, seemingly understanding that he wasn't going to fight her.

"I came to return something of yours", he replied, as a person's head appeared out of thin air, and rolled on the floor.

Immediately the woman saw it, her expression darkened, as she said nothing, but grit her teeth.

The head belonged to the man who had said that, he would visit the person standing right In front of the woman In purple. It seemed things had gone wrong.

"Next time, send someone stronger, and that know how to have fun". The man said.

"What about Marcus", she replied.

"Oh yeah, I let him go. Barely", he replied, his figure immediately vanishing the next second. It seems he didn't want to stay there long.

Immediately he was gone, the woman's face twisted in rage, as her aura burst out, heavily damaging the room, though she didn't seem care.

Tracing a magic circle in the air, her voice rang out before the person behind the illusory screen could talk, "We have a big problem!!".